Program Restructure

Rationale for Change

The international security environment has changed dramatically since the end of the Cold War and the demise of the Soviet threat. Today, the Navy still has a Blue water mission, but the National Security Strategy recognizes the increasing likelihood that the Navy will have to fight and win in the littoral.

Multiple studies show a Family of Ships is required to successfully implement this National Security Strategy. Winning the fight, requires the ability to conduct assured access and maneuver warfare.

DD(X) will be a multi-mission surface combatant and will be the precision strike and volume fires provider within the family of surface combatants. It will focus on risk mitigation of transformational technologies for the Surface Fleet, allowing the Navy to take the fight to the enemy anytime and anywhere. DD(X) is the centerpiece to transforming the 21st Century Navy.

The Way Ahead - Transforming the Navy

The Family of Ships DD(X), CG(X), and LCS will achieve a complementary, balanced total force.

DD(X) technologies will be incorporated across all FOS platforms and the DD(X) Program will lead the way by introducing major advances in:

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Last updated: 20-Aug-2004

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