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This page last modified 9 July 2003


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Occasionally, course omissions and other discrepancies do occur in the data reported to AARTS. Please notify AARTS in writing of these discrepancies according to your status (active or inactive) as listed below. You must also provide the proper documentation requested below for research.  The AARTS staff will be unable to correct your transcript without it. A checklist has been added below (depending on your current status--active/veteran) for your convenience. We realize that there is a lot of information here but it is important that you read, understand and follow these directions concerning the types of information that are and are not included on the AARTS transcript. Failure to do so could result in the inability to correct or delay of your transcript.


dot BASD Error: If you have tried to access your transcript online and encountered a BASD error, you should receive an email reply from AARTS with the BASD date that is recorded in our data base. An incorrect BASD has no effect on viewing or receiving your transcript as "Time In Service" is no longer displayed on the transcript. Many service members are unaware that they have an adjusted BASD. If you had a break in service between enlistments, you should subtract the total amount of time of your previous enlistment(s) from the entry date of your current enlistment to determine your adjusted BASD date. For example, if you recently entered the service on 1 May 1998 with three years and three months prior service your adjusted BASD would be 1 February 1995. If you still believe your BASD to be in error and want to have it corrected, veterans should send in a copy of your earliest DD Form 214 or NGB Form 22 in accordance with the directions for veterans below. Active service members (including those in an active drill status with the National Guard or Reserve) will need to mail or fax a current copy of their LES, DA Form 2-1 or ERB as described below in item 4 for active personnel.


dot Types of information included on your transcript:

Courses: AIT, PLDC, BNCOC, ANCOC, any MOS-, SQI- or ASI-producing course, all formal army school (resident) training (courses conducted at the various army training facilities throughout the US and some foreign countries—i.e., Academy of Health Sciences at Ft. Sam Houston; MP School at Ft. McClellan or Ft. Leonard Wood; 7th Army Training Center, Vilseck, Germany).

MOS: Any MOS that you were officially awarded--primary, duty, or secondary. The MOS must be annotated on your DA Form 2-1 (active) or DD Form 214 or NGB Form 22 (inactive) (or DD Form 215, Correction to DD Form 214 or NGB Form 22A, Correction to NGB Form 22).


dotTypes of information NOT included on your transcript:

Awards (medals).

Courses: Local training taken at the garrison/company/unit level or Army Education Center (i.e., motor pool training; Microsoft (MS) computer classes; unit armorer classes; Leadership Education And Development (LEAD) training); FEMA courses; any correspondence course NOT reported through the Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS); civilian courses (any course taken at or through a civilian college even if paid for by the Army); courses taken while a member of another military service (Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, etc.).


  1. Is the course documented on your Enlisted Record Brief (ERB)/Officer Record Brief (ORB)?
  2. Was a Department of the Army certificate issued upon completion of the course?
  3. Was the course taken at a formal Army school?

If the answer to any of these questions is "No" then it does not qualify for inclusion on the AARTS transcript.

MOS: Any MOS that you served in an unofficial capacity or held while a member of another military service (Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, etc.). All MOSs must be documented on your DA Form 2-1 (active) or DD Form 214 or NGB Form 22 (inactive) (or DD Form 215, Correction to DD Form 214 or NGB Form 22A, Correction to NGB Form 22). An NCOER form is not an acceptable document for adding an MOS to your AARTS transcript.


dot COURSE/MOS Descriptions and Credit Recommendations (to include PENDING): Any questions that you may have concerning the description of a course or MOS, or more specifically the credit recommendation for same, should be directed to the American Council on Education (ACE). This includes questions concerning courses and MOSs that are "Pending Evaluation" or courses that are not evaluated and listed in the "Other Learning Experiences" section of your transcript. The AARTS Operations Center has no control over the evaluation process and is unable to answer questions about why the amount or type of credit was recommended, or when/if a course/MOS will be evaluated. ACE is the organization responsible for these evaluations (descriptions and credit recommendations) that appear on the transcript and these types of questions should be directed to Cynthia Bruce at the link above.


Mail all documents to:


or fax them to:

(913) 684-2012 or DSN 552-2012
ATTN:  Research





dot ACTIVE MEMBERS serving in the Regular Army, Army National Guard (active drill status), US Army Reserve (active drill status) and Active Guard and Reserve. Officers/Warrant officers with prior enlisted service should follow the instructions for Veterans.

Please note:  Allow two months for routine changes/updates to reach the AARTS data base. If the change/update (i.e., change in MOS, promotion, course completion, etc.) occurred more than two months ago, follow these procedures:

  1. Write a letter to AARTS stating the specific nature of the problem(s). Include the AARTS ID number if you have recently received a transcript. If the discrepancy concerns qualifying course omissions (see above), include copies of your Service School Academic Evaluation Reports (DA Forms 1059) or course completion certificates. DA Forms 1059, if you have them, are preferred over certificates because they contain more of the information we need for research. Please include your mailing address and/or a daytime phone number or email address in the event we need to return documents to you or contact you for more information.

  2. Go to your Personnel Services Center (PSC)/unit and obtain a certified copy of your DA Form 2-1 or Enlisted Records Brief (ERB). If the discrepancy on your transcript concerns an omission of either course or MOS, make sure the missing item is annotated on your form prior to certification. We cannot make the correction for you if the missing information in question is not documented on your form.

  3. Your PSC/unit must certify the DA Form 2-1 or ERB with the statement "True copy of the original ." along with the date and original signature of the NCOIC/OIC.

  4. Mail or fax your letter and certified DA Form 2-1 (and DA Forms 1059 or course completion certificates as needed for course omissions) to the address/fax number above. A current copy of your LES for BASD correction does not need to be certified. Please be sure to include a letter with your documents to help aid our research in correcting your transcript and provide you with more efficient service.

  5. You may want to print this checklist before submitting your documents to AARTS for research.




dot INACTIVE MEMBERS (VETERANS) separated from the Regular Army, Army National Guard (non-drill status), US Army Reserve (non-drill status), and Active Guard and Reserve:

  1. Write a letter to AARTS stating the specific nature of the problem(s). Include the AARTS ID number if you have recently received a transcript. If the discrepancy concerns qualifying course omissions (see above), include copies of your service school academic evaluation reports (DA Forms 1059) or course completion certificates. DA Forms 1059 are preferred because they contain more of the information we need for research. Please include your mailing address and/or a daytime phone number or email address in the event we need to return documents to you or contact you for more information.

  2. Include a copy of your DD Form 214 (and NGB Form 22 if National Guard) with your letter. DO NOT SEND YOUR ORIGINAL. If you have enlisted and separated from service more than once, send copies of all (Army related) DD Forms 214 and NGB Forms 22 that you have.

  3. Please Note: If you are writing concerning a course or MOS omission, the missing course/MOS must have been originally annotated on your DD Form 214 or NGB Form 22 when you separated from service.  If you do not have these copies, you can obtain them from the National Personnel Records Center.  If you held an MOS or attended a course that is not listed on your DD Form 214 or NGB Form 22, we will not be able to correct your transcript with this information. You will need to get a corrected copy of your DD Form 214 or NGB Form 22 from the National Personnel Records Center before we can add this information to your transcript.

  4. Mail or fax your letter and a copy of your DD Form 214 (and NGB Form 22 for National Guard veterans) (and DA Forms 1059 or course completion certificates as needed for course omissions) to the address/fax number above. Please be sure to include a letter with your documents to help aid our research in correcting your transcript and provide you with more efficient service.

  5. You may want to print this checklist before submitting your documents to AARTS for research.