ITS Benefits and Unit Costs Database
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Now Available: ITS unit costs data with dollar year. Read about this enhancement to the ITS unit costs database. Comments and feedback are encouraged. Send correspondence to Barbara Staples at

ITS Benefits and Costs Database

Since December of 1994, the United States Department of Transportation's Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office has been actively collecting information regarding the benefits and costs of ITS. 

Information collected on the impact of ITS projects on the operation of the surface transportation network is available in the ITS Benefits Database. You may also download a one page desk reference (PDF, HTML) that summarizes data in the Benefits Database.

The ITS Joint Program Office (JPO) also collects information on ITS costs, and maintains this information in the
ITS Costs Database. The costs database contains two types of cost data: unit and system. The database is a central site for estimates of ITS costs that can be used for policy analyses, benefit/cost analyses, and project planning.

The report ITS Benefits and Costs: 2003 Update represents a culmination of nearly a decade of DOT’s active data collection on the impact of ITS projects on surface transportation and the cost of implementing them.  The online version of the report includes links to relevant sections of this website, providing access to additional findings documented after the publication of the report.  Free printed copies of the report are also available, by e-mailing  Several other reports and documents related to the ITS Benefits and Costs Database are also available for viewing and downloading.

Mitretek Systems Inc. maintains and analyzes the information collected for each of these efforts.

Benefit of the Month
90% of visitors surveyed at the Acadia National Park in Maine say transit information signs made it easier to get around.

Visitor survey data were collected to examine visitor awareness, use, and experience with ITS technologies at the Acadia National Park in Maine. Ninety percent of visitors who used real-time transit departure signs, and 84% of visitors who experienced automated on-board next-stop message announcements agreed these technologies made it easier for them to get around. Read more...

Last modified: Monday, 4 October 2004

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