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Chief Counsel

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Office of Dispute Resolution for Acquisition

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The Office of the Regional Counsel, AGL-7, provides legal advice to each of the lines of business in a wide variety of areas. The Legal Division works with the Flight Standards and Security Divisions, initiates legal enforcement actions against pilots, mechanics, air carriers, and airports who commit violations of the Federal Aviation Regulations, and litigates the cases which are appealed to the National Transportation Safety Board or the Department of Transportation.

The Legal Division provides legal advice to all divisions regarding personnel actions, and represents the agency in proceedings before the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Merit Systems Protection Board.

The Office of the Regional Counsel has very significant responsibilities regarding environmental law/airports & procurement/contracting, where it reviews agency actions and gives advice on a broad range of issues. These areas may also result in litigation which involves attorneys from this office.

The Legal Division reviews responses to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and provides advice on both FOIA and the Privacy Act. The Office of the Regional Counsel also provides legal advice on questions dealing with ethics and conflicts of interest. The Regional Counsel is responsible for reviewing the confidential financial disclosure statements, and serves as the Designated Ethics Counselor for the Region.

The names and telephone numbers for our staff members are set forth in the following table.                                           




Perry A. Kupietz,

Regional Counsel  

(847) 294-7109

Eileen Weikel Johnson

Senior Attorney

(513) 533-8508

Glenn L. Brown

Senior Attorney  

(847) 294-7313

Lynne Adams-Whitaker

General Attorney

(847) 294-7085

Virginia C. Costello

General Attorney

(847) 294-7313

Jeanette B. Daubaras

General Attorney

(847) 294-7313

Daniel A. Karls

General Attorney

(847) 294-7085

Michael F. McKinley

General Attorney

(847) 294-7109

Candace R. Mrakovich

General Attorney

(847) 294-7109

D. Brent Pope

General Attorney

(847) 294-7109

Charles R. Prock

General Attorney

(847) 294-7313

Norman H. Thompson

General Attorney  

(847) 294-7085

Chris G. Zurales

General Attorney

(847) 294-7085


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