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The Regional Counsel has overall responsibility for the legal activities of the region. This includes the prosecution and appeal of enforcement cases against pilots, mechanics, air carriers, airports, and others for violations of the Federal Aviation Regulations generated by the regional Flight Standards, Airports, Medical and Civil Aviation Security Divisions and by the Manufacturing Inspection District Offices. These cases are litigated before the National Transportation Safety Board and the Department of Transportation. The office also responds to requests from members of the public for interpretations of the Federal Aviation Regulations.

The Regional Counsel provides legal advice and guidance to regional organizations on regulations, procurement, real estate, environmental law, airport grants, airport access, ethics, employment law, labor relations, and airspace matters, and responses to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act requests. The office serves as the legal advocate for FAA programs and defends agency programs and decisions when challenged in court or before the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Merit Systems Protection Board, Office of Dispute Resolution for Acquisition, or in arbitration. The office also serves as legal counsel to the FAA's Transport Airplane Directorate.  The Regional Counsel is the Designated Ethics Counselor for the Region.  Additionally, the Regional Counsel's Office accepts service of legal process for FAA organizations in the region, including garnishment orders for employees in the region, and responds to requests for testimony of FAA employees.


Contact Information

Office of the Regional Counsel, ANM-7
Federal Aviation Administration
Northwest Mountain Region
1601 Lind Ave. SW
Renton, WA  98055-4056

Office Telephone Number:  (425) 227-2007
Fax Number:  (425) 227-1007
e-mail contact:


George L. Thompson Regional Counsel
Douglas R. Anderson Senior Attorney, Airworthiness
Katherine Hilst Airworthiness Attorney
Sheri Brown Program Support Specialist
Branch A –  Salt Lake City and Boise FSDOs, Procurement and Real Estate Law, Ethics and Conflicts of Interest, Labor Relations, and FAA Security
Dwight S. Williams Manager, Branch A -- Real Estate, Ethics
Karen Davis Huber Attorney -- Procurement, Ethics, FAA Security
Branch B - Seattle, Denver, Portland, Spokane and Helena FSDOs, Airports and Environmental Law, Employment Law (EEOC/MSPB), FOIA/Privacy Act, Hazardous Materials Enforcement
Karl B. Lewis Manager, Branch B -- Airports, Environment
Denise D. Knapp Attorney -- Employment Law
Scott R. Morris Attorney -- Hazmat/Denver FSDO
David F. Shayne Attorney -- FOIA/Portland FSDO
Pamela E. Hammond Legal Technician

Web Links 

Blue Dot Image FAA Air Transport Directorate

Blue Dot Image FAA Northwest Mountain Region Airports Division

Blue Dot Image FAA Northwest Mountain Region Flight Standards Division 
    (includes FSDO addresses)

Blue Dot Image FAA Northwest Mountain Region Homepage


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 Federal Aviation Administration
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Washington, DC 20591
General Information and Employee Locator: 202-366-4000