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The Aeronautical Center Counsel advises the aviation public on matters regarding the registration of U.S. civil aircraft and the recordation of aircraft-related instruments. This office has responsibility for enforcing violations of FAR Sections 61.15 and 67.403 discovered through the FAA's DUI/DWI Program, including representing the Administrator before the NTSB in appeals of certificate actions. We provide legal advice and representation on procurement actions generated on behalf of FAA Headquarters, Regional and Center offices, including the FAA Logistics Center and FAA Academy, and represent the Agency in protests and contract disputes.

Our attorneys also represent Aeronautical Center and tenant offices in employment-related actions before the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Merit Systems Protection Board, as well as assist the local U.S. Attorney's office with personnel cases filed in U.S. District Court. Attorneys designated as ethics officials review confidential financial disclosure statements and provide ethics advice and training to Aeronautical Center and tenant organization employees.

Center Counsel attorneys review and advise on Privacy Act and FOIA requests for records on aircraft and airmen in systems of records maintained by on-site Flight Standards and Civil Aerospace Medical Institute offices. Attorneys also review garnishment actions issued on a payroll system covering over 64,000 FAA and DOT employees.

Contact Information

Our office address is:

Aeronautical Center Counsel (AMC-7)

P.O. Box 25082

6500 S. MacArthur Blvd., HQ Rm. 251

Oklahoma City, OK 73169


Our office phone numbers are as follows:

Main number: (405) 954-3296

FAX number: (405) 954-4676


Office Personnel and Support Staff

Name Position
Joseph R. Standell Aeronautical Center Counsel
A.L. Haizlip Senior Attorney -- Acquisition Law
LaDonna F. Douglas Senior Attorney -- DUI/DWI Enforcement Law
Michael R. Burton Senior Attorney -- Aircraft Registration Law
Alonso J. Rodriguez Managing Senior Attorney
James M. Webster General Attorney
Michael J. Knopp General Attorney
Linda M. Lake Paralegal Specialist
Sue A. Driver Legal Technician
Hughona S. Peavey Legal Technician

Helpful Web links:

Blue Dot Image Aircraft registration records

Blue Dot Image DUI/DWI Program

Blue Dot Image Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center Homepage





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