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Quality Control (QC)

Template Samples

  • Fire Perimeter Digitized [ xml | text ]
  • Fire Perimeter GPS [ xml | text ] Updated Jan 2003
  • Fire Progression Digitized [ xml | text ]
  • Fire Progression GPS [ xml | text ] Updated Jan 2003
  • GPS Collected Data [ xml | text ] Updated Dec 2002
  • Digitizer Board Collected Data [ xml | text ]
  • Heads Up Digitized Collected Data [ xml | text ]
  • FMSS Condition Assessment [ xml | text ]

Tips for Templates

Metadata Prework

Making Browse Graphics to Accompany Metadata

When generating a Browse Graphic it should include the following:

  • Title of Data Theme reflected in metadata filev
  • Boundary of Park Unit
  • North Arrow
  • Scale
  • Legend
  • Location of Theme relative to Boundary

Understanding the FGDC Standard

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September 01, 2004