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Office of The Assistant General Counsel
for Finance and Litigation

Contract Law | Federal Assistance Law | General Litigation

Welcome to General Litigation Division
Welcome to the General Litigation Division ("GLD"). If, after exploring this site, you believe that we may be of assistance, please feel free to contact us. Please note that while this site is intended to be informative for all visitors, we provide legal advice and services only to personnel of the Department of Commerce or other federal agencies on matters of official business.

Office Description
The General Litigation Division (GLD) of the Office of the Assistant General Counsel for Finance and Litigation is headed by M. Timothy Conner. The GLD handles a wide variety of legal matters. One area of activity is tort law; the GLD provides legal advice to the Department on liability issues, investigates and processes tort claims, and assists the Department of Justice in the defense of tort litigation involving the Department. The GLD also provides advice, legal support, and litigation services to bureaus of the Department in matters of commercial law and environmental matters. In the commercial law arena, GLD attorneys counsel clients as to their rights and represent their interests under loan and guaranteed loan programs, including the Public Works and Economic Development Act, and the Coastal Zone Management Act. Activities include loan and bond restructuring, foreclosures, bankruptcies, and collections. The GLD also advises DOC bureaus of their rights and responsibilities under the Debt Collection Act, and the Program Fraud and Civil Remedies Act. In the area of environmental law, the GLD defends DOC bureaus against claims made under various environmental statutes, including the Superfund Act (CERCLA) and the National Environmental Policy Act. GLD also administers the Department’s “Touhy” regulations, which govern the production of documents and the testimony of Department employees in litigation not involving the Department.

Office Contact:
M. Timothy Conner
202-482-1067 Voice
202-482-5858 Fax
General Litigation Division
U.S. Department of Commerce
1401 Constitution Ave., NW
Room 5890
Washington, D.C. 20230

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