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Office of The Assistant General Counsel
for Legislation & Regulations

OGC attorneys testifyWelcome to the website of the Office of the Assistant General Counsel for Legislation and Regulations. This site includes a comprehensive compilation of all testimonies delivered by the Department of Commerce during the 106th, 107th and 108th Congresses, most legislative views letters to the Congress during this same period on topics of significance to the Department’s missions, and a compendium of the Department’s rules and regulations. The Regulations site also contains assorted other resources related to rules and the rulemaking process, such as rulemaking statutes, Executive Orders, guidance documents and other documents that will help one understand the rulemaking process. Finally, About Our Office provides a listing of the staff.

Office Description
The Legislative Division works with various bureaus to develop and support the Department's legislative initiatives and is the focal point within the Department for coordinating the analysis of legislation and developing and articulating the views of the Department on pending legislation. This office is the principal legal liaison with the Office of Management and Budget, working to obtain required clearances and interagency consensus on Departmental letters, reports, testimonies, and legislative proposals for delivery to the Congress. The office also represents the Department's views in interagency deliberations on legislative proposals and expressions of legislative views advanced by other agencies.

The Regulatory Division serves as the primary contact for all regulatory matters concerning the Department of Commerce. This office advises the diverse bureaus within Commerce on administrative law requirements and procedures involved in the rulemaking process, and provides legal counsel on other related laws and Executive Orders. It also serves as the Department's liaison with the Office of Management and Budget and other Federal agencies during interagency review and clearance of regulations issued by the Department, and provides Secretarial-level clearance for all Federal Register publications. In addition, this office advises the Secretary on regulatory matters, develops the Department's regulatory policies and procedures, and provides the Department 's official position on regulations affecting the Department.


Office Contact:
Michael Levitt
Lois Oliff
202/482-3151 Voice
202/482-0512 fax
Legislation & Regulations
Herbert C. Hoover Building
14th & Constitution Avenue, NW
Room 5876
Washington, DC. 20230

Visit L & R's Web pages:
arrow rightTestimony
arrow rightView Letters to   Congress
arrow rightRules & Regulations
arrow rightAbout Our Office
Quick Links:
right arrowStatement of   Administration Policy
(The Administration’s position on bills headed to the House and Senate floor; maintained by OMB.)
(The Federal Government’s
one-stop site for all federal
regulations that are currently open for comment.)


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