DOC Web site DOC Website DOC Web site DOC Website
Legal Offices
General Counsel
Main Office
Assistant General
Finance & Litigation
Legislation & Regulation
Chief Bureau Counsels
Commercial Law   Development Program
Economic Affairs
Economic Development   Administration
Import Administration
Industry & Security
International Commerce
Minority Business   Development Agency
National Oceanic &   Atmospheric   Administration
National   Telecommunications &   Information   Administration
Technology   Administration

U.S. Patent &   Trademark Office
Law Library


Office of General Counsel Site Map

OGC Home
Welcome - The General Counsel Theodore W. Kassinger, is the chief legal officer of the U.S. Department of Commerce
QuickLinks to Research a topic and DOC Person Finder
Links to Ethics Forms, Model Agreements and Other Agreements

About OGC - Office Locations and View Organization Chart

News & Events - What's new!

Employment - Job vacancies

Internships - Paid and Volunteer internships, eligibility, and application information

Contact Us - Major departmental names, phone & fax numbers and room numbers

OGC Members Only - Members only Website with restricted access

Site Search - Website search mechanism

Privacy Policy - DOC policy on information collection

Sitemap - Website outline

Offices of The General Counsel include:

Main Office - Theodore W. Kassinger, General Counsel, Jane Dana, Deputy General Counsel

Commercial Law Development Program - link to CLDP's Website

Assistant General Counsel for Legislation and Regulation - links to Office Web pages

Assistant General Counsel for Administration - links to the following Division Offices

Assistant General Counsel for Finance and Litigation - links to the following Division Offices

General Counsel National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - links to NOAA Websites

General Counsel U.S. Patent and Trademark Office - link to PTO Website

Chief Counsel for Economic Development Administration

Chief Counsel for Economics Affairs - links to Regulations and Related Websites

Chief Counsel for Industry and Security - link to BIS Web site and more

Chief Counsel for Import Administration - links to Regulations

Chief Counsel for International Commerce - links to OCC-IC Web pages and more

Chief Counsel for Minority Business Development Administration - link to MBDA's Website

Chief Counsel for National Telecommunications and Information Administration - link to NTIA's Website

Chief Counsel for Technology - links to TA and NIST Websites

Law Library - link to the Main and Law Libraries and Online Resources



Site Map | Privacy Policy | Main Office | Administration | Finance & Litigation | Legislation & Regulation | Commercial Law Development Program | Economic Affairs | Economic Development Administration | Import Administration | Industry & Security | International Commerce | Minority Business Development | National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration | National Telecommunications & Information Administration | Technology Administration | U.S. Patent & Trademark Office | Law Library