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Office of The Assistant General Counsel
for Finance and Litigation

Contract Law | Federal Assistance Law | General Litigation

The Office of the Assistant General Counsel for Finance and Litigation provides commercial and general legal advice and litigative representation to the Department of Commerce and its operating units. Joan Bernott Maginnis occupies the position of Assistant General Counsel for F&L; chiefs of F&L three operating divisions assist her in the management of the office and the provision of legal services to the Department. Mark Langstein is Chief of the Contract Law Division; Stacia Davis Le Blanc is Chief of the Federal Assistance Law Division, and M. Timothy Conner is Chief of the General Litigation Division.

Office Description
The Office of the Assistant General Counsel for Finance and Litigation ("F&L") is responsible for ensuring that administrative, regulatory and statutory requirements are met in the Department’s commercial conduct, including debt collection, loan issuance, loan guarantees, audits of Departmental Financial Statements, provision of financial assistance, and Federal procurements. F&L also represents the Department in all general and commercial litigation, which spans a range of civil actions arising from procurements, financial assistance, tort and admiralty claims, bankruptcies, foreclosures, environmental law disputes and litigation-related subpoenas for production of documents or testimony of Department officials.

FALD Offices

Main Office National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration
National Institute of
Standards and Technology
Room 5099C
U.S. Department of Commerce
Washington DC 20230
Voice: (202) 482-8035
FAX: (202) 501-8005
1325 East-West Highway
SSMC2 9th Floor OA52
Silver Spring MD 20910
Voice: (301) 713- 2175, 2176, and 2177
FAX: (301) 713-0947
Room A-121
Building 411
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 4730
Gaithersburg MD 20899-4730
Voice: (301) 975-5035
FAX: (301) 840-5976




Office Contact:
Joan Maginnis
202/482-1328 Voice
202/482-5858 Fax
Finance & Litigation
U.S. Department of Commerce
1401 Constitution Ave., NW
Room 5896
Washington, D.C. 20230


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