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Office of Chief Counsel for
The Minority Business Development Agency

Thank you for visiting the Office of the Chief Counsel, Minority Business Development Agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce. The Office advises MBDA on legal matters that pertain to the creation, growth and expansion of minority-owned businesses in the U.S. and provides general strategic and legal counseling to the Director and all other components of MBDA with regard to the powers, duties and responsibilities and its relationship to the Department of Commerce and other government agencies. MBDA’s programs are varied and range from actively providing access to public/private equity financing and strategic business consulting to facilitating strategic alliances. In addition, since MBDA awards grants for minority business expansion, the Office provides guidance on legal matters stemming from the grant award.

Office Description
The Office of the Chief Counsel for MBDA provides legal counsel and guidance to the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) of the United States Department of Commerce. The Office assists MBDA in legal matters that pertain to the creation, growth and expansion of minority-owned businesses in the United States.


Office Contact:
Meena Elliott
202-482-5045 Voice
202-501-4698 fax
Minority Business Development Agency
Herbert C. Hoover Building
14th & Constitution Avenue, NW
Room 5069
Washington, DC. 20230

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