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 "Understanding our global environment and our role in it is the first step toward living in better harmony with nature."
Reports to the Nation: Our Changing Planet




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CSI Events

Climate Variability and Human Health Program (CVHH) Capacity Building and Applications Projects Funded in FY 03

07/04, FY04 Climate and Health Summer Colloquium, Boulder, CO. Sponsored by NCAR, NASA, CDC, WHO and NOAA/OGP.

03/04, Principal Investigators Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Joint Announcement on Climate Variability and Human Health. For Research sponsored by NOAA, NSF, NASA and EPRI.

FY03 NOAA Workshop on Integrating Research and Products for West Nile Virus

Workshop on Climate Change Impacts and Integrated Assessment. Sessions on Adapting to Climate Change, and Health Impacts - Energy Modeling Forum

PRESAO Climate and Health Workshop, Niamey, Niger

12/04, Synthesis Workshop On the Health Impacts of Climate Variability and Climate Change in Small Island State - Sponsored by the World Health Organization, World Meteorological Organization, United Nations Environment Programme, NOAA and EPA.

11/10-14/02, 51st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Symposium - Integrated Methodologies for Infectious Disease Prediction, Prevention and Preparedness

Environment, Science and Development (ESD)

11/18-20/03, Insights and Tools for Adaptation: Learning from Climate Variability - Can coping with today’s variable climate offer a blueprint for future adaptation?

ESD - Africa Program

07/5-9/04, Capacity Building and Adaptation of Coastal Communities to Climate and Marine Environmental Conditions in South Africa, Namibia and Mozambique

2/26-27/04, Statement from the Thirteenth Climate Outlook Forum for the Greater Horn of Africa

2/23-27/04, Capacity building workshops, Nairobi, Kenya

9/2-6/02, SARCOF, Harare, Zimbabwe

6/02, The statements of West African Climate Outlook forum(PRESAO 5) held in Niamey - Niamey, Niger.

2/18-20/02, Report of the Climate Information and Prediction Products Dissemination Capacity Building Workshop for Media Organs in Southern Africa - Maseru, Lesotho. Sponsored by NOAA/OGP.

8/ 26-30/02, Disaster management workshop and Climate Outlook Forum for the Greater Horn of Africa - Nairobi, Kenya.

7/29-08/09/02, CLIPS Focal point training - Nairobi, Kenya.

2/18-20/02, Regional Meteorology- Media Workshop for South African development community ( SADC )Countries

2/18-22/02, Drought Monitoring Centre, Nairobi (DMCH) Forum Announcement Ninth Climate Outlook Forum for the Greater Horn of Africa (Eastern Africa) Sub-Region-GHACOF9

9/17/01, The 2001 Southern African Climate Outlook Forum(SARCOF) - Mankochi, Malawi.

5/12-15/98, Southern Africa Regional Climate Outlook Forum - Pilanesberg, South Africa. Post Season Assessment Meeting.

12/18-19/97, Statement from the Southern African Regional Climate Outlook Forum - Windhoek, Namibia. Mid-Season Outlook.

9/12/97, Statement from the Southern African Regional Climate Outlook Forum - Kadoma, Zimbabwe. Pre-Season Meeting

ESD - Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)

1/31-2/2/2002, Climate Affairs in Latin America: Climate Issues and Policy Responses

10/28/1998, NE South America Climate Outlook Forum

10/28/1997, Pacific South America Climate Outlook Forum

ESD - South East Asia

South East Asia November 1998 Update

Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments (RISA)

2/18-19/2004, Enhancing Decision-Making through Integrated Climate Research: Alaska Region Meeting - Anchorage Alaska, Co-Sponsored by: National Weather Service-Alaska Region, USGS-Alaska Science Center, & National Park Service-Alaska Region.

12/10-12/2003, Enhancing Decision-Making through Integrated Climate Research: Southern Plains RISA Workshop - Dallas/Fort Worth Int'l Airport (viewable via Quicktime Media Player)

March 2003 RISA Meeting Video

Regional events: CAP | CIG | NEISA | CLIMAS | WWA

Human Dimensions of Global Change Research (HDGCR)

10/23/2003, HDGCR Principle Investigators Meeting - summary of key insights gained at the meeting and suggestions made by those in attendance for the future direction of this program.October 23- 25, 2002.  Conference proceedings available for download; hard copies available by request from the Program Manager.

10/16/2000, Coping with the Climate A Way Forward, A Multi-stakeholder Review of Regional Climate Outlook Forums, International Workshop, Pretoria, South Africa

04/26/1999, HDGCR Principle Investigators Meeting - provide a forum for researchers to share information and experiences, to demonstrate in concrete terms the value of NOAA human dimensions research in terms of advancing the knowledge base and improving societal welfare, and to identify specific future priorities for research.

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Updated August 4, 2004