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Read Bart's Views on Current Issues

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(Arctic National Wildlife Refuge)
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  Stem Cell Research 
  Veteran Prescription Co-Pay 

Stem Cell Research 

Currently, there are two different types of stem cell research.  The first B and least controversial B is adult stem cell research.  The second and much more controversial is embryonic stem cell research.   

Although most cells within an animal or human being are committed to fulfilling a single function in an organ like the skin or heart, a unique and important set of cells exists that is not so specialized. These stem cells ‑ cells that retain the ability to become many or all of the different cell types in the body ‑ play a critical role in repairing organs and body tissues throughout life. Although the term "stem cells" refers to these repair cells within an adult organism, a more  fundamental variety of stem cells is found in the early stage embryo. These embryonic stem cells may have a greater ability to become different types of body cells than adult stem cells.   

Some scientists point to the potential benefits of adult stem cells that are obtained from organs or tissues such as bone marrow. They argue that adult stem cells should be pursued instead of embryonic stem cells because they believe the derivation of stem cells from either embryos or aborted fetuses is ethically unacceptable. However, other scientists believe adult stem cells should not be the sole target of research because of important scientific and possible technical limitations.  

President Bush has stated he will support embryonic stem cell research on stem cells already obtained from embryos prior to August 9, 2001.  This means he will not allow federal funding for any further removal of stem cells from embryos, and scientists must work with what has already been extracted.   

Some feel the President did not go far enough on the side of research while others feel this type of research violates the fundamental basics of human life. 

We are in the midst of a tremendous new debate; in the midst of a tremendous new policy direction; in the midst of a tremendous new revolution.  We cannot afford to treat the issue of human embryo experimentation lightly, nor can we treat it without serious debate and deliberation. 

We must ask ourselves, what makes up human beings?  What is the human spirit?  What moves us?  What separates us from animals?  How about the human soul?  Scientists and medical researchers can't find it, can't medically explain it, but writers write about it; songwriters sing out it; we believe in it. 

It is because I believe in life and the human soul that I cannot support embryonic research or research that destroys human life.


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Representative Bart Stupak, Michigan 1st district
2352 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225 4735   Fax: (202) 225 4744
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