Republican senators argue that any health care legislation should be posted online for 72 hours before it's voted on, in order to give the American people a chance to see what's in the bill and contact their representatives. Republicans also emphasized governors concerns that Democrats health care legislation would bankrupt state governments.
Senators Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), John McCain (R-Ariz.), and Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.) argue that health care reform legislation should be posted online for 72 hours before it is voted on, to give members of Congress and the public a chance to know what is in the bill and how much it will cost and to allow time for public input.
Republican senators point out that Democrats health care proposals would not only fail to reduce health care costs, but would actually increase these costs for Americans. Republicans believe that any health care reform bill must lower costs and increase accessibility without adding billions to the debt.
Republican Senators Lamar Alexander (Tenn.), John Thune (SD), Mike Johanns (Neb.), and Bob Bennett (Utah) point out that Democratic health care proposals would raise taxes, increase the debt, cut Medicare, and impose more unfunded mandates on states. Senate Republicans believe we should take the time to draft a health care reform bill that will lower medical costs for everyone without burdening our children and grandchildren with crippling debt.
At a press conference in the US Capitol, Senate Republicans emphasize the need to not rush a health care reform bill through the Senate, giving Congress and the American public a chance to evaluate the legislation.
Governors Haley Barbour (R-Mississippi) and Jim Douglas (R-Vermont) and Senator Mike Johanns (R-Nebraska) discuss the impact health care proposals in Congress would have on states. Barbour and Douglas, the chairmen of the Republican Governors Association and National Governors Association respectively, along with Johanns stated their opposition to key provisions in the proposed legislation that come as unfunded mandates on states.
Governors Haley Barbour (R-Mississippi) and Jim Douglas (R-Vermont) joined Senators Lamar Alexander (R-Tennessee), Judd Gregg (R-New Hampshire), and Mike Johanns (R-Nebraska) (all former governors) to discuss the impact Democrats health care proposals would have on already-strained state budgets. Governors Barbour and Douglas emphasized the widespread opposition among governors to any unfunded mandates like those contained in Democrats health care bills.
[This video contains Spanish audio.] Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas) talks about Afghanistan and health care reform in the weekly Republican address. On Afghanistan: "Republicans will support the deployment of additional troops if requested by our commanders as well as the resources our troops need to be successful as they attempt to deny safe haven to al Qaeda." On health care reform: "So instead of a top-down plan that will bust the budget, President Obama should work with Republicans on a bottom-up solution that the American people can support. "