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  • Hungry Pests

    Hungry pests are invasive species that threaten to harm our crops and trees. Left unchecked, they can devastate entire agricultural industries, eliminating jobs, threatening our food supplies and costing billions.

  • Plant Protection Today

    Every day, APHIS Plant Protection and Quarantine explores scientific frontiers, develops new plant protection methods, and makes critical advancements that safeguard our nation’s agricultural and natural resources while facilitating the safe global trade of agricultural products.

  • Feral Swine Spotlight

    Feral swine (Sus scrofa) are a rapidly expanding invasive species in the United States damaging agriculture, natural resources, property, cultural sites, and are a disease risk to people, pets, and livestock. Manage the damage and stop feral swine!

  • International Pet Travel - Everything You Need to Know.

    Are you travelling to or from another country and bringing along Fluffy or Fido?  You’ll need to meet the animal health requirements of the country you are visiting.  Learn more about Pet Travel.

  • Investigative and Enforcement Services (IES)

    Investigative and Enforcement Services (IES) is a component of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). IES is responsible for the investigation and enforcement of alleged violations relating to animal and plant issues under APHIS’ jurisdiction.

  • National Veterinary Accreditation Program (NVAP)

    NVAP is a USDA program where licensed veterinarians can choose to take additional training to become an NVAP accredited veterinarian. NVAP accredited veterinarians are authorized to certify the health status of livestock and other animals. Learn how to become an accredited veterinarian.

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