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Partners for Fish and Wildlife

The Partners for Fish and Wildlife program, conducted since 1987 by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, restores important fish and wildlife habitats on private lands. This program has been successfully carried out through the cooperation of landowners, who voluntarily offer drained wetlands and degraded uplands for restoration. With this voluntary arrangement, habitats are restored at no cost for participating landowners who agree to protect their restored wetlands and uplands for a minimum of 10 years.

The foundation of the Partners for Fish and Wildlife program focuses on partnerships that are formed between the Service, private landowners, state fish and wildlife agencies, local agencies, communities, individuals and private conservation organizations. This cooperation assists all partners with achieving mutual conservation objectives.

Through Partners for Fish and Wildlife outreach, the Service has assumed a leadership role in the restoration of important habitats for migratory birds, endangered species and anadromous fish. For further information on this important conservation program, contact Steve Kufrin in the Branch of Private Lands, Great Lakes-Big Rivers Regional Office, at 612-713-5447.

Fiscal Year 2000 Highlights

Habitat Restoration:

  • Since 1987, the regional Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program has restored over 21,500 wetland basins, totaling about 87,000 acres
  • During FY 2000, 1,791 basins were restored in eight states, totaling 6,991 acres
    • Also, 8,304 acres of upland habitat were restored or enhanced on 593 sites.
  • 3,973 acres were planted on native grasses and forbs on 428 restoration sites
    • 70 acres of bottomland timber were restored on 11 sites
  • Over seven miles of stream and riparian habitat improvement projects were completed in three states
    • Interest in voluntary habitat restoration currently exceeds available funding
  • Partnering with other agencies, nongovernmental groups and organizations has maximized available federal funds
  • Wetland Restoration Summary (1987-2000)

    Wetlands restored: 1,202
    Estimated acres: 6,884
    Uplands restored: 177
    Estimated acres: 1,487

    Wetlands restored: 283
    Estimated acres: 3,985
    Uplands restored: 25
    Estimated acres: 363

    Wetlands restored: 1,025
    Estimated acres: 5,550
    Uplands restored: 162
    Estimated acres: 1,248

    Wetlands restored: 1,405
    Estimated acres: 5,640
    Uplands restored: 91
    Estimated acres: 562

    Wetlands restored: 12,660
    Estimated acres: 42,821
    Uplands restored: 568
    Estimated acres: 14,123

    Wetlands restored: 268
    Estimated acres: 8,890
    Uplands restored: 79
    Estimated acres: 3,169

    Wetlands restored: 401
    Estimated acres: 2,297
    Uplands restored: 163
    Estimated acres: 1,276

    Wetlands restored: 4,259
    Estimated acres: 11,033
    Uplands restored: 815
    Estimated acres: 8,602

    Total Wetlands Restored: 21,503
    Total Estimated Acres: 87,100
    Uplands restored: 3,567 (doesn't include 1987-91 data)
    Estimated acres: 79,014 (includes 1987-91 data)

    Other Restoration Programs

    The Clean Water Action Plan program restored 693 wetland acres on 47 sites, during FY 2000

    • Almost 23 miles of riparian habitat were restored or enhanced on 124 sections of stream banks
  • 8.5 miles of in-stream habitat were restored or enhanced on 68 stream sections
    • Five stream barriers were removed which allowed fish passage to 2.8 miles of upstream habitat

    The Fish Habitat Restoration Program restored 1,400 wetland acres on one site and 2.5 miles of riparian habitat on seven sites

    • Almost 15 miles of stream habitat were restored or enhanced on 12 sections of stream
  • 25 barriers were removed from streams which opened two miles of habitat to upstream fish movement and usage
  • Challenge Cost Share Program:

    • Since 1988, 1,270 cooperative projects have been cost-shared with a Service cost of $4.5 million and cooperator cost of $11.6 million
  • During FY 2000, 121 projects were selected for cooperative funding ($545,000 federal funds were matched by $1.67 million of cooperator funds)
    • 1,100 wetland acres, 1,364 upland acres, 13 bottomland forest acres, eight riparian and eight in-stream acres were restored
  • Other projects were associated with improved fishing and public-use facilities, research, and education and outreach activities
  • Technical Assistance

    • USDA programs received Service assistance on 199 Wetlands Reserve Program landowner applications. These applications represented 17,438 acres and were reviewed for program eligibility and natural resource benefits
  • Swampbuster consultations were conducted on 35 wetland sites and 267 acres
    • 37 Farm Service Agency inventory properties, totaling 4,797 acres, were inspected for natural resource value and protection
  • Technical assistance enable the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to enhance or protect natural resources on private lands. Over 6,600 property owners received planning support or other assistance for their habitat improvement projects

  • U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

    Region 3 Activities by State:
    Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Michigan | Minnesota | Missouri | Ohio | Wisconsin

    graphic for cell spacing only

    Activities by StateMinnesotaWisconsinIowaMissouriIllinoisIndianaOhioMichigan

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    Phone: 612/713-5360
    V/TTY: 800/657-3775 
    Address: 1 Federal Drive
    BHW Federal Building
    Fort Snelling, MN 55111

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