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A League of Her Own

HilliardMarilyn Hilliard, 71, a retired school teacher from Butler, Pa., has always been an athlete and even a bit of a ‘jock.’ As a child, she was consid- ered a tomboy, much to the Hilliard dismay of her parents. “Women like me are competing now because we were denied it when we were younger,” said Hilliard. Although she prefers team sports, she traveled to Maine to compete in the Games on her own. Much to her surprise, Hilliard won a Gold medal in the 70-74 category of the pentathlon and quarter-mile bicycle events. Although this is her first year at the Golden Age Games, it’s not the first time she’s won the Gold. A regular competitor in Pennsylvania’s Senior Games and the U.S. Senior Olympics, her team has won Bronze, Silver and Gold in basketball and track. Hilliard describes herself as a very energetic, athletic person who picked the pentathlon because it has five events. “My backyard is full of divots from discus and shotput practice,” laughs Hilliard. She didn’t even own a bicycle, until she bought one to train with. Hilliard is an Army veteran who served as an administra- tive sergeant during the Korean War. Self-determination, drive and stamina seem to run in Hilliard’s family. Her mother, 94, lives at home where she takes no medica- tion and still shovels snow. You might say that women like these are truly in a league of their own.

Red White And Blue Day

Red, White Blue dayRed, White Blue dayThe Public Affairs Team members handed out beads, flag keychains and pencils to those participants dressed in Red, White and Blue, courtesy of the Leadership VA Alumni Assn.

Daily News


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Page Last Reviewed/Modified: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 3:57 PM

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