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Golden Age Games '02

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Welcome to Maine!

Bass Harbor Light, located within Acadia National Park On behalf of the Togus VA Medical/Regional Office Center, welcome to Orono, Maine. We hope you enjoy the beauty of our state and the competition of the Games. But most of all, we hope you enjoy the camaraderie of fellow veterans and friends. The Mainely Gold Committee, along with staff and volunteers, have one goal in common – to help you, the participant, have a most enjoyable and rewarding experience during your stay in Maine. Please do not hesitate to ask for assistance.
Our state’s motto is “Maine, the way life should be.” You are about to see why Maine is worth a visit that lasts a lifetime. Enjoy the competition, events, and special programs. We look forward to making a “Maine-iac” out of you!
Daily News


Download Today's
PDF logo Main Street Journal, complete as it appeared at the Games in Adobe Acrobat PDF format!
Hosted by
Togus VA Medical/Regional Office Center
Co-sponsored by:
Veteran of Foreign wars logo
Veterans of Foreign Wars
VA Logo
Department of Veterans Affairs

Page Last Reviewed/Modified: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 10:04 AM

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