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Kenneth A. Peterson – Always An Athlete

Ken Peterson“I’ve been an athlete all my life,” said Ken Peterson of Toledo, Ohio, this year’s recipient of the George Gangi Inspiration Award. Peterson, 62, is attending his sixth National Veterans Golden Age Games. He started in 1996 (as soon as he was eligible to compete at age 55) when he was selected as the Games’ Best Male Athlete. The selection was made for good reason. Growing up, Peterson played football, baseball, track and tennis prior to becoming an accomplished long-distance runner while in college. He first ran competitively in 1969, and over the years has run the Boston Marathon five times, the Detroit Free Press Marathon three times, and nearly 30 other marathons. A member of the Ann Arbor VA Classics Golden Age Team, Peterson receives care at the Toledo VA Outpatient Clinic and the VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System. He first learned about the Games while visiting the Ann Arbor facility for an appointment and finding a handout about the event. He’s been attending ever since. Peterson relishes the opportunity to compete, and he also enjoys watching his teammates in their events.

What a Team!

Giselle WhiteThe Veterans of Foreign Wars proudly presents a group award to recognize the extraordinary efforts of this year’s local transportation team and Giselle White, transportation chair. They did an outstanding job all week transporting participants, volunteers, staff and guests to and from the venues, dorms, cafeteria, tents, alternate activities (and everywhere else we needed to go).

You took us here, you took us there
You took us just about everywhere!
By cart, van or bus, Without ever a fuss.
You were there through it all Whenever we’d call.
Up the road, through the lane
You’re the best here in Maine!
Picture of Bull Head


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Page Last Reviewed/Modified: Thursday, August 14, 2003 9:18 AM

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