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Bowlers Beware

Edward WoodberryEdward Woodberry, 79, with the Ann Arbor Classics, is a former national bowling champion who will compete this year. “I’m just happy to be here and I enjoy the camaraderie,” says Woodberry, a Games firsttimer. “I used to think I was a bionic man, running track and being athletic. Now a medical student could get an entire education just by checking out my health!” Before World War II, Woodberry won both individual and team honors on his high school bowling team. Then he entered a national tournament where many high schools bowled and sent their scores to the American Bowling Congress (ABC) for certification and awarding trophies.
However, under then-existing rules, Woodberry, an African- American, couldn’t have his scores recognized. A second string-team caucasian bowler received ABC’s top honors that year. Although greatly disappointed at the time, Woodberry says now, “I have no hard feelings against the ABC; that’s just the way things were.”

Casino Night

Participants tried their luck at Casino Night, sponsored by Veterans Canteen Service.

Sunday Casino Night

Sunday Casino Night

Daily News


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Page Last Reviewed/Modified: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 3:58 PM

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