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Office of The Assistant General Counsel
for Finance and Litigation

Contract Law | Federal Assistance Law | General Litigation

Welcome to Federal Assistance Law Division
The Division Chief, Stacia Davis Le Blanc, administers the office with the support of 7 attorneys and one secretary. FALD staff is co-located with the three primary grants offices servicing the Department, at headquarters in Washington, D.C., at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s offices in Silver Spring, MD, and at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, MD. On this site you can find out contact information for the staff members, identify staff client assignments, read legal articles prepared by staff members, find a list of grant programs with supporting statutory citations and find links to the statutes, administrative regulations, OMB Circulars, and DOC policies governing the award of financial assistance by all of the bureaus within the Department.

The Federal Assistance Law Division (FALD), a division within the Office of the Assistant General Counsel for Finance and Litigation, is responsible for providing the Department of Commerce with all legal services associated with federal assistance. The Office advises the Department's Grants Officers and Program Officials on the establishment and implementation of new and existing grant programs; provides guidance on the award and selection of recipients; advises the Department on award administration, disputes, suspensions, terminations, cost disallowances, audit resolutions and audit appeals; counsels the Non-procurement Debarring Official; represents the Department before the General Accounting Office and debarment fact-finding hearings; and serves as co-counsel to the Department of Justice before Federal Courts in litigation defending the award, administration, or claims under grants and cooperative agreements.

New Final and Interim Final rules for Government-wide Non-procurement Debarment and Suspension and Drug-Free Workplace Requirements were published November 26, 2003, at 68 Fed. Reg. 66575. Look for upcoming amendments to the Department’s regulations at 15 C.F.R. Part 26, Part 29, and the DOC Grants Manual.


Office Contact:
Stacia Davis Le Blanc
202/482-8035 Voice
202/501-8005 Fax
Federal Assistance Law Division
U.S. Department of Commerce
1401 Constitution Ave NW
Room 5099C
Washington, DC 20230

Visit FALD's Web Pages:
right arrowDivision Staff
right arrowClient Assignments
right arrowIt's The Law
right arrowHelpful Links

Quick Links:
right arrowDepartment Grants   Office
right arrowNOAA Grants   Management Office

Federal Assistance Statutes, Regulations and Cost Principles
right arrowFederal Grant and   Cooperative   Agreements Act of   1977
right arrowFederal Financial   Assistance   Management   Improvement Act of   1999
right arrowDOC Regulations
Cost Principles:
right arrowOMB Circular A-21
right arrowOMB Circular A-87
right arrowOMB Circular A-122
right arrow48 CFR Part 31
right arrowOMB Circular A-133
right arrowDepartment   Administrative Order   213-5

right arrowDepartment Financial   Assistance Program   Statutory Authorities

right arrowDepartment of   Commerce Grants and   Cooperative   Agreements Interim   Manual


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