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OAR Recent Additions - 2002

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December 2002

Draft Health Evaluation: Effects From the Destruction of the World Trade Center
The EPA today released for public review and comment a draft evaluation on the effects of exposure to airborne pollution from the destruction of the World Trade Center. The draft evaluation concludes that with the exception of those exposed immediately following the collapse and perhaps during the next few days, people in the surrounding community are not likely to suffer from serious long or short term health effects from the attack on the World Trade Center. EPA researchers evaluated the measured outdoor levels of various air pollutants to which the public had been potentially exposed as a result of the collapse of the World Trade Center. These data were evaluated in terms of available health benchmarks and typical background concentrations for New York City or other urban areas.

A Federal Register notice, published December 27, 2002, announced the public availability of the external review draft and the start of a 60-day comment period. Concurrently, the draft report will begin the process of peer review by a panel of independent scientific experts. EPA will address the peer panel's comments and the public comments in revising the draft document. The draft document is available on the Internet at

One of the studies supporting the draft human health evaluation is also being released today. In this study, EPA scientists exposed mice to particulate matter samples collected at the World Trade Center site. The researchers found that the particulate matter samples were mostly dominated by calcium-containing compounds derived from WTC building materials and that a high dose of WTC fine PM could cause mild lung inflammation and air flow obstruction in mice. These findings suggest that a similarly high dose in people could cause short-term respiratory effects such as inflammation and cough. A final report on the respiratory toxicology studies is available on the Internet at

Transportation and Air Quality: EPA NVFEL Lab Techniques
EPA NVFEL Lab Techniques

    Posted:  December 24, 2002
  • Engine Operation Procedure 51K PDF
  • Horiba Emission Analysis System Tracer Gas Injection Procedure 1.3M PDF
  • Combustion Analysis System (CAS) Start-Up Procedure 114K PDF
  • Engine Setup 8.5M PDF
  • Soak Temperature Monitor System Operation Procedure 522K PDF

Contact:  Thaddeus Cieslak phone:  (734) 214-4500 or email:

Call-for-abstracts and Meeting Announcement for the ORD Sponsored Workshop on Mining Impacts to Native American Lands
The workshop will unite Tribal members and representatives, and government officials to examine technical and policy issues related to historic, current, and future mining impacts on Native American lands.

Abstracts for oral presentations must be submitted by April 11, 2003. Abstracts should be ˝ - 1 page in length, and include the presentation title, authors’ names and affiliations, title/tribal responsibility, email and mailing addresses, phone number, mining type and main topic. Abstracts will be accepted by email, fax, or regular mail.

Alina Martin
11251 Roger Bacon Drive
Reston, VA 20190 USA
Phone: (703) 318-4678
Fax: (703) 736-0826

For Further Information:
Read the full document (PDF 124K)

2003 National Air Quality Conference Scheduled for February 2 - 5
Air Quality Index reporting of unhealthy ozone concentrations on radio, television and in the newspapers has proven to be a potent public education mechanism. In 2003, EPA will make available to states its forecasting tool for PM2.5, which will enable comparable reporting programs for fine particulates in many areas of the country.

EPA has planned a free conference -- the "2003 National Air Quality Conference -- It's Not Just About Ozone Anymore" for February 2-5, 2003, in San Antonio to engage state and local agencies, MPOs and environmental groups on upcoming opportunities to publicize AQI reporting for PM.

Topics include:

  • Air Quality and the Media
  • The AQI and Your Health
  • Air Quality Data and Mapping
  • Air Quality Forecasting
  • Air Quality Monitoring
  • Air Quality Outreach
  • Action Programs: What Works and What Doesn't
  • Putting It All Together: Incorporating PM2.5 into Existing Ozone Programs

The program and registration information are available at:

Learn More.

This conference filled last year so early registration is recommended.

SIP Submissions for Areas in California, Illinois and Missouri Are Now Under Adequacy Review and Are Available for Public Comment
The following SIP submissions are now under adequacy review and are available for public comment. You can access them via EPA's conformity adequacy website.
Posted: December 20, 2002
Region 7: East St. Louis, Illinois, ozone maintenance plan
Posted: December 18, 2002
Region 7: St. Louis, Missouri, ozone maintenance plan
Region 9: Indian Wells, California, PM-10 maintenance plan
Contact: Angela Spickard, phone: (734) 214-4283 or email:

E-GRID 2002 Version 1.0 Posted
The Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (E-GRID) is a comprehensive source of data on the environmental characteristics of all electric power generated in the United States. An integration of 24 different federal data sources, E-GRID2000 provides information on air pollutant emissions and resource mix for individual power plants, generating companies, states, and regions of the power grid. The data are expressed in terms that allow direct comparison of the environmental attributes of electricity generation at any level.

Winter 2002 Clean Air Markets Update Posted
Inside this issue:

  • Three Forms of Emissions Trading
  • The Ozone Transport Commission NOx
  • Budget Program: A Model for the Creation of Multi-Jurisdictional Emissions Trading Programs
  • E-Government and the Clean Air Markets Division
    Sino-U.S. Cooperation on Cap and Trade
  • News from Around the World

Read more. (PDF 409K)

FAQ - Precision and Accuracy Data Posted
Individual observations of Precision and Accuracy (P&A) values are stored in separate tables of the AQS database to indicate the observed and expected precision and accuracy measurement responses for the various methods used to report sample data. These observations of measurement values are collectively called "raw P&A data" because they are the actual, unprocessed values reported as opposed to the raw data sample values and summaries of those observations derived by AQS software.

Read more.

Tribal Air -- Position Vacancies
Northern Arizona University (NAU) Human Resources: Exit EPA disclaimer

NAU College of Engineering and Technology (CET) job openings: Exit EPA disclaimer

HigherEdJobs: Exit EPA disclaimer

Tribal Air -- TAMS Announcement
A new date for the TAMS Meteorological Stations workshop has been established for March 18-20, 2003 at the TAMS Center in Las Vegas, NV. For applications, contact: Christy Nations, ITEP, at (928) 523-7792.

Thank you for your support. We look forward to seeing you at the workshop.

Tribal Air -- Call for Presenters
Community Involvement Conference, July 2003
Attached is a call for presenters for the 2003 Community Involvement Conference to be held July 22-25 in Philadelphia. Proposals are due by January 20 to the Selection Committee. If you are interested in participating, please be sure to discuss it with your management before submitting a proposal.

Read the flyer (PDF 303K) for further information

Ultraviolet Radiation Listed Officially as a Carcinogen
The hormone estrogen, ultraviolet radiation, and wood dust have joined the government's roster of known causes of cancer in people.
Full On-line Article at Health ScoutNews Exit EPA disclaimer

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) TfS Road Map
Do you need help launching and implementing an IAQ program in your school district? EPA's Indoor Environments Division has developed this Road Map to assist you in: familiarizing yourself with the IAQ TfS Kit; forming an IAQ team; and getting started down the road to IAQ success. This brief reference guide consists of 10 easy-to-follow steps to get you started on developing a comprehensive IAQ program today! Tools for Schools - Road Map [EPA-402-F-00-11]

SunWise School Program Receives Award
On Dec. 5, EPA received the Federal Council on Skin Cancer Prevention’s Annual Achievement Award. The award, which recognizes a Federal agency or individual within an agency for outstanding skin cancer prevention efforts, acknowledged EPA's SunWise School Program.

New Monitoring Data Checking Software, Version 4.1
The Monitoring Data Checking Software is a tool developed by EPA's Clean Air Markets Division to allow regulated industry and State agencies to enter, analyze, print and export electronic monitoring plan, certification and quality assurance data and to evaluate hourly emissions data for the OTC NOx Budget Program, the Acid Rain Program and monitoring under Subpart H. The software also allows regulated sources to submit Monitoring plan and certification data to EPA via ftp.

Clean Diesel Program
Presentations given at the EPA/Industry Clean Diesel Fuel Implementation Workshop on November 20-21 in Houston, TX. Contact: Mary Manners, phone: (734) 214-4873 or e-mail:

November 2002

SIP Submissions for Areas in California, Colorado, and Illinois Are Now Under Adequacy Review and Are Available for Public Comment
The following SIP submissions are now under adequacy review and are available for public comment. You can access them via EPA's conformity adequacy website.

Region 9:

Coachella Valley, California, PM-10 attainment demonstration
South Coast, California, PM-10 attainment demonstration

Settlement Proposed in Air Toxics Standards Lawsuit
The Environmental Protection Agency today announced a proposed settlement that will help industry and states avoid a complex permitting process while EPA completes its remaining technology-based rules to reduce industrial emissions of air toxics.

U.S.-Mexico Border Air Quality Strategy
At the annual Binational Commission conference in Mexico City, EPA Administrator Christie Whitman today unveiled new Air Quality Strategy developed by the United States and Mexico to take enhanced cooperative action to address transboundary air pollution along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Region 5:

East St. Louis, Illinois, ozone attainment demonstration

Region 8:

Fort Collins, Colorado, CO maintenance plan

Contact:  Angela Spickard,
phone:  (734) 214-4283 or email:

Posted: 2001 Nonmethane Organic Compounds (NMOC) and Speciated Nonmethane Organic Compounds (SNMOC) Monitoring Program Report
This report summarizes and interprets ambient air monitoring data collected during the summer of 2001 as part of the National Nonmethane Organic Compound and Speciated Nonmethane Organic Compound Monitoring Program, which is also called the NMOC/SNMOC Monitoring Program. Designed to characterize levels of air pollution in regions with ground-level ozone problems, the NMOC/SNMOC Monitoring Program measures air concentrations of several groups of pollutants that contribute to the photochemical reactions that form “smog.”

Read the report. (PDF 3.5MB)

EPA Proposes Last Air Toxics Standards for Major Sources
EPA reached an important milestone in controlling industrial emissions of toxic air pollutants, when EPA Administrator Christie Whitman signed the last 10 proposed air toxic standards required for major sources under the Clean Air Act. In five of the proposals, EPA is asking the public to comment on options that might reduce industry's cost of implementing these rules for facilities that already meet the Clean Air Act's stringent health standards. Click on the links below to read:

EPA Proposing Rule to Reduce Emissions of Toxic Air Pollutants from Plywood and Composite Wood Products Facilities
EPA is proposing a rule to reduce emissions of toxic air pollutants from plywood and composite wood products facilities. These facilities manufacture plywood and veneer; particleboard; medium density fiberboard; hardboard; fiberboard; oriented strandboard; and engineered wood products.

Learn More.

EPA Announces Changes to the New Source Review (NSR) program
On Friday, November 22, EPA announced a final and a proposed rule to improve the New Source Review (NSR) program, to increase energy efficiency and encourage emissions reductions. These new improvements will offer facilities greater flexibility to improve and modernize their operations. These changes in the NSR program will encourage pollution prevention, provide incentives to install state-of-the-art pollution controls and improve how emissions estimates are calculated.

To learn more about the background of the NSR process click here

Check out the Invitation to the Clean Air Act
2002 Update: CLEAN AIR ACT An Invitation...
The Education and Outreach Group invites you to view ...

Broadcast originally aired on November 14, 2002

To be offered twice:
November 26, 2002, RTP, NC, Building C classroom C-113
December 3, 2002, RTP, NC, Building C Auditorium C-111

Both dates from:
12:00 to 4:00 PM ET

Registration is not necessary. Come to view the whole program or sections of it. See Agenda and Faculty list attached below.

Broadcast Description:
The ABA Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources Law and the Section of Public Utility, Communications and Transportation, Law and the Air and Waste Management Association - in cooperation with the USEPA - announce the ninth annual joint satellite seminar on the implementation of the federal Clean Air Act. In this program, senior EPA representatives will join key State regulators, industry and environmental group representatives to discuss significant federal and state activities now underway regarding the Clean Air Act. Topics include: NSR Reform, Bush Administration's Clear Skies Act, Ambient Standards, Transportation Conformity, Air Toxics, and NSR reform efforts and promulgation schedule.

We hope to see you there!

Deborah R. Miller
Environmental Protection Specialist
US EPA, Office of Air & Radiation
Office Air Quality Planning and Standards,
ITPID, Education and Outreach Group
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711
Phone: 919-541-5552
Fax: 919-541-5598

Agenda (PDF 465K)
Faculty List (DOC 41K)

Read the U.S. - Canada 2002 Progress Report
The 2002 U.S. - Canada Progress Report focuses on acid rain, ozone and other transboundary air quality cooperation as part of the 1991 U.S. - Canada Air Quality Agreement. The report emphasizes the continued success of both governments in reducing emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, the major contributors of acid rain. The Report is the first to address new requirements and reporting of air quality data under the Ozone Annex to the Agreement signed by both governments in December 2002 and also details joint efforts on transboundary particulate matter analysis. In addition, this report includes the second five-year comprehensive review of the Air Quality Agreement, which is aimed at assessing the agreement's effectiveness. Progress Reports are issued every two years.

Read the full report. (PDF 5.8MB)

Posted: AQS November Newsletter
This newsletter is being sent to visitors who frequently use Air Quality System (AQS) data in their work.

On page 2 of the newsletter, EPA describes plans to move AQS to a web application and to integrate the data flow thru the Agency's Central Data Exchange in April 2003. The article highlights the changes that the Regional Offices and State, local and tribal agencies need to be aware of for a successful implementation, including our plans for hands-on computer training in early 2003.

Read the entire newsletter.

Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Road Map
Do you need help launching and implementing an Indoor Air Quality program in your school district?

EPA's Indoor Environments Division has developed this Road Map to assist you in: familiarizing yourself with the IAQ TfS Kit; forming an IAQ team; and getting started down the road to IAQ success.

This brief reference guide consists of 10 easy-to-follow steps to get you started on developing a comprehensive IAQ program today! The Road Map is available in Adobe Acrobat PDF format (as three separate files).

Click here to get your Road Map.

Designation for 8-Hour Ozone Standard
EPA has issued guidance outlining requirements for states and tribes under a Nov. 13, 2002 proposed settlement with nine environmental groups. The proposed settlement sets April 15, 2004 as EPA's deadline for designating attainment and nonattainment areas for the 8-hour ozone standard. EPA issued the 8-hour standard in 1997.

Read more....

SunWise Announces Publication of Sun Safety Poster
Check out this sizzling poster targeted for grades 6-8 at: This poster includes take-home activities and factsheets on the back, which teachers can photocopy and send home with their students.

2003 Air Toxics Implementation Workshop and Training
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and State and Territorial Air Pollution Program Administrators and Association of Local Air Pollution Control Officials (STAPPA/ALAPCO) are co-sponsoring an Air Toxics Implementation Workshop in April 2003.

Read more for further details...

Acid Rain Program 2001 Progress Report
The Acid Rain Program requires major reductions in electric-generating facilities' emissions of sulfur dioxides (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx). These pollutants are the key components of acid rain. They also form fine particles and gases that damage human health, impair visibility, damage sensitive forests, contribute to coastal eutrophication, and speed the weathering of buildings, monuments, and other structures.

This Program has succeeded in reducing SO2 emissions using a cap and trade system that limits the total emissions of SO2 while allowing sources flexibility to find the best and cheapest compliance method and encouraging technological innovation. The trading component of the SO2 program has lowered the costs of compliance and has not resulted in any significant geographic shifts in emissions. NOx emissions have also been reduced using a more traditional approach. These emissions reductions have contributed to measurable improvements in air quality, reductions in deposition, and recovery of acid-sensitive waters.

Read the Full Report
Clean Air Markets

EPA Presents Future of U.S. Air Quality Protection Programs
You are invited to join air quality personnel at all levels of government, and associated stakeholders, in a collective discussion about the future of air quality management and protection in the US Come join top air program officials from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the State of Ohio in a videotaped briefing as they share the latest thinking on where Federal, State, local and Tribal air quality protection programs may be headed in the next 20 years.

To view the Air Futures program, go to and click on Past Programs. The program is number T-011-02, originally broadcast on October 17, 2002. At the website you can download a copy of the presentation slides and get information about how to view the broadcast on your desktop computer.

In this 35-minute program, Jeff Holmstead, Assistant Administrator for EPA’s Office of Air & Radiation; Tom Curran, Acting Deputing Director of EPA’s Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (part of the Office of Air & Radiation); and Chris Jones, Director of Ohio’s EPA, review progress made to date in the air program and where the overall air program effort is headed. The presentation looks at what has been accomplished through 2000, what EPA expects to occur with the implementation of the two new National Ambient Air Quality Standards for ozone and particulate matter, and what the air program may look like 20 years from now.

Read More

Updated Version of the Mobile Source Air Pollutant Emission Model for Highway Vehicles
MOBILE6 is an emission factor model for predicting gram per mile emissions of HC, CO, NOx, CO2, PM, and toxics from cars, trucks, and motorcycles under various conditions.

This release includes a draft method for estimating carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. EPA invites comments on this and asks that such comments be submitted by February 2003.

For further information or assistance regarding this web page or MOBILE6 contact:

October 2002

A New Web Page on Long Duration Idling Reduction is Now Available
The Environmental Protection Agency is working with the trucking industry, manufacturers of idle control technologies, various states, and other partners to help save fuel and reduce air pollution from idling trucks.

The vast majority of fuel consumed during long-duration idling can be saved and air emissions reduced by installing one of several idle control technologies that provide heat, air conditioning, and electrical power. These technologies include auxiliary units and truck stop electrification. The technologies to address engine idling are evolving, and EPA plans to test new technologies as they come to the market.

Read more at:

Two New Fact Sheets About Diesel Exhaust are Available for Download
Two fact sheets on the health and environmental effects of diesel exhaust are available for download from the Transportation and Air Quality Voluntary Diesel Retrofit Program website at:

Information Available on Reformulated Gasoline (RFG) Properties and Emissions Performance by Area and Season
Information is now available on reformulated gasoline (RFG) properties and emissions performance by area and season These tables and graphs are based on EPA's analysis of data generated from surveys conducted by the RFG Survey Association, an association of refiners, importers and blenders, as a requirement of EPA regulations. Users are encouraged to read the Methodology and Explanation of the survey information.

Transcripts from September 24-25 WIPP Hearings Available
Public hearings in Albuquerque and Santa Fe, New Mexico were held on September 24-25, 2002. You may view the official transcripts below or from the Regulatory Documents page.

Official Transcript from EPA's Public Hearings -- Proposed Alternative Provisions to 40 CFR Part 194

Hard copies of the transcripts have also been sent to our official docket (A-98-49) in Washington, DC, and also to the three docket locations in New Mexico. The transcripts were mailed on October 18, 2002, and should be available for review in the next two weeks.

EPA and DOE Announce Fuel Economy Leaders for 2003 Model Year Cars
For the third year in a row, the Honda Insight and Toyota Prius hybrid electric vehicles are the fuel economy leaders -- and they are also among the cleanest vehicles available. A joint EPA and Department of Energy web site provides detailed information on vehicle fuel economy, including a complete version of the Fuel Economy Guide: EPA has also posted the 2003 models on the Green Vehicle Guide website, which is designed to help consumers locate the cleanest and most fuel efficient vehicles that meet their needs:

EPA Applauds Local School District for Excellence in Improving Indoor Air Quality
As part of Children's Health Month, EPA is highlighting the efforts of the Montgomery County, Maryland, school district as a National Leader in the Tools for Schools program. Through Tools for Schools, EPA works with school districts across the nation to promote adoption of programs to improve indoor air quality in their buildings by raising awareness about the potential negative effect of poor air quality on children's health. Pollutants inside classrooms and other indoor school facilities are often two - to five - times higher than outdoor levels, and can trigger asthma attacks. Asthma in young children has risen by nearly 60 percent in the last 15 years and is responsible for 10 million missed school days each year.

Read the press release PDF (19K) or WPD (135K)

Agriculture Smoke and Air Quality Workshop Being Planned
The Agency is planning a smoke management plan workshop for State, tribes and other organizations. If you are interested please check out the website at: Exit EPA disclaimer

EPA is Modifying Existing National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants Delegation Provisions
The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 required that EPA develop technology-based standards to regulate hazardous air pollutant (HAP) (such as benzene, hydrogen chloride, etc.) emissions from industry. Since then, EPA has been developing these standards, called Part 63 National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) or Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) standards.

FYI Reports from the American Lung Association (ALA) Air Toxics Benefits from Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Programs

NELAC - Meeting Minutes Available

Electric Arc Furnaces: Air Toxics -- National Performance Standards
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to amend two standards of performance for new stationary sources for electric arc furnaces (EAF). One of these sets of standards applies to facilities constructed after October 21, 1974, and on or before August 17, 1983. A second set of standards of performance applies to EAF constructed after August 17, 1983.

Fact Sheet

On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) Outreach and Public Education
This page contains downloadable, professionally developed materials which are to be used to educate the public, repair community and other stakeholders about On-Board Diagnostics (OBD). All 1996 and newer light duty vehicles are equipped with OBD. OBD is used in vehicle inspection and maintenance (I/M) programs.

Up-to-date List of NETI Enforcement/Compliance Monitoring Courses Now Available
The most up-to-date list of enforcement/compliance monitoring courses offered by EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance is now available at

To register, go to, Exit EPA disclaimer establish an account (if you do not have one already) and register for course MLS 105 - OECA Regulatory Development Training Course.

Can't travel to training? Our catalog and schedule list several videos and CD-ROM courses that can be mailed to you FREE of charge. Go to and register as a student at EPA's "virtual university," NETI Online, and start class in your own office!

National Radon Action Month
Radon is a health risk facing millions of Americans. January has been designated by the U.S. EPA as National Radon Action Month (NRAM). Like National Radon Action Week, the focus of NRAM is to promote awareness about, testing for, and mitigation of, indoor radon gas with various events and outreach campaigns.

Volunteers, health advocates, the media, local government officials and many health professionals like you are the driving force in getting the message out to consumers about the dangers of indoor radon gas. Make January your key month to conduct an event or plan an outreach campaign on radon awareness. To help you get started or improve on our current efforts, see the Outreach and Education Materials.

We hope your National Radon Action Month activity will be a success. If we can be of assistance, please call (202) 564-9338 or e-mail

A Copy of the October Air Toxics newsletter is posted in the Air Toxics area.

2003 Model Year Vehicles Posted at the Green Vehicles Web Site
EPA's Green Vehicle Guide gives information about the environmental performance of vehicles and allows you to compare environmental performance across vehicle classes. The 2003 Model Year Vehicles are now available for viewing.

Click here to go to the Green Vehicles site

A New Web Page on Long Duration Idling Reduction is Now Available
The Environmental Protection Agency is working with the trucking industry, manufacturers of idle control technologies, various states, and other partners to help save fuel and reduce air pollution from idling trucks.

The vast majority of fuel consumed during long-duration idling can be saved and air emissions reduced by installing one of several idle control technologies that provide heat, air conditioning, and electrical power. These technologies include auxiliary units and truck stop electrification. The technologies to address engine idling are evolving, and EPA plans to test new technologies as they come to the market.

Read more at:

Two New Fact Sheets About Diesel Exhaust are Available for Download
Two fact sheets on the health and environmental effects of diesel exhaust are available for download from the Transportation and Air Quality Voluntary Diesel Retrofit Program website at:

US Climate Action Report Has Been Posted
This report describes the current United States program to control emissions. It also represents the 3rd formal United States communication under the United Nations "Framework Convention on Climate Change" (FCCC) and presents a look at the current moment in time at the United States program.

Read the Report

Global Warming "Where You Live" Section Added To Web Site
Global Warming has added a "Where You Live" section to their Web site. Here you can use clickable maps of the World, United States, and Natural Places to view climate change information sorted by geography. To use these maps, you will need to have Macromedia Flash Version 6 or higher.

View Global Warming maps

An Evaluation of OAR's Tribal Air Program
With over 100 Tribes currently receiving grants to develop air programs, OAR determined that it was an appropriate time to conduct an evaluation of the Tribal Program. The purpose of the evaluation was to identify how well the Program is using its resources to build Tribal capacity, address air quality issues on Tribal lands, and provide the tools to reach these goals. OAR assembled an evaluation team ('the team') with contract support from Industrial Economics, Incorporated (IEc), and Ross and Associates.

Nez Perce Tribe AQ Position Open Until October 18
The Nez Perce Tribe (NPT) Department of Natural Resources Environmental Restoration Division is recruiting for: Air Quality Environmental Specialist II HR-02-506 to develop, operate, maintain sampling network; assist with air project implementation, education and outreach, document review, data analysis.

Bachelor’s degree in Environmental or related field. Two years professional level experience in environmental field. Six months supervisory experience. Valid driver’s license with insurable record. Complete application packet includes: NPT application, resume, three letters of reference, to:

Air Quality Project Environmental Specialist II HR-02-506
P.O. Box 365,
Lapwai, Idaho 83540

by 4:30 pm PDT 10/18, (208) 843-7332.
Tribal Preference applies. Incomplete Application Packets Will Not Be Considered. Exit EPA disclaimer

Check out the Revised Version of the NELAC Directory.
Click here to check out the revised NELAC directory (PDF 263K)

PM2.5 Speciation Network Laboratory Performance Evaluation
A study has been conducted as part of the QA oversight for the PM2.5 Speciation Trends Network (STN). The purpose of this study was to evaluate specific laboratory performance at the California Air Resources Board (CARB) facilities located in Sacramento. CARB has elected to implement STN protocols at their own laboratory facilities so that many of the PM2.5 speciation samples collected within the state can be analyzed locally. Most states use laboratories at the Research Triangle Institute which operates under a federal contract to analyze STN samples.

Read more (647K PDF)

Read the AP-42 Section 10.6.4:Hardboard and Fiberboard Manufacturing
Wood processing in this industry involves the conversion of trees into useful consumer products and/or building materials such as paper, charcoal, treated and untreated lumber, plywood, particle board, wafer board, and medium density fiber board. During the conversion processes, the major pollutants of concern are particulate, PM-10, and volatile organic compounds. There also may be speciated organic compounds that may be toxic or hazardous.

Read more

Check out NASA's Press Release on the Unusually Small Ozone Hole Attributed to Strong Stratospheric Weather Systems
Scientists from NASA and the Commerce Department's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have confirmed the ozone hole over the Antarctic this September is not only much smaller than it was in 2000 and 2001, but has split into two separate "holes."

The researchers stressed the smaller hole is due to this year's peculiar stratospheric weather patterns and that a single year's unusual pattern does not make a long-term trend. Moreover, they said, the data are not conclusive that the ozone layer is recovering.

Read more Exit EPA disclaimer

Fall Campaign Promotes Energy-Efficient Lighting From October to December
The US Environmental Protection Agency is challenging Americans to change a light in their homes to illustrate the impact of a consumer's energy choice and the benefits of using energy-efficient light bulbs and fixtures. Choosing a more energy-efficient lamp can save money and help the environment.

From October through December, EPA is partnering with more than 140 manufacturers, retailers, state governments and utilities throughout the United States to make finding and buying energy efficient lighting easier.

Learn more about this campaign effort.

EPA News/Air Office Report -- New Clear Skies Information Available, Including State-by-State Summaries
New materials:

State-by-state summaries:
State-level analysis of the Clear Skies Act including state-specific health and environmental benefits as well as projected changes in emissions, electricity prices and electricity generation under Clear Skies.

Section-by-section legislative summary of the Clear Skies Act: Detailed summary of the Clear Skies legislation.

Clear Skies Act Technical Support Package:
Additional technical support for Clear Skies legislation, including detailed information on program elements; projections of human health and environmental benefits, costs, effects on electricity generation and fuel use, and state and regional-level impacts; factors affecting the installation of pollution control technologies; and summaries of the models used in EPA's extensive analyses.

Technical Addendum:
Methodologies for the Benefit Analysis of the Clear Skies Initiative: Detailed explanation of the analytical approach undertaken in the Clear Skies benefits analysis, including air quality modeling, human health and environmental effects modeling, and economic valuation of benefits.

FYI -- More detailed information on the Clear Skies Act, including state-level analyses and summaries, is now available on EPA's Clear Skies website:

September 2002

ALERT -- Version 2.0 of the EMS-HAP Emission Modeling System Is Now Available
This new version of the EMS-HAP Emission Modeling System along with the ASPEN Modeling System will only be available via ftp download from the Dispersion Models webpage under the section entitled Alternative Models (see the ASPEN Model).

Guía del Radon para el Comprador y Vendedor de Viviedas - 402-K-02-001, Julio de 2002
El presente folleto está destinado a toda persona que esté en proceso de comprar o vender una vivienda, a los profesionales de bienes raíces y traslados, a los inspectores de viviendas y a otras personas. Vaya a la Sección 8.c.1, en este supervínculo, para conseguir información sobre como obtener uno o varios ejemplares de esta Guía.

Si está interesado en imprimir este folleto, llame al (202) 564-9427 donde obtendrá más información sobre cómo obtener un CD.Rom (Adobe PageMaker 6.5 para Windows). Este es el número de documento de EPA 402-K-02-001, julio de 2002.  Además, puede obtenerse aquí una versión en Adobe Acrobat pdf de la Guía: (dimensión del archivo 620K)

Updated List of Designated Reference and Equivalent Methods Posted
A September 12, 2002 update of the List of Designated Reference and Equivalent Methods of all new designations for the criteria pollutants is posted in the Ambient Monitoring, "Criteria Pollutants" area on the AMTIC Homepage.

Memorandum Posted: State Implementation Plan Call -- Reducing Nitrogen Oxides Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines
The State Implementation Plan Call -- Reducing Nitrogen Oxides Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines memorandum provide guidances to States that choose to adopt rules covering stationary reciprocating internal combustion engines (IC engines) as part of their response to the NOx SIP Call. It also addresses questions on the IC engine source category that have been raised by several States as well as affected industry. Specifically, it addresses State flexibility, periodic monitoring, new source review, and early reductions. EPA is also clarifying that the guidance reflects EPA's current views and supersede the views underlying the proposed requirements in the Federal implementation plan proposed October 21, 1998 regarding IC engines. This guidance is effective immediately.

Learn more.

Field Instructions for Conducting an Ozone Audit Now Available
The field instructions for conducting an ozone audit are listed in the NPAP file area of the AMTIC website. 

Draft Revision of Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Audit Support Program Posted
The National Performance Audit Program (NPAP) provides EPA a means to assess the proficiency of agencies that are operating monitors in the State and Local Air Monitoring System (SLAMS) network under the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) permits program and the CASTNet with an important quality control program required under Section 2.0 of 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 58, Appendix A (SLAMS) and Appendix B (PSD). This data is of the utmost importance in protecting the public health. It is used to determine if an area is in attainment or non-attainment of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). If the area is determined to be in non-attainment by this data then the State and Local agencies must develop a control strategy (State Implementation Plan - SIP) to come into attainment. The economic impact of this decision can be in the millions of dollars and the integrity of the data to make this decision is essential. The NPAP is a key regulatory requirement in maintaining the integrity in this data.

Read more. (86 KB PDF)

Pesticide Active Ingredient Production: Air Toxics Requirements Fact Sheet Posted
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is finalizing amendments to its rule to reduce toxic air emissions from pesticide active ingredient (PAI) production. These amendments address issues raised by the industry and include additional corrections and clarifications to ensure that the rule is implemented as intended. Some of the amendments provide new compliance options that would reduce the burden associated with demonstrating compliance.

Read more.

Annual International Emission Inventory Conference to be Held in San Diego
Emission Inventories - Applying New Technologies will be held in San Diego, April 28 - May 1, 2003. This is the twelfth annual symposium on emission inventories and is cosponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Emission Factor and Inventory Group, and the Emission Inventory Improvement Program (EIIP).

Read more.

Recent NELAC Committee Meeting Minutes Now Available
The following NELAC meeting minutes are now available: 

  1. Summary of Board of Directors Committee held 08/08/02 - BD20020808.PDF (PDF 127 KB)
  2. Summary of On-Site Assessment Committee held 08/28/02 - OA20020828.PDF (PDF 152 KB)
  3. Summary of Proficiency Testing Committee held 09/03/02 - PT20020903.PDF (PDF 101 KB)
  4. Summary of Regulatory Coordination Committee held 09/04/02 - RC20020904.PDF  (PDF 79 KB)

EPA Adopts New Emission Standards for Large Industrial Spark-Ignition Engines, Recreational Marine Diesel Engines, and Recreational Vehicles
EPA recently adopted new emission standards for Recreational Vehicles, Recreational Marine Diesel Engines, and Industrial Spark-Ignition Engines.

  • Emission Standards for New Nonroad Engines—Large Industrial Spark-ignition Engines, Recreational Marine Diesel Engines, and Recreational Vehicles (EPA420-F-02-037) 409K PDF
  • Pre-publication preamble 295K ZIP WPD or 1M PDF
  • Pre-publication regulations 360K ZIP WPD or 1.7M PDF

Read more.

IAQ Tools for Schools Bulletin: Asthma and Allergy
Since asthma is a leading cause of school absenteeism, approximately 10 million school days missed per year, the EPA has devoted this Bulletin issue to addressing asthma in schools. This Bulletin presents information about: asthma triggers found in schools; ways to manage asthma; several schools and organizations that are making IAQ a priority; and the release of EPA's mold guidance document.

Read more.

Indoor Air Quality Publishes Tools for Schools Fact Sheet
Twenty percent of the U.S. population -- nearly 55 million people -- spend their days in our elementary and secondary schools. Studies show that one-half of the nation's 115,000 schools have health problems linked to poor indoor air quality which can impact students' health and affect their performance and achievement. The IAQ TfS Program is a flexible, comprehensive resource for your school building's health. In addition, EPA offers incentives and public recognition to schools and school districts that are implementing the IAQ TfS Kit through an Awards Program. Training and networking opportunities on indoor air quality issues are available to you in a number of venues. EPA has developed this one-page fact sheet to inform you about the TfS Program.  The Fact Sheet is available in PDF format (110 KB file size).

Posted -- SAB/EPA Workshop on the Benefits of Reductions in Exposure to Hazardous Air Pollutants: Developing Best Estimates of Dose-Response Functions Report
Workshop on the Benefits of Reductions in Exposure to Hazardous Air Pollutants: Developing Best Estimates of Dose-Response Functions (an SAB Workshop Report) has been added to the Economics & Cost Analysis Support Meetings area. This workshop focused primarily on methods to derive best estimate dose-response functions that relate changes in HAP exposure to changes in health outcomes for use in economic benefits assessments. The overall goal of the workshop was to identify methods for the Agency to consider using in estimating monetized benefits of HAP reductions.

Office of Transportation and Air Quality Updates Organization Chart
An updated organizational chart (15K PDF) for the Office of Transportation and Air Quality is now available. 

Final Draft of the National Ambient Air Monitoring Strategy
Over the past 30 years, the air pollution picture in the U.S. has changed significantly, as control programs have substantially reduced emissions of many pollutants, and as science has identified emerging issues of concern.

  • With the exception of ozone and fine particulates (PM2.5), many existing monitoring sites are now registering levels well below the national ambient air quality standards for the criteria pollutants of sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, lead, and PM10. For example, monitored levels of lead have decreased 98 percent in the past 20 years, and levels of carbon monoxide have dropped 61 percent.
  • Emerging health science, showing that fine particles are the source of serious health concerns, has caused us to refocus our regulatory programs.
  • Recent information shows that air toxic pollutants are causing excess cancer incidents and other health effects.
  • New technology to allow the “continuous” monitoring and mapping of air pollutants can be used to better inform the public about local air quality.

Read more.

July Air Toxics Newsletter
The STAPPA/ALAPCO – USEPA Air Toxics Steering Committee was established in 1999 for the purpose of overseeing the development of a national air toxics monitoring network. Members include representatives from several states and local agencies (Vermont, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Texas, Oregon, California, South Coast, Puget Sound), multi-state organizations (NESCAUM and LADCO), and USEPA (OAQPS and certain Regional Offices). The Steering Committee decided in early 2000 that the national air toxics monitoring network should be “rolled-out” over a several year period. Recent activities related to the national network are discussed in this quarterly newsletter.

Read the Entire Newsletter (PDF 136K)

Release of Diesel Exhaust Health Assessment
On September 3 the Office of Research and Development released the Health Assessment for Diesel Engine Exhaust. It's available via EPA's home page or at The assessment states that long-term exposure to diesel exhaust is likely to cause lung cancer.

Read DE Internal Qs&As; (PDF 28K)
Read the DE Factsheet (PDF 21K)

Air Trends Website Now Online
Information on trends in air quality are now posted at EPA's new Air Trends website.

EPA tracks trends in air quality based on actual measurements of pollutant concentrations in the ambient (outside) air at monitoring sites across the country. Monitoring stations are operated by state, tribal, and local government agencies as well as some federal agencies, including EPA. Trends are derived by averaging direct measurements from these monitoring stations on a yearly basis.

Learn more.

August 2002

New Version of the Ozone Map Archive Page Added
The ozone map archive page has been redesigned to make historical ozone maps easier to find.

Public Hearing on Proposed Fees Rule
A public hearing on the proposed fees rule (67 FR 51402) will be held on September 19, 2002 at the Towsley Auditorium, Morris Lawrence Building, Washtenaw Community College, Ann Arbor, Michigan.


Lynn Sohacki
(734) 214-4851

Trina Vallion
(734) 214-4449

Read the full announcement

2002 Clean Air Excellence Awards - Applications Due Sept. 18, 2002
EPA is requesting entries for the Clean Air Excellence Awards Program for 2002. The program recognizes innovation in making progress toward cleaner air. Awards are given for technology, community development, education efforts, policy innovation, transportation innovation and outstanding individual achievement. Entry forms are available at the Awards Program link below, and should be sent to Paul Rasmussen at the Office of Air & Radiation (6102A), EPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W. Washington D.C. 20004. For more information call 202-564-1306 or visit

Updated NELAP List Posted
An updated list of the NELAP accredited labs can be found at the following website: Note that any corrections to this list must be made through the primary accrediting authority.

Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 2002 (Executive Summary) Posted
The provisions of the 1987 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer include the requirement that the Parties to the Protocol base their future decisions on the current scientific, environmental, technical, and economic information that is assessed through panels drawn from the worldwide expert communities. To provide that input to the decisionmaking process, advances in understanding on these topics were assessed in 1989, 1991, 1994, and 1998. This information helped support discussions among the Parties that led to the subsequent Amendments and Adjustments of the 1987 Protocol. The 2002 Scientific Assessment summarized here is the fifth in that series.

Read more. (PDF 66KB)

Announcing CAMD's New On-line Data Query System: Data and Maps Release of the New Version of E-Grid Postponed
Now you can access the data through reports, queries, maps, charts or file downloads.

Create Reports
Choose from a number of reports with annual/ozone season emissions and facility/unit characteristics to print or download.

Create Queries
Create Queries with Emissions Data
Create a custom query with annual, ozone season, quarterly, monthly or hourly data for either a specific plant(s) or a specific type of unit.

Create Queries with Allowance Data
Create custom queries with emissions or allowance data to print or download.

View Maps
View maps using the Clean Air Mapping and Analysis Program. C-Map is a geographic information system (GIS) assessment tool used to better understand and characterize the health benefits of National and Regional pollutant emission reduction programs. It currently offers maps and various GIS data sets to assess progress in reducing sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions and impacts on human health and the environment.

View Charts and Reports
View a number of different analysis charts and reports with emissions data.

Download Data

  • Download Hourly Emissions Data by State, quarter and year. Download a quarters worth of unit-level hourly emissions data for all the units in a State(s) for a given year.
  • Download Raw Emissions File. Download raw emissions files that contain hourly emissions for all programs.
  • Download the latest Greenhouse Gas Inventory. EPA prepares a national inventory of United States greenhouse gas emissions each year for submission under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The Clean Air Markets Division coordinates the development of this inventory and leads the inter-agency greenhouse gas inventory team.
  • Download Acid Deposition Data. Download compressed files containing acid deposition data collected under the Clean Air Status and Trends Network (CASTNET).

International Emissions Trading Association Annual Forum on the State and Development of the GHG Market, December 4-6, 2002, Brussels, Belgium
Interested in an event? Contact the International Emissions Trading Association at: Exit EPA disclaimer

EDR 2.2 Documents and Implementation Guidelines for the June 12, 2002 Part 75 Rule Revisions
Revisions to 40 CFR, Part 75 were published on June 12, 2002. Specific guidance for when the use of EDR v2.2 is required or allowed for each rule change category is provided in this document. Visit the Clean Air Markets Website to read more.

Office of Air and Radiation -- Tribal Newsletter - Issue Number 5
The TribalAir Newsletter is a quarterly newsletter produced by EPA's Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. This newsletter will provide information to tribal air professionals on upcoming activities (e.g., workshops and trainings) as well as, a place to report progress.

Read the August 2002 edition of Tribal Air News (PDF 597KB)

Visit the Tribal Air Website at:

SIP Submissions for Two Colorado Areas Are Now Under Adequacy Review and Are Available for Public Comment
The following SIP submissions are now under adequacy review and are available for public comment:.
Region 8:
Lamar, Colorado
, PM-10 maintenance plan
Steamboat Springs, Colorado, PM-10 maintenance plan

You can access them via the EPA's conformity adequacy website.

Polyvinyl Chloride and Copolymers Production: Air Toxics Requirements: Fact Sheet
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is promulgating national standards to limit toxic air emissions from facilities that manufacture polyvinyl chloride (PVC). These plants manufacture a variety of PVC raw and end products and are known as PVC and copolymers production plants.

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Updated Beta-test Versions of the AERMOD Model and the AERMET Meteorological Preprocessor Are Now Available on the SCRAM Website
Updated beta-test versions of the AERMOD model and the AERMET meteorological preprocessor along with the introduction of a beta-test version of the AERMAP terrain data processor are now available on the 7th Modeling Conference webpage under the section entitled AERMOD.

ITEP Anniversary Announcement
You are cordially invited to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the founding of "The Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals" (ITEP). Events will take place at the Northern Arizona University campus on September 19-20, 2002.

Read more. ( PDF 454KB)

The Emissions Marketing Association Announces "The EMA 6th Annual Fall Meeting & International Conference"
The Emissions Marketing Association Sixth Annual Fall Meeting and International Conference will be held in Toronto, Canada, September 29 - October 1, 2002. The mission of the Emissions Marketing Association is to promote market-based trading solutions for environmental management and to serve its membership.

Read more about the conference details Exit EPA disclaimer

AQS Data Coding Manual v1.1 Available 8/14/02
This manual explains how to use the Air Quality System (AQS). AQS is a computer-based system for handling the storage and retrieval of information pertaining to airborne pollutants. This volume describes the various transactions used to create, update, or delete data in the Air Quality System. It is intended for those individuals who are responsible for maintaining the air quality data for their organizations.

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NELAC Committee Meeting Minutes Available
The following NELAC committee meeting minutes are now available:

  1. Summary of Board of Directors Committee Meeting Summary (06/13/02) [122KB PDF]
  2. Field Activities Committee Meeting Summary (06/14/02) [154KB PDF]
  3. Summary of On-Site Assessment Committee Meeting (06/26/02) [181KB PDF]
  4. Proficiency Testing Committee Meeting Summary (05/14/02) [111KB PDF]
  5. Quality Systems Committee Meeting Summary (09/12/01) [134KB PDF]
  6. The Quality Systems Committee Meeting Summary (07/01/02) [92KB PDF]

EPA Updates Modeling Applications (v.2.1) Using the Integrated Planning Model
EPA has recently completed a major update (V.2.1) of the assumptions, inputs, and capabilities of the EPA base case and associated policy cases, which are used in EPA applications of IPM. Key update areas include:

  • Cost and performance of existing and new
    • Fossil and non-fossil units
    • Renewable and non-conventional units
    • Environmental retrofits
  • Mercury emissions modeling
  • Natural gas supply
  • Nuclear power plant modeling
  • Multi-pollutant modeling capabilities

Read more.

School Leaders Take Challenge For Healthy Indoor Air
Twenty-one schools and school districts from across the nation received an EPA award for adopting EPA’s Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools (IAQ TfS) program. [Read about the award winners!] The awards were presented to school district representatives at EPA’s 3rd annual IAQ Tools for Schools National Symposium. More than 500 health professionals and environmental experts from around the country are currently attending the symposium.

Read more.

Proposed Rulemaking: Alternative Provisions to 40 CFR Part 194
EPA is proposing alternative provisions to the criteria (40 CFR Part 194) that provides the basis on which the Agency evaluates the WIPP's compliance with the Agency's radioactive waste disposal standards (40 CFR Part 191). This rulemaking is proceeding in accordance with EPA's regulations outlined in 40 CFR 194.6. Please check our Regulatory Documents page (in the Certification Criteria section) for an electronic copy of the official Federal Register notice.

Posted: An Updated List of Emission Testing Firms that Lists Most of the Environmental Testing Firms in the U.S
An updated list of Emission Testing Firms that lists most of the environmental testing firms in the US can be found at This list will be updated on an "as needed" basis only.

Posted: List of Designated Reference and Equivalent Methods
A July 1, 2002 update of the List of Designated Reference and Equivalent Methods of all new designations for the criteria pollutants is posted in the Ambient Monitoring, "Criteria Pollutants" area on the AMTIC Homepage.

Technical Memorandum: Nylon Filter Extraction Study
A copy of the Nylon Filter Extraction Study (241KB PDF), prepared by the EPA NAREL laboratory, is now available. This document presents the results of an evaluation of the extraction efficiencies of the EPA chemical speciation and IMPROVE network protocols for determination of ion recoveries from nylon filters used to measure the nitrate and sulfate contents of PM2.5 samples.

Geographic/Ecosystems Initiatives - New Permitting Information Available
New permitting information is available for BP Cherry Point Refinery from the US/CAN permitting notification page.

Heavy-Duty Trucks, Buses, and Engines: EPA Finalizing Nonconformance Penalties
EPA is finalizing nonconformance penalties that could be used by manufacturers of heavy-duty diesel engines unable to meet the 2004 model year non-methane hydrocarbon plus nitrogen oxides (NMHC+NOx) emission standard. These penalties allow a manufacturer to produce and sell nonconforming engines upon payment of a penalty. The penalty, which is assessed on a per-engine basis, varies with the certified emission level for the engine family involved.

  • Fact Sheet:  Nonconformance Penalties for Heavy-duty Diesel Engines (EPA420-F-02-025) 14K PDF
  • Preamble and Regulatory text 154K WPD or  76K PDF
  • Technical Support Document: Nonconformance Penalties for 2004 Highway Heavy Duty Diesel Engines (EPA420-R-02-021) 471K WPD or 193K PDF
  • Response to Comments for the Nonconformance Penalty Rulemaking (EPA420-R-02-020) 188K WPD

Read more.

EPA Amends Transportation Conformity Rules
EPA has completed a final rulemaking that will change two provisions of the conformity regulation.  The first change will implement a 2000 Clean Air Act amendment that provides a one-year conformity grace period for areas that are designated nonattainment for the first time.  The second change revises the timing for determining conformity following the initial submission of a state air quality plan. 125K WPD   80K PDF

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July 2002

List of the NELAP Accredited Labs Updated
An updated list of the NELAP accredited labs is now available. Note that any corrections to this list must be made through the primary accrediting authority.

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EPA to Revise List of Area Source Categories
The EPA is revising the list of area sources (known as area source categories) for which it intends to develop standards to control toxic air pollutants under the Integrated Urban Air Toxics Strategy (Strategy). Specifically, EPA is adding 18 area source categories.

Hazardous Air Pollutants (Title III) Fact Sheets
Metadata File

Preliminary Summary Emission Reports Posted
Each quarter, EPA compiles and releases preliminary summary data in the form of Summary Emissions Reports. These files contain summary emissions information for electric utilities regulated by the Acid Rain Program. Each Acid Rain affected unit is required to report hourly data describing emissions and operation to the EPA at the end of each calendar quarter. The EPA then compiles and releases preliminary summary data in the form of Summary Emissions Reports.

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Proposed Emission Standards Signed for Highway Motorcycles and Recreational Marine Vessels
Read more about the proposed emission standards for highway motorcycles and recreational marine vessels at:

Fall 2002 SAMWG Meeting Scheduled for Sept. 28 to Oct. 2
The Fall 2002 SAMWG meeting will be held September 28 - October 2 at The Stoweflake Resort, 1746 Mountain Rd., Stowe, Vt. 05672. The Stoweflake Conference Center will not handle hotel reservations. All reservations must be made by submitting a housing reservation form to STAPPA/ALAPCO Secretariat no later than Wed., Aug. 21, 2002. To obtain a form, please contact, STAPPA/ALAPCO Secretariat at 202-624-7864 or e-mail

EPA Announces New Grant Program to Reduce Idling from Trucks and/or Locomotives
As directed in the National Energy Policy, EPA is introducing a new grant program that will reduce air emissions and fuel consumption from trucks and/or locomotives throughout the United States. Proposals are being requested from national, non-profit organizations that will work with private truck and/or locomotive fleets to reduce long-duration idling. This will be achieved through the advancement of idle reduction technologies, such as auxiliary power units and truck stop electrification. These technologies will allow operators to heat and cool the vehicles without turning on the main engines. Each recipient can receive up to $200,000. The deadline for submitting an application is September 23, 2002.

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EPA and DOT Announce New Website
EPA and the U.S. Department of Transportation have launched a new Web site, Exit EPA disclaimer for It All Adds Up to Cleaner Air, a unique public education and partnership-building initiative developed to help regional, state and community efforts to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution. It All Adds Up seeks to inform the public about the connection between their transportation choices, traffic congestion and air pollution, and emphasizes simple, convenient actions people can take to improve air quality and reduce congestion. DOT and EPA developed the It All Adds Up initiative in response to requests from state and local governments for federal sponsorship of a public education initiative that would help them meet their mobility and clean air goals under two federal laws -- the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century and the Clean Air Act Amendments.

Emissions Scorecard 2001 Posted
The Emissions Scorecard includes emissions data for power plants in the Acid Rain Program. Because of their length, all documents are provided in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format, and many are also provided in Excel and text formats to allow people to conduct their own analyses of the data.

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Office of Air & Radiation Announces 2002 Clean Air Act Excellence Awards
The Office of Air & Radiation is announcing it's Clean Air Act Excellence Awards program for 2002. The Awards Program annually recognizes and honors outstanding, innovative efforts that help to make progress in achieving cleaner air. Entries must be received by September 18, 2002.

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Surface Coating of Large Appliances: Air Toxics Final Rule Posted
The EPA is issuing the national standards to control hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emissions from surface coating operations at large appliance manufacturing facilities. The standards require sources to meet maximum achievable control technology floor levels for HAP emissions from cleaning operations, coating applications, and curing operations. This file is the text of the final rule.

Hazardous Air Pollutants (Title III) Fact Sheets
Metadata File

EPA Amends Toxic Air Pollutant Rule for Portland Cement Manufacturing Facilities
EPA is amending its Toxic Air Pollutant Rule for Portland cement manufacturing facilities. The amendments will correct a technical error and clarify issues arising from amendments EPA published on April 5, 2002.

Hazardous Air Pollutants (Title III) Fact Sheets
Metadata File

Geographic/Ecosystems Initiatives - New Permitting Information
New permitting information is available for the following five companies:

  • Puget Sound Energy Fredonia Generating Station;
  • Northwest Pipeline Corporation, Sumas, Washington;
  • BP Cherry Point Cogeneration Project;
  • Northwest Pipeline Corporation, Mount Vernon, Washington; and
  • PG&E Gas Transmission Northwest Corporation

Read more.

National Tribal Air Association Formed
EPA recently announced the formation of the National Tribal Air Association (NTAA) and its first annual meeting. The NTAA is a tribal air quality organization dedicated to insuring that Tribes themselves set priorities and determine mechanisms for interacting with other governments on air issues.

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Example Application of Modeling Toxic Air Pollutants in Urban Areas Posted to Web
The report Example Application of Modeling Toxic Air Pollutants in Urban Areas is now available on the Guidance/Support webpage of this website under the section entitled Modeling Guidance, subheading Toxics.

Hot Tips for a Cool Summer
Tips to help you and your family find ways to help reduce pollution and learn about the environment. Doing little things can go a long way to having a cool summer.

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New EPA Data Shows Dramatic Air Quality Improvements from Clear Skies Initiative
EPA has released new information demonstrating the dramatic clean air benefits of President Bush's Clear Skies initiative. Clear Skies will require America's power plants to reduce air pollution by an average of 70 percent. The new analytical data released today show what effect that nationwide reduction will have on air quality, water quality, and public health in each region of the country. The results are striking: Every part of the country where power plants contribute significantly to air pollution – most notably, the Northeast, Southeast, and Midwest – will see vast improvements in air quality. Many cities and towns will meet air quality standards for the first time in years.

Read more.

June 2002

EPA Seeking Advice from Tribes for Minor Source New Source Review Rulemaking Effort
Click here to read the letter from EPA seeking advice on how the agency can best consult with Tribes and other federally-recognized Indian Tribes on the Minor Source New Source Review rulemaking effort.

Supplement to the Offshore and Coastal Dispersion Model User's Guide Is Available
A supplement to the Offshore and Coastal Dispersion Model (OCD) user's guide is now available. This document contains information on model formulation and model evaluation. See User's Guide Supplement under OCD model on the Dispersion Models webpage.

National Radon Results Posted (1985-1999)
Since the mid-1980s the United States has made significant progress in reducing the risk from exposure to radon. This progress is the result of a long-term effort between EPA, citizens, non-profit organizations, state and local governments, the business community, and other Federal agencies working together. More adult Americans are knowledgeable about radon than at any time since the mid-1980s, when radon became a National health concern. Approximately two-thirds (66 percent) of Americans are generally aware of radon, and of those, three-quarters (75 percent, on average) understand that radon is a health hazard. Since the mid-1980s, about 18 million homes have been tested for radon and about 500,000 of them have been mitigated.

Read more. [3.5MB PDF]

Clarification Memo: Policy Regarding Excess Emissions During Malfunctions, Startup and Shutdown
This memo clarifies EPA's policy on excess emissions during malfunctions, startup and shutdown.This memo clarifies EPA's September 20, 1999 guidance regarding SIP provisions related to excess emissions during malfunctions, startups and shutdowns.

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Posted: Copy of Slides for the June 26 Regional Planning Organization's Discussion Group Meeting
Slides included is this PDF file (5.3 MB) give an overview of how satellite data can be used in air pollution research.

Read more.

2000 Nonmethane Organic Compounds (NMOC) and Speciated Nonmethane Organic Compounds (SNMOC) Monitoring Program Report Now Available
This report summarizes and interprets ambient air monitoring data collected during the summer of 2000 as part of the National Nonmethane Organic Compound and Speciated Nonmethane Organic Compound Monitoring Program, which is also called the NMOC/SNMOC Monitoring Program. Designed to characterize levels of air pollution in regions with groundlevel ozone problems, the NMOC/SNMOC Monitoring Program measures air concentrations of several groups of pollutants that participate in the photochemical reactions that form “smog.” These samples were analyzed for NMOC and SNMOC. Overall, over 5000 ambient air concentrations were measured during the 2000 program.

Read more. [1.5MB PDF].

EPA Proposes Rule to Reduce Emissions of Toxic Air Pollutants from the Brick and Structural Clay Products Manufacturing Industry
EPA is proposing a rule to reduce emissions of toxic air pollutants, also known as air toxics, from the brick and structural clay products manufacturing industry. EPA also is proposing a rule to reduce emissions of air toxics from the clay ceramics manufacturing industry.

Read more. [12KB PDF]

NELAC Proficiency Testing FAQs Posted
Frequently Asked Questions about NELAC Proficiency Testing have been posted and are available in PDF format. [16KB PDF].

An Updated List of 2002 Teleconferences Is Now Available
The most recent list of NELAC Teleconferences is now available [11KB PDF].

Climate Protection Awards Information Posted
With its Annual Climate Protection Awards, EPA honors the extraordinary accomplishments of individuals, companies, and organizations that have made significant contributions to protecting the environment. Click here for information about the 2003 Climate Protection Awards.

Revised Questions for the Acid Rain Program Policy Manual
CAMD is in the process of revising the Acid Rain Program Policy Manual to accommodate the June 12, 2002 revisions to the Part 75 monitoring rule (67 FR 40394) and to incorporate guidance provided to individual sources in response to petitions. While it may be several months before the entire Manual is revised, select questions are of sufficient current interest to lead the Agency to post them for comment prior to providing the whole Manual for comment.

Read more.

Clearing The Air: The Facts About Capping and Trading Emissions Brochure Available
The Acid Rain Program’s centerpiece is a marketbased system for capping and trading SO2 emissions. (The program’s NOx control component is more traditional and not the focus of this brochure.) The SO2 requirements are structured in two phases. Phase I, which began in 1995, limited emissions from the largest, highest-emitting electric-generating facilities. Phase II, which began in 2000, tightened the annual limits on the large plants, and set restrictions on smaller, cleaner plants and all new plants. As of 2001, the program encompassed nearly 2,300 units at 1,000 plants.

Read more. [489KB PDF]

Voting Procedures for NELAC 8 Posted
The Voting Procedures for NELAC 8 and the list of nominees are available under Annual/Interim Meetings on the NELAC Web site.

EPA Announces Steps to Increase Energy Efficiency, Encourage Emissions Reductions
Acting on the broad-based, bipartisan call for improving the New Source Review (NSR) program, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today announced steps to increase energy efficiency and encourage emissions reductions. The EPA today submitted a report on NSR and recommendations for reform to President Bush to encourage pollution prevention projects, energy efficiency improvements, and investments in new technologies and modernization of facilities.

Read more.

Proposed Amendments to Air Toxics Rules Posted
A list of "More Air Toxics Rules" from EPA News/Air Report has been posted on the Tribal Announcements page.

New Locations Added to Forecast Pages
Forecasts for Auburn, Davis, Elk Grove, Folsom, Placerville, Roseville-Rocklin, and Woodland, California; Lexington, Kentucky; Aiken, SC; Augusta, GA; Olympia, Lacey and Tumwater, WA; Huntsville, AL; Shreveport, LA; Chattanooga, TN; and Great Smoky Mountains National Park, TN have been added to the Forecast pages. Forecasts can also be found on the Where I Live pages.

The Consolidated Emissions Reporting Rule Is Now Available
The Consolidated Emissions Reporting Rule, finalized today, is now available. This action simplifies and consolidates emission inventory reporting requirements to a single location within the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), establishes new reporting requirements related to PM2.5 and regional haze, and establishes new requirements for the statewide reporting of area source and mobile source emissions.

Read more

Pesticide Active Ingredient Production: Air Toxics Rule: Final Amendments
June 23, 1999, EPA promulgated national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (NESHAP) for Pesticide Active Ingredient (PAI) Production (40 CFR part 63, subpart MMM). On August 19 and 20, 1999, petitions for judicial review of the June 1999 rule were filed in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. This action is in response to an issue raised by two of those petitioners—the American Crop Protection Association (ACPA) and the American Cyanamid Company (now BASF Corporation). On March 22, 2002


Parsed Run Results from EPA Modeling Applications (v. 2.1) Using IPM
EPA Modeling Applications (v.2.1) of the Integrated Planning Model produce forecasts for model plants, i.e., clusters of real life units with similar characteristics. A parsed file is an Excel spreadsheet that provides unit-level results derived from the model plant projections obtained by the Integrated Planning Model (IPM). Parsed results are generally only produced for fossil-fuel fired units. Projections for individual plants are based on data currently available and modeling parameters which are simplifications of the real world.


Updated Summary of the Decisions Made by NELAP Is Now Available
The responsibility for assuring a laboratory’s compliance with the NELAC standards rests with the laboratory’s primary accrediting authority. However, it was realized at the outset that the implementation process would proceed more harmoniously if the NELAP accrediting authorities worked cooperatively; thus, bi-weekly teleconferences of the Workgroup have been held since July 1999.

Read the full Summary...

NELAC: Summary of Quality Systems Committee Meeting Summary Posted
The Quality Systems Committee of the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference (NELAC) met by teleconference on Monday, June 3. Click here [104KB PDF] to download a summary of the meeting.

Cleveland Air Toxics Pilot Brochure Identifies the Project Partners, Goals and More
EPA has prepared a brochure about the Cleveland Air Toxics Pilot, which was developed by the Community Working Group. The brochure briefly describes the project and initial projects being developed by the working group, identifies the project partners, project goals, target sources, initial target pilot areas, and tells you what you can do to reduce air toxics where you live.

May 2002

Final Version of Climate Action Report 2002 Posted
The final version of The Third U.S. National Communication on Climate Change (also known as the U.S. Climate Action Report - 2002) has been posted.

Emission Standards Proposed for New Large Marine Diesel Engines
EPA is proposing emission standards for new marine diesel engines at or above 30 liters per cylinder and 2.5 to 30 liters per cylinder on U.S. vessels. Marine diesel engines at or above 30 liters per cylinder are very large marine engines used primarily for propulsion power on ocean-going vessels such as container ships, tankers, bulk carriers, and cruise ships. The vessels that use these engines are flagged in the United States and in other countries. Nationwide, these engines contribute to ozone and carbon monoxide nonattainment and to ambient particulate matter levels, particularly in commercial ports and along coastal areas.

Read more.

EPA Releases Latest Toxic Release Inventory
Today EPA issued its annual report on the amount of toxic chemicals released into the environment. The report shows that trends in overall releases are continuing. Total releases of chemicals nationwide decreased by about 700 million pounds during 2000, the latest year for which data are available. This year's report of the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) contains newly-included data on bioaccumulative toxic (PBT) chemicals, such as dioxins, mercury, and PCBs, giving communities a more complete picture of the sources of chemicals in their environment. The 2000 TRI data and background information on the TRI program are available at:

Read the press release (96KB PDF)

Healthy Buildings, Healthy People: A Vision for the 21st Century Now Available
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is pleased to issue the Healthy Buildings, Healthy People: A Vision for the 21st Century report. The importance of the indoor environment to human health has been highlighted in numerous environmental risk reports, including the 1997 report of the President and Congressional Commission on Risk Assessment and Risk Management. On average, we spend about 90 percent of our time indoors, where pollutant levels are often higher than those outside. Indoor pollution is estimated to cause thousands of cancer deaths and hundreds of thousands of respiratory health problems each year. In addition, hundreds of thousands of children have experienced elevated blood lead levels resulting from their exposure to indoor pollutants.

Read the Report

NELAC: Summary of May 23 Membership and Outreach Meeting Posted
The Membership and Outreach Committee of the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) met on Thursday, May 23. Click here [123KB PDF] to download a summary of the meeting.

Three States Added to National Ozone Map
Colorado, Utah and New Mexico have been added to the National Ozone Map. Today's map can be accessed from the Ozone maps page.

New Publication Helps You Keep Kids Safe During Warmer Months
Summertime Safety: Keeping Kids Safe from Sun and Smog (304KB PDF) discusses summer health hazards that pertain particularly to children and includes information about EPA's Air Quality Index and UV Index tools.

Draft Review of Continuous Monitoring Implementation Plan Posted
Review by the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee of the Agency's draft "Continuous Monitoring Implementation Plan" (115KB PDF) is posted in the "CASAC Information and the PM2.5 Continuous Monitoring" areas.

ALERT -- New Consequence Analysis Report on CALMET/CALPUFF and MESOPUFF II Now Available
A consequence analysis report entitled "Application of CALMET/ CALPUFF and MESOPUFF II to Compare Regulatory Design Concentrations for a Typical Long-Range Transport Analysis" (484KB PDF) is now available from the 7th Modeling Conference webpage in the CALPUFF Modeling System subsection Support Documents.

Revised Version of the RBLC Web Editor Is Now Available
A revised version of the RBLC Web Editor is now available. New fields have been added, such as notes at the pollutant level, while others have been renamed. A copy is posted of the entire Editor as well as a separate program to update versions already downloaded. Be sure to upgrade your copy as soon as possible. For new users, this program allows State and local agencies to enter and fine tune their submittals to the RBLC off-line on their PC. When the information is exactly as you want it, just send it to the RBLC. Go to the RBLC Software area of the CATC Products download page to get the Editor and User's Manual.

Administrator Whitman Receives Award for EPA's Commitment to Asthma Prevention
The Children's Allergy, Immunology and Respiratory (AIR) Foundation recently honored EPA Administrator Christie Todd Whitman with its Gift of Breath Award for raising awareness of the environment as a possible first line of defense against asthma, an illness which affects 15 million Americans, one third of whom are children under the age of 18. Asthma is the leading chronic illness in children and the cause of 10 million missed school days each year.

Read more

The New NAAQS Site Is Now Open to the Public
This web site contains a variety of information related to several aspects of the ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) attainment effort. The site is intended to make easily available information on both data and policy related to the ozone NAAQS.

Visit the Site.

Integrated Planning Model Run Results for the Clear Skies Initiative
The analyses of the Clear Skies Initiative are products of the updated model. Among the factors that make IPM particularly well suited to model multi-emissions control programs are (1) its ability to capture complex interactions among the electric power, fuel, and environmental markets, (2) its detail-rich representation of emission control options encompassing a broad array of retrofit technologies along with emission reductions through fuel switching, changes in capacity mix, and electricity dispatch strategies, and (3) its capability to model a variety of environmental market mechanisms, such as emissions caps, allowances, trading, and banking. Clear Skies is implemented through an emissions cap-and-trade program. Such programs are particularly well suited for modeling using IPM, because they rely on the operation of an allowance market, the availability of a broad range of emissions reduction options, and empowerment of economic actors to achieve emission limits.

Get the Results

Surface Coating of Metal Coil: Air Toxics Final Rule Fact Sheet
EPA is issuing a final rule to reduce toxic air pollutant emissions from metal coil surface coating facilities. Metal coil coating is the process of applying a coating (usually protective or decorative) to one or both sides of a continuous strip of sheet metal. Industries using coated metal include: transportation, building products, appliances, can manufacturing, and packaging. Other products using coated metal coil include measuring tapes, ventilation systems for walls and roofs, lighting fixtures, office filing cabinets, cookware, and sign stock material.

Read more (PDF 11K)

Summary of the Proposed Restructuring of NELAC Has Been Developed and Is Now Available
The most significant changes to the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference (NELAC) since its establishment in 1994 are underway. These changes are timely, and can considerably strengthen NELAC by providing the conference with increased self-sufficiency and giving the private sector a more substantive role in the standards-development process.

Learn about the changes. (PDF 11KB)

Flash Animations of Global Warming and Earth Processes Can Now Be Viewed on the Kids Site
New Flash Animations are now available on the Global Warming Kids sites. Here you will find animations of how Global Warming occurs and how it is linked to the Carbon and Water cycles.

View the Animations!

Read the Semiconductor Manufacturing Air Toxics Rule Fact Sheet
The Clean Air Act requires EPA to regulate emissions of 188 listed toxic air pollutants. For major sources (those with the potential to emit 10 tons annually or more of a listed pollutant or 25 tons or more of a combination of pollutants), the law requires EPA to develop standards requiring the application of stringent air pollution controls. Those standards are known as “MACT standards,” because they require the application of maximum achievable control technology, or MACT.

This notice will propose regulations for the manufacture of semiconductors.

Read more (PDF 10K)

Preferred Methods for Estimating Emissions in the Graphic Arts Industry
The Emission Inventory Improvement Program (EIIP) is a joint program of the EPA, Standing Air Emissions Work Group (SAEWG), and the State and Territorial Air Pollution Program Administrators and the Association of Local Air Pollution Control Officials (STAPPA/ALAPCO). The ultimate goal of the EIIP is to provide cost-effective, reliable inventories by improving the quality of emissions data collected and provide for uniform reporting of this information. These emissions-related data will be made available to state and local agencies, the regulated community, the public, and EPA. The EIIP has been designed to increase the likelihood that acceptable quality emission inventory data will be available. The use of these procedures will promote consistency in these activities among the emission inventory reporting groups.

Read the Report (PDF 468K)

EPA Announces a Public Hearing on the Proposed WRAP Annex Rule
EPA Announces a Public Hearing on the Proposed WRAP Annex Rule The EPA intends to hold a public hearing on this proposed rule in Phoenix, Arizona on June 4, 2002. Public Hearings. The public hearing will be held on June 4, 2002 at 2:00 p.m., rooms 1709 and 1710, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, 3033 North Central, Phoenix, Arizona, located on the South Mall. If you wish to attend the public hearing or wish to present oral testimony, please send notification no later than one week prior to the date of the public hearing to Ms. Marty Robin, Air Division (AIR-1), U.S. EPA Region 9, 75 Hawthorne Street, San Francisco, CA 94105, telephone (415) 947-4143, email

Read the Announcement

The Final Rule Revisions (Unofficial Version) to Parts 72 and 75: Volumes I and II
This unofficial version of 40 CFR Part 75 (and 40 CFR 72.1 - 72.3) has been produced to assist interested parties in understanding changes that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has made to Parts 72 and 75, in response to comments received on the proposed rule revisions of June 13, 2001. This unofficial version contains the current regulation in standard text with changes in redline and strikeout. While all reasonable steps have been taken to produce this unofficial version in an accurate manner, the reader should compare it against the official version of the affected parts published by the Office of the Federal Register to determine how the revisions affect Part 72 and Part 75.

Volume I (PDF 2.2MB) | Volume II (PDF 2MB)

  • Lab Intercomparison - Quality Assurance Report "Air Toxics Pilot"
    A laboratory “round robin” intercomparison was conducted by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) during the National Air Toxics Pilot Study (NATPS). Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and elemental metallic compounds were collected and distributed to the laboratories that participated in the study. The data were sent to EPA’s Office of Air Quality, Planning and Standards (OAQPS). The results were tabulated and statistically analyzed. The following statements can be made about the results of the intercomparison:
  • For the VOCs, an issue has been identified concerning the identification and reporting of compounds. EPA will need to establish clear guidelines on what and how compounds are identified and reported.
  • 1,3-butadiene values reported on the west coast were significantly different from the values reported on the east coast. Stability of this compound may be a factor. However, several laboratories did not report any values for this compound, therefore more data are needed from across the nation to discern whether this is a problem.
  • Most of the compounds that were statistically analyzed were within 2 standard deviations of the mean.
  • The Hillsborough County laboratory reported a beryllium value approximately 100 times the mean of the other values. It is believed that there may have been contamination or a dilution error with this metals sample.

Read the rest of the report (PDF 158K)

Guidelines for Ensuring and Maximizing the Quality, Objectivity, Utility, and Integrity of Information
As required, EPA is currently developing its IQ guidelines to comply with the above new Office of Management and Budget (OMB) guideline. Section 515 of the Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act for FY2001 (Public Law 106-554) directed OMB to issue government-wide guidelines that "provide policy and procedural guidance to Federal agencies for ensuring and maximizing the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of information, including statistical information, disseminated by Federal agencies." The OMB guidelines were first issued on September 28, 2001 and are summarized below. The OMB Information Quality guidelines were published in the Federal Register and are available at:

In summary, OMB's guidelines direct agencies to:

  • Develop and implement their agency-specific information quality guidelines by October 1, 2002;
  • Adopt a basic standard of quality as a performance goal and incorporate the standard into Agency operations;
  • Develop a process for reviewing the quality of information before it is disseminated;
  • Establish administrative mechanisms for affected persons to request correction of information that may not comply with Agency guidelines; and
  • Annually report to OMB the number and nature of complaints received regarding Agency compliance with the Agency guidelines and how complaints were resolved beginning January 1, 2004.

The draft EPA IQ Guidelines are available for comment NOW at

11th International Emission Inventory Conference Papers and Presentations
"Emission Inventories - Partnering for the
Future," Atlanta, GA, April 15-18, 2002

Final Program and Agenda (PDF 160K)

Final Rule Revisions to Parts 72 and 75
This unofficial version of 40 CFR Part 75 (and 40 CFR 72.1 - 72.3) has been produced to assist interested parties in understanding changes that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has made to Parts 72 and 75, in response to comments received on the proposed rule revisions of June 13, 2001. This unofficial version contains the current regulation in standard text with changes in redline and strikeout. While all reasonable steps have been taken to produce this unofficial version in an accurate manner, the reader should compare it against the official version of the affected parts published by the Office of the Federal Register to determine how the revisions affect Part 72 and Part 75.

Volume I | Volume II Redline/strikeout in PDF Format

MOBILE6 Vehicle Emission Modeling Software
EPA has released draft models to estimate emissions of particulate matter (PM) and air toxics from highway vehicles. These materials are available for a five-month period, beginning May 1, 2002.

  • MOBILE62.ZIP -- This zipped file allows users to download the draft MOBILE6.1/6.2 model and supporting documentation. It includes the draft MOBILE6 model, the user guide, a "Question & Answer" list, source code, and sample input and output files. The file can be unzipped with standard software such as WinZip. A "read-me" file explains the next steps for setting up and using the model. May, 2002   3.0M ZIP
  • Draft MOBILE6.1 Particulate Emission Factor Model Technical Description (EPA420-R-02-012) March, 2002. Report   160K PDF 1.2M ZIP WPD
  • Draft Technical Description of MOBILE6.2 and Guidance on Its Use for Inventory Preparation (EPA420-R-02-011) February, 2002.

Contact: Mobile Model Team by fax: (734) 214-4939 or email:, or phone Assessment and Standards Division Information Line: (734) 214-4636

April 2002

Data Reporting for Fine Particles
Summary of data reporting (850 KB PDF) for fine particulate (PM2.5) to AIRS/AQS as of 04/15/02 is posted in the PM2.5 "Data Management and AIRS Reporting" area.

Organic Liquids Distribution (Non-Gasoline): Air Toxics Proposed Rule
As a result of interagency review comments received on the Technical Support Document (TSD) for the proposed OLD standards, the project team has re-analyzed the HAP emission reductions and re-estimated control costs attributed to compliance with the proposed rulemaking. Information relative to the baseline emissions, level of control that exists for transfer racks, and the estimated costs for additional control of transfer racks has been updated (see attached telephone contact report). The updated analysis is presented in the attached revised Memo Nos. 2, 3, and 6. These revised memoranda should be considered as replacements for the corresponding memos in the original TSD.

Read more: Air Toxics Proposed Rule: Technical Support Document (PDF 310K)

Proposed Revisions to the Regional Haze Rule Incorporating Key Provisions for Nine Western States and Eligible Indian Tribes
What the Proposed Rule Includes:

Proposes to approve the WRAP's SO2 emission reduction milestones for each year between 2003 and 2018. In addition, it includes a description of an annual process to determine if voluntary measures meet the milestones.

Currently, sources in the region covered by the WRAP emit approximately 650,000 tons per year of SO2. By 2018, this proposal would reduce emissions by nearly one third.

States and tribes would collect annual emission reports and process them to collect a regional emissions total. If the regional total exceeds the annual milestone, a backstop market trading program would be triggered to ensure that emission reduction milestones and ultimately visibility goals are met.

Read the fact sheet.

NELAC and NELAP Poster Representation Giving an Overview of NELAC, NELAP and the Benefits to Regulatory Authorities
The poster gives a quick overview of NELAC, NELAP and the benefits to Regulatory Authorities of these programs. The poster can be printed out (in Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or higher) and used as a point of discussion about NELAC.

Get the Poster (PDF 431K)

Fact Sheet for Revised Deadlines for Section 126 Ozone Transport Rule
NOx emissions from facilities in upwind states can contribute to ground-level ozone pollution (smog) in downwind states. When inhaled – even at very low levels – ground-level ozone can cause acute respiratory problems, aggravate asthma, reduce lung capacity, inflame lung tissue, and impair the body’s immune system. Section 126 of the Clean Air Act gives a state the authority to ask EPA to set emissions limits for specific sources of air pollution in other states that significantly contribute to the petitioning state’s air quality problems. In 1997, eight northeastern states filed petitions with EPA to reduce the transport of groundlevel ozone. The eight states are Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

Read more in the fact sheet. (PDF 12K)

Check out the Latest Issue of the Clean Air Markets Update Newsletter
In this issue:

  • From the Desk of Brian McLean
  • To Trade or Not To Trade?
  • Emissions Trading Demonstration in Taiyuan, China
  • Can Emissions Trading and Command-and-Control Regulations Coexist?
  • Update on U.S. Emissions Trading Programs: Emissions Trading Goes On-Line
  • Developing an Emissions Trading Program in Slovakia: A Case Study
  • News From Around the World

Read more (PDF 416K)

AQS Data Coding Manual Draft Available
This manual explains how to use the Air Quality System (AQS). AQS is a computer-based system for handling the storage and retrieval of information pertaining to airborne pollutants.

Click here to read the draft version of the manual. This is a 468 KB Adobe PDF file.

Quarterly Air Toxics Monitoring Newsletter Posted
Click here to read the latest from the STAPPA/ALAPCO – USEPA Air Toxics Monitoring Steering Committee.

This is a 37KB Adobe PDF file.

2002 SBO/SBAP National Conference Scheduled for June 30 to July 3
The annual conference for the national Clean Air Act, Section 507 program will be held in Chicago starting June 30 with training for Compliance Advisory Panel (CAP) members. Sessions for state ombudsmen and small business assistance program staff start July 1 and will be broken out into different tracks for newcomers, technical staff, and professional development.

2002 Teleconference Schedule Now Posted
An updated list of 2002 teleconferences is now available. Click here to download the list. This is a 14KB Adobe PDF file.

Updated List of NELAP Accredited Labs Posted to Web
An updated list of the NELAP accredited labs can be found here. Note that any corrections to this list must be made through the primary accrediting authority.

New Publication: "A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture, and Your Home"
Molds have the potential to cause health problems. Molds produce allergens (substances that can cause allergic reactions), irritants, and in some cases, potentially toxic substances (mycotoxins). Inhaling or touching mold or mold spores may cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. This Guide provides information and guidance for homeowners and renters on how to clean up residential mold problems and how to prevent mold growth.

Click here to learn more.

Progress Reports for Various Supersites Are Now Posted
Progress Reports for the following Supersites are now posted: St. Louis, Pittsburgh, New York, Houston, Fresno, Baltimore, Los Angeles.

"Mid-Course Review Guidance for the 1-hour Ozone Nonattainment Areas that Rely on Weight-of-evidence for Attainment Demonstrations" Now Available
The final version of the guidance document entitled "Midcourse Review Guidance for the 1-hour Ozone Nonattainment Areas that Rely on Weight-of-evidence for Attainment Demonstrations" is now available on the Guidance/Support webpage under the section entitled Modeling Guidance, subsection Ozone Particulate Matter. See the file entitled MCRGUIDE [PDF 66KB].

2002 Air Quality System (AQS) Conference Scheduled for June 17-21
This year’s AQS Conference will be held June 17-21 at the Galt House Hotel, 140 4th Ave, Louisville, Kentucky. The hotel is located right on the Ohio River in downtown Louisville. Please note that we plan to have more hands-on computer courses than we have had in the past. There will be a 1 1/2 day introductory AQS course for up to 30 new State, local and tribal users. There will also be four separate courses on the use of Discoverer, an Oracle tool for preparing ad hoc reports, so that up to 120 users can be trained on Discoverer. Also, two courses on the revised PARS will be held.

"Radiation Protection: EPA’s Unique Role" Now Available
Radiation exists everywhere in the environment and has since the Earth’s formation — in rocks, soil, water, and plants. The mining and processing of radioactive materials for use in medicine, power generation, consumer products, and industry inevitably generate emissions and waste. Recognizing the potential hazards of these activities, Congress designated EPA as the primary federal agency charged with protecting people and the environment from harmful and avoidable exposure to radiation.

"Radiation Protection: EPA’s Unique Role" [PDF 393 KB]

2001 OTC NOx Budget Program Compliance Report
This report summarizes the results of the third year of the program. The NOx Budget Program was established by the states in the Ozone Transport Commission (OTC) to reduce NOx emissions region-wide as a part of each state's effort to attain the national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS) for ground level ozone. The OTC comprises the states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, the northern counties of Virginia, and the District of Columbia.

Read more

Summary of national results (PDF 33K)
Appendix with charts showing results at the unit level (PDF 148K)

One-Hour Ozone Nonattainment: Midcourse Review Guidance for the 1-hour Ozone Nonattainment Areas that Rely on Weight-of-Evidence for Attainment Demonstrations: Guidance Memo
A mid-course review (MCR) provides for an opportunity to assess if a nonattainment area is or is not making sufficient progress toward attainment of the one-hour ozone standard. The review will utilize the most recent monitoring and other data to assess whether the control measures relied on in a SIPs attainment demonstration have resulted in adequate improvement of the ozone air quality. The EPA believes that a commitment to perform a MCR is a critical element in any attainment demonstration that employs a long term projection period and relies on a weight of evidence test. In proposing to approve the attainment demonstration SIPS for ten serious and severe nonattainment areas for the 1-hour ozone NAAQS on December 16, 1999, EPA indicated that in order for EPA to approve the Sips, the States would need to commit to perform a MCR, since they relied on a weight of evidence test with long term projections. EPA also requested the States to work with EPA in a public consultative process to develop a methodology for performing the MCR and develop the criteria by which adequate progress would be judged. The States have participated in such a consultative process with EPA, which resulted in the development of the attached MCR technical guidance. A methodology other than the one developed from the public consultative process would need to be approved in advance by EPA.

Read more (PDF 66K)

Announcing the General Conformity Regulations Section, Accessible from the OARPG Home Page or by a Direct Link
Section 176(c) of the Clean Air Act prohibits Federal entities from taking actions in nonattainment or maintenance areas which do not conform to the State implementation plan (SIP) for the attainment and maintenance of the national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS). Therefore, the purpose of conformity is to (1) ensure Federal activities do not interfere with the budgets in the Sips; (2) ensure actions do not cause or contribute to new violations, and (3) ensure attainment and maintenance of the NAAQS. In November 1993, EPA promulgated two sets of regulations to implement section 176(c). First, on November 24, EPA promulgated the Transportation Conformity Regulations (applicable to highways and mass transit) to establish the criteria and procedures for determining that transportation plans, programs, and projects which are funded under title 23 U.S. C. or the Federal Transit Act conform with the SIP (58 FR 62188). Then, on November 30, EPA promulgated regulations, known as the General Conformity Regulations (applicable to everything else), to ensure that other Federal actions also conformed to the Sips (58 FR 63214).

Read more

Take the Smoke-Free Home Pledge Online!
Congratulations on wanting to provide a smoke-free home and smoke-free transportation for your children. By taking the pledge, you:

  • Choose not to smoke in your home and do not permit others to do so. Small children are especially vulnerable to the health effects of secondhand smoke.
  • Choose to smoke outside, if you must smoke. Moving to another room or opening a window is not enough to protect your children.

Once you pledge, you can print out a certificate saying you made your home smoke-free. You can also receive a Smoke-Free Home Kit by mail that includes the certificate plus:

  • A congratulations letter from the EPA
  • Tips on keeping your home smoke-free
  • A smoke-free home magnet

To order the Kit, please call our Smoke-Free Home Pledge Hotline at 1-800-513-1157.

Go and Take the Pledge!

March 2002

The D.C. Court Today Rejected all Remaining Challenges to EPA's 1997 Protective Ambient Air Standards For Fine Particles and Ground-Level Ozone
The DC Court today rejected all remaining challenges to EPA's 1997 protective ambient air standards for fine particles (soot) and
ground-level ozone (smog). Now, EPA, in partnership with state and local governments, will move forward with programs to protect Americans from the wide variety of health problems that these air pollutants can cause, such as respiratory illnesses and premature death.

"Today's unanimous decision is a significant victory in EPA's ongoing efforts to protect the health of millions of Americans from the dangers of air pollution," said EPA Administrator Christie Whitman. "EPA now has a clear path to move forward to ensure that all Americans can breathe cleaner air. The President has put forward an ambitious plan — the Clear Skies initiative — to reduce power plant emissions of three key pollutants by 70 percent. Today's court ruling strengthens the case for the President's initiative by affirming EPA's approach to regulating emissions that cause smog and acid rain."

Click on the links below to read:

DC Circuit Court Upholds Clean Air Standards
The DC Court today rejected all remaining challenges to EPA's 1997 protective ambient air standards for fine particles (soot) and ground-level ozone (smog). Now, EPA, in partnership with state and local governments, will move forward with programs to protect Americans from the wide variety of health problems that these air pollutants can cause, such as respiratory illnesses and premature death.

Read the Press Release

The Results EPA's 2002 Acid Rain S02 Allowance Auction are Now Available

Because the availability of allowances is crucial to ensure both the economic efficiency of the emissions limitation program and the addition of new electric generating capacity, Title IV of the Clean Air Act Amendments mandates that EPA hold or sponsor yearly auctions of allowances for a small portion of the total allowances allocated each year. The auctions help ensure that new units have a public source of allowances beyond those allocated initially to existing units. Moreover, the auctions help price information to the allowance market in the early stages of the regulatory program.

The 2002 SO2 Allowance Auction took place on March 25, 2002. Allowances were auctioned that could first be used in 2002 as well as in 2009. Details are provided via the links below.

2002 ENERGY STAR Award Winners Announced

The 2002 ENERGY STAR Awards were awarded on March 26 to thirty-six businesses and organizations that have taken decisive action to protect the environment by providing and promoting energy efficient consumer products, buildings, and homes.

"Successful partnerships have always been integral to achieving our environmental protection goals," said EPA Administrator Christie Whitman. "Today, we honor the 2002 Energy Star Partner Award winners who serve as models to other businesses and organizations, proving you can improve our environment while saving energy and money."

Read the Press Release

EPA Announces the 2002 Stratospheric Ozone Protection Award Winners
Since 1990, 452 individuals and organizations from 37 countries have earned the United States Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Stratospheric Ozone Protection Award. The award recognizes outstanding contributions to protect the Earth's stratospheric ozone layer. This year's 28 recipients have demonstrated originality and public purpose, persuasive moral and organizational leadership, and elimination of emissions of ozone-depleting substances. The winners are from Australia, Austria, Canada, Costa Rica, Japan, Russia, Switzerland, Uganda, United Kingdom and the United States.

EPA Stratospheric Ozone Protection Awards are particularly prestigious because nominations compete globally using previous winners as judges.

Read more

Federal Register Notice for the Agency Information Collection: Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Ambient Air Quality Surveillance
EPA is soliciting comments on specific aspects of the proposed information collections as described in this Federal Register Notice (FRL-7154-1) [PDF 39KB].

Patch 1 to AQS Version 2.1 is Available
This patch corrects a problem with records subordinate to the primary monitor not always appearing.

Interstate Ozone Transport: Response to Court Decisions on the NOx SIP Call, NOx SIP Call Technical Amendments, and Section 126 Rules
EPA is proposing rules to continue the Agency’s efforts to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) across the eastern United States. Nitrogen oxides are a key component of ground-level ozone (smog). This action is in response to several decisions from the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (DC Circuit).

Read more

Spanish Version of the Air Quality Index for Kids Website has Been Published
The Spanish version of the AQI for Kids site has been published - and the chameleons speak Spanish, too!

Go there

EPA Proposes Removing Portion of Michigan from Section 126 Rule
EPA is proposing to remove a portion of the state of Michigan from requirements of EPA’s rule granting ozone-reduction petitions filed under Section 126 of the Clean Air Act, by four northeastern states.

Read the Fact Sheet

World Asthma Day - 2002
EPA is joining with other Federal and non-profit organizations to sponsor asthma education events around the country during May - Asthma Awareness Month - to raise awareness about the indoor and outdoor pollutants that trigger asthma episodes, and how to avoid them as part of a comprehensive asthma management plan.

World Asthma Day was established in 1999 by the Global Initiative for Asthma, a joint project between the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute at the National Institutes of Health, and the World Health Organization. Organizations in countries throughout the world are working together to develop special activities to increase public awareness of the seriousness of asthma and actions they can take to improve asthma care and management.

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Interstate Ozone Transport: Response to Court Decisions on the NOx SIP Call, NOx SIP Call Technical Amendments, and Section 126 Rules
EPA is proposing rules to continue the Agency’s efforts to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) across the eastern United States. Nitrogen oxides are a key component of ground-level ozone (smog). This action is in response to several decisions from the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (DC Circuit).

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Interstate Ozone Transport: Rulemaking on Section 126 Petitions from New York and Connecticut Regarding Sources in Michigan; Revision of Definition of Applicable Requirement for Title V Operating Permit Programs
EPA is proposing to remove a portion of the state of Michigan from requirements of EPA’s rule granting ozone-reduction petitions filed under Section 126 of the Clean Air Act, by four northeastern states.

EPA finalized the rule, known as the Section 126 Rule, in December 1999. It requires large utilities and large industrial boilers and turbines located in 12 states and the District of Columbia to reduce nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions. The emission reductions required in the rule are necessary to help the petitioning states (Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, and Pennsylvania) meet EPA’s national air quality standards for ozone (1-hour).

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Requests to Convert CFC-11 to CFC-12
Several companies asked for EPA’s determination whether it is permissible under the Clean Air Act (CAA) to convert one type of ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) compound, CFC-11, to another ozone-depleting compound, CFC-12. EPA has determined that the CAA does not allow the conversion [Fact Sheet PDF 62KB]. The conversion of CFC-11 to CFC-12 constitutes prohibited “production” under the CAA and EPA’s implementing regulations [Responses: DBA Coolgas, Inc. PDF 144KB, Honeywell International, Inc. PDF 138KB]. Production of CFCs has been prohibited since 1996.

About Portable Document Files (PDF)

The Latest Update of EPA Modeling Applications (v.2.1) Using the Integrated Planning Model
EPA uses the Integrated Planning Model (IPM) to analyze the projected impact of environmental policies on the electric power sector in the 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia. Developed by ICF Resources Incorporated and used to support public and private sector clients, IPM is a multi-regional, dynamic, deterministic linear programming model of the US electric power sector. It provides forecasts of least-cost capacity expansion, electricity dispatch, and emission control strategies for meeting energy demand and environmental, transmission, dispatch, and reliability constraints. IPM can be used to evaluate the cost and emissions impacts of proposed policies to limit emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOX) , carbon dioxide (CO2), and mercury (Hg) from the electric power sector. The IPM was a key analytical tool in developing the President's Clear Skies Initiative.

Read more

Documents for Emission Inventory Improvement Program (EIIP) have been Posted
The document "Revamped Procedure for EIIP" (15KB PDF) [File no longer exists] and notice document "Requests for EIIP Project Ideas" (6KB PDF) [File no longer exists] have been posted at the Clearinghouse for Inventories and Emissions Factors (CHIEF) Web Site.

About Portable Document Files (PDF)

EPA Administrator Honors Clean Air Excellence Award Winners
EPA Administrator Christie Whitman honored 47 local and state governments, industries and citizens groups at the 2nd Annual Clean Air Excellence Awards ceremony held in Washington, DC. These awards were established to recognize individuals and organizations for using innovative ideas to improve air quality across the country. Awards were given in five categories: Clean Air Technology, Community Development/Re-Development, Education/Outreach, Regulatory/Policy Innovations and Transportation Efficiency Innovations.

Learn more at:

IAQ Technical Helpline
Need help getting started or using the IAQ Tools for Schools Kit? Do you need information about an indoor air quality issue in your school?

EPA is supporting the University of Wisconsin's efforts to assist public schools with technical questions relating to the implementation of the IAQ Tools for Schools Kit.

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Availability of Additional Documents for the Response to the Remands in the Ozone Transport Cases Concerning the Method for Computing Growth for Electric Generating Units
EPA is providing notice that it has placed in the dockets for the two main rulemakings concerning ozone- smog transport in the eastern part of the United States --the Nitrogen Oxides State Implementation PlanCall (NOx SIP Call) and the Section 126 Rule -- additional data relevant to the remands by the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (D.C.Circuit) concerning growth rates for seasonal heat input by electric generating units (EGUs).

Read the rulemakings.

International Emission Inventory Conference "Emission Inventories - Partnering for the Future," Scheduled for April 15-18 in Atlanta, Georgia
This is the eleventh annual symposium on emission inventories and is sponsored by the US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Emission Factor and Inventory Group, with assistance from the EPA Region IV office. There will be no registration fee or cost for training courses or conference attendance.

The technical program, April 16 to 18, will include presentations that describe new developments in methodologies for characterizing and inventorying air pollutant emissions, especially in emerging programs such as air toxics, regional haze, fine particulate matter and emission factors. Also of interest will be presentations and poster sessions related to continuing developments in the ozone program and in uses of inventories for SIP development. This conference will provide a useful forum for exchange of ideas and information on the use of emission data between industry, the US EPA, state/local regulators, regional planning organizations, and international agencies.

On April 15, a choice of eight half day classes will be offered covering several aspects of emission inventory preparation and use. At the conclusion of the conference on Thursday, the Georgia Department of Environmental Protection is offering a tour of a Georgia Power facility in the Atlanta area.

Preliminary Program (PDF 1.4M)
Conference & Course Registration.
The registration deadline is March 15, 2002.
Exhibitor's Information and Registration. (PDF 123K)
The exhibitor application deadline is March 20, 2002

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Upcoming Conference, "Source Testing in the New Regulatory World," Scheduled for October 29-30, 2002
"Source Testing in the New Regulatory World" is scheduled for October 29-30 at the Brownstone Hotel in Raleigh, NC. Registration is open to Federal, State, and local regulators only. To add your e-mail address to the mailing list for registration information, contact Rima Howell at

Check the Emission Measurement Center's What's New Page for more details in the future.

February 2002

"Nitrogen: Multiple and Regional Impacts" Now Available On-line in PDF Format
The EPA report Nitrogen:Multiple and Regional Impacts (PDF 4.3MB), is now available on-line in PDF Format.

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New $25 Million State and Tribal Grant Program Launched for Environmental Information Exchange
EPA announces that the National Environmental Information Exchange Network Grant Program is now soliciting applications for the Program.

Read the TribalAIR announcement.

The Bakery Partnership Program Webpage is Now Available
The Bakery Partnership Program webpage is now available in the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance web area.

Particulate Data Management Tool (PDMT) and Support Available
A database tool is available to assist in the process of collecting PM2.5 data from the monitors, administering and housing the information, and reporting it to EPA .

For more information (7KB PDF)

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The Draft 2002 Inventory of US Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks (1990 – 2000) is Available for Public Comment
The Draft Inventory of US Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2000 has been posted in the Federal Register and is available for public review.

The draft reports can be obtained by visiting EPA's Global Warming site at:

Visibility in Mandatory Federal Class I Areas, 1994-1998: A Report to Congress
The national visibility goal was established in section 169A of the 1977 Clean Air Act (CAA) as "the prevention of any future, and the remedying of any existing, impairment of visibility in mandatory Federal Class I areas which impairment results from manmade air pollution." This report presents visibility trends and analyses of annual and seasonal pollutant composition based on 1994-1998 monitoring data from 46 sites.

EPA's National Air Quality Conference: Forecasting and Public Outreach
Presentations are available for EPA's National Air Quality Conference: Forecasting and Public Outreach.

President Bush Unveils Climate Change Plan
On February 14, President Bush announced his plan for action to cut greenhouse gas intensity in an address at the NOAA Science Center.

In addition, the President announced a plan to reduce emissions of three pollutants called the "Clear Skies Initiative." The initiative aims to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and mercury by 70 percent using a market-based approach.

See the following links to read the news, speeches, and Position papers on this initiative.

Proposed Federal Implementation Plans Under The Clean Air Act for Indian Reservations in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing a set of rules to regulate air pollution sources on 39 Indian reservations in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.

Read the Fact Sheet from the TribalAIR announcement page.

Air Toxics Now - Satellite Downlink Broadcast
This broadcast will feature 3 reports: the first report will explore a joint urban air toxics pilot project between EPA, the State of Arizona and three Indian Tribes in Maricopa County; the second report will examine EPA's approval of a request by the State of New Hampshire to enforce State permit terms in lieu of the MACT standard for a pulp mill. The last report will discuss an EPA's Project XL that is being implemented at a pulp mill in Virginia.

Read the TribalAIR announcement page for details.

Interstate Ozone Transport: Response to Court Decisions on the NOx SIP Call, NOx SIP Call Technical Amendments, and Section 126 Rules
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to amend two related final rules issued under sections 110 and 126 of the Clean Air Act (CAA) related to interstate transport of nitrogen oxides (NOx), one of the main precursors to ground-level ozone.

Read the proposal

Reformulated Gasoline Transition Rule
The EPA issues a final reformulated gasoline transition rule to eliminate existing blendstock accounting requirements.

Check out the Reformulated Gasoline website to read the Fact Sheet and other related information.

"Climate Change, Wildlife, and Wildlands" A Toolkit for Teachers and Interpreters
Check out the on-line version of the Climate Change, Wildlife, and Wildlands Toolkit developed for Teachers and Interpreters in partnership with the National Park Service and with input from the US Fish and Wildlife Service.

The Environmental Protection Agency announces a unique voluntary Partnership Program for the baking industry
The EPA invites baking companies to participate in a voluntary compliance incentive program intended to reduce environmental and public health threats to the ozone layer. EPA investigations suggest that some large commercial bakeries are emitting ozone-depleting chemicals from their equipment in amounts greater than those allowed under the Clean Air Act.

A Public Service Announcement (PSA), "The National Radon Test: The Man on the Street" is Available for Viewing at the Indoor Air Quality Web Site
The National Radon Test: "The Man on the Street" is a compilation of real life interviews that dramatize what homeowners do and do not know about Radon gas.

This PSA is a 1.9MB MPG file.

The New RBLC Web Editor Now Available
NEW! RBLC Web Standalone Editor - Now your agency can enter and submit data to the RBLC from your own PC without a Web connection! Download and install this program on any PC and you can enter a submittal to the RBLC and fine tune it to your heart's content. When it's done, just send it into the RBLC.

The new EPA Greenbook has been posted
The Greenbook shows nonattainment areas for criteria pollutants - i.e., areas of the country where air pollution levels persistently exceed the national ambient air quality standards.

The EPA Mobile Source Outreach Assistance Grant for FY 2002 has been posted for solicitation in the Federal Register
This grant solicits proposals from state, local, multi-state and tribal air pollution control agencies for mobile source-related public education and outreach projects. The funding will be allocated by EPA’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ) through the competitive process described in this notice. Read the tribal announcement.

EPA Awards Contract to Native American-Owned Company
The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, (EPA) announces the award of a contract to Portage Environmental, Inc., (PEI) to help Indian tribes develop and implement their own air quality programs. The three year contract, awarded on September 17, 2001, is the first contract awarded by EPA's Office of Air & Radiation (OAR) to provide assistance and support to Indian tribes as they begin to implement the Clean Air Act (CAA). Read the tribal announcement .

Monitoring Data Checking Software is Now Available.
The Monitoring Data Checking Software is a tool developed by EPA's Clean Air Markets Division to allow regulated industry and State agencies to enter, analyze, print and export electronic monitoring plan, certification and quality assurance data and to evaluate hourly emissions data for the OTC NOx Budget Program, the Acid Rain Program and monitoring under Subpart H. The software also allows regulated industry to submit Monitoring plan and certification data to EPA via ftp.

January 2002

A EPA and Methyl Bromide Technical Options Committee released the Methyl Bromide Alternatives Matrix
EPA and the Methyl Bromide Technical Options Committee released the Methyl Bromide Alternatives Matrix. The matrix lists alternatives to methyl bromide in both pre-plant and post-harvest applications, and provides citations to various United Nations Environment Programme reports in which alternatives are described.

EPA's climate change Education Resources Database is now available.
EPA’s Climate Change Education Resources Database is now available This is a searchable database offering links to resources such as lesson plans, videos, books, and toolkits.

OAQPS Control Cost Manual
The Sixth Edition of the OAQPS Control Cost Manual (EPA 452-02-001) is available. Go to the CATC products area. The extent of this role varies with the type of regulation. Some types of regulations, such as Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) standards, explicitly use costs in determining their stringency.

National Air Monitoring Strategy Outlook
EPA’s National Air Monitoring Strategy Outlook for the Future (56k PDF) brochure details the strategy to manage the nation's air monitoring networks such that changing priorities and needs can be accommodated within a scientifically sound and resource optimized framework

Proposed Methodology for Particulate Matter Risk Analyses for Selected Urban Areas Posted
The methods proposed to be used to estimate risks and risk reductions in the selected urban areas in the planned particulate matter (PM) risk analyses are similar to the methods used in the previous PM risk analyses.

Read the Metarecord
Download the PDF (1.6MB)
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January has been designated by the U.S. EPA as National Radon Action Month (NRAM)
U.S. EPA headquarters and the National Cooperative Partners (which is comprised of national, state and local governments, non-profit organizations and educational institutions) are committed to several National Radon Action Week (NRAW) activities again this year. But EPA headquarters activities can only reach out so far. The action with the most impact is taken at the local level and begins with local affiliates.

To help, a guide for National Radon Action Month has been developed and will soon be available. In addition, there are materials for National Radon Action Week which are still very useful. Please use whatever materials you need to plan your activities. If we can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Jennifer Keller at (202) 564-9338.

For more information about radon testing, call EPA's hotline at 800-SOS-RADON, or contact Kristy Miller of EPA at 202-564-9441 ( or visit:

SIP Submissions Under EPA Adequacy Review
The following SIP submissions for the following regions are now under adequacy review and are available for public comment. You can access them via EPA's conformity adequacy website.

Contact:  Angela Spickard, phone:  (734) 214-4283 or email:

MOBILE6 Emissions Model Available for Downloading
MOBILE6 is an EPA model for estimating pollution from highway vehicles. MOBILE6 calculates emissions of hydrocarbons (HC), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), and carbon monoxide (CO) from passenger cars, motorcycles, light- and heavy-duty trucks. The model accounts for the emission impacts of factors such as changes in vehicle emission standards, changes in vehicle populations and activity, and variation in local conditions such as temperature, humidity and fuel quality.

The memorandum "Deadlines for Electric Generating Units and
Non-Electric Generating Units has been posted.

This memorandum (PDF 21K) discusses EPA’s intent to harmonize
the compliance dates for the NOx SIP Call and the Section 126 Rule.

TribalAIR announcement "Exchange Network Grant Program" has been posted.
The agency has received a FY2002 budget appropriation of $25 million for grants to be used in partnership with States and Tribes to advance the National Environmental Information Exchange Network (Network) and
State data integration efforts.

Read this announcement by visiting the TribalAIR website at:

January has been designated by the U.S. EPA as National Radon
Action Month (NRAM).

U.S. EPA headquarters and the National Cooperative Partners (which is
comprised of national, state and local governments, non-profit organizations and educational institutions) are committed to several National Radon Action Week (NRAW) activities again this year. But EPA headquarters activities can only reach out so far. The action with the most impact is taken at the local level and begins with local affiliates.

To help, a guide for National Radon Action Month has been developed and will soon be available. In addition, there are materials for National Radon Action Week which are still very useful. Please use whatever materials you need to plan your activities. If we can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Jennifer Keller at (202) 564-9338.

For more information about radon testing, call EPA's hotline at
800-SOS-RADON, or contact Kristy Miller of EPA at 202-564-9441
( or visit:

The Fact Sheet for "Proposed Clarifications To Existing Regulations Reducing Emissions of Toxic Air Pollutants" has been published.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing to amend a series of its regulations that control toxic air pollutant emissions. Toxic air
pollution, or air toxics, are pollutants which are known or suspected of causing cancer or other serious health effects.

Read the fact sheet

Quarterly Air Toxics Monitoring Newsletter - January 2002 has been posted
The STAPPA/ALAPCO – USEPA Air Toxics Steering Committee was
established in 1999 for the purpose of overseeing the development of a national air toxics monitoring network. The Steering Committee decided in early 2000 that the national air toxics monitoring network should be “rolled-out” over a several year period. The activities related to the national network are discussed in this quarterly newsletter. (PDF 128K)

EPA has developed a listserv to facilitate communications between the Regional Planning Organizations
EPA has developed a listserv to facilitate communications between the Regional Planning Organizations. The RPO listserv is ready for use. To use the listserv simply enter the following RPO listserv address:

If there are any questions related to the listserv please feel free to contact Larry Wallace by e-mail or by telephone at 919-541-0906.

Proposed Non-Conformance Penalties for 2004 and later Model Year Emission Standards for Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines and Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles
Read the Fact Sheet: "Non-Conformance Penalties for Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines”(EPA420-F-01-034) 11K HTML
Preamble and Regulatory text
Draft Technical Support Document: Nonconformance Penalties for 2004 Highway Heavy Duty Diesel Engines (EPA420-D-02-001) 448K WPD 182K PDF

You can access this final rule and other related documents electronically on the Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ) Web site at:

Air Pollution Distance Learning Network (APDLN)Telecourse Schedule has been updated
The 3-Month (December 2001, and January and February 2002) Air Pollution Distance Learning Network (APDLN) Telecourse schedule has been updated at:

This is a satellite-broadcasting network of over 130 governmental and university broadcast affiliates located across the United States.

The EPA Report: "How to Measure the Effects of Acid Deposition: A Framework for Ecological Assessments" is now available on-line in PDF Format
In an effort to reduce the adverse effects of acid deposition on human health and the environment,Congress established the Acid Deposition Control Program, which was passed in 1990 as Title IV of the Clean Air Act Amendments (hereafter “Title IV”). Title IV requires reductions in annual emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), the precursors of acid rain, from electric utilities.

Read the report at:

An updated list of 2002 NELAC teleconferences and meetings is now available
The updated copy of of 2002 teleconferences has been posted at: [PDF 17K]

On-line registration for the Clean Air Markets Programs Workshop on May 21, 2002, is now available
U.S. EPA's Clean Air Markets Division is planning to hold a workshop on May 21, 2002, at the Drake Hotel in Chicago in advance of the annual EPRI CEM User Group Meeting scheduled for May 22-24. The EPA Workshop will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and is designed to provide an overview of the Acid Rain Program and NOx emissions trading programs

Air Pollution Distance Learning Network (APDLN)Telecourse Schedule has been updated
The 3-Month (December 2001, and January and February 2002) Air Pollution Distance Learning Network (APDLN) Telecourse schedule has been updated at:

This is a satellite-broadcasting network of over 130 governmental and university broadcast affiliates located across the United States.

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