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Fisheries Catalog of Images

650. fish0806
Working together to secure the harvest of shrimp off the THREE SONS
Gulf of Mexico 1968 August
651. fish0807
Hispanic American shrimper in the Gulf of Mexico
Gulf of Mexico 1968 August
652. fish0808
Bow view of a double-rigged shrimp trawler
Brunswick, Georgia 1968 September
653. fish0809
A double-rigged shrimp trawler with one net up and the other being brought aboard
Galveston, Texas 1968 August
654. fish0810
Double-rigged shrimp trawler with bag of one net on board
Galveston, Texas 1968 August
655. fish0811
Double-rigged shrimp trawler with bag of one net about to be opened
Galveston, Texas 1968 August
656. fish0812
Double-rigged shrimp trawler dumping the catch from the bag of one net on deck
Galveston, Texas 1968 August
657. fish0813
Double-rigged shrimp trawler hauling in the nets
Galveston, Texas 1968 August
658. fish0814
Purse seining for shrimp from the beach
Galveston, Texas
659. fish0815
Before turtle excluder devices (TED) loggerhead turtles were casualties of shrimping operations
East Coast of Florida 1969 June
660. fish0816
A turtle excluder device
Biloxi, Mississippi 1996 March
661. fish0817
A combination turtle excluder device/bycatch reduction device manufactured by Saunders Marine Machine Shop. Fish escape by swimming forward and out of the large holes in the net. Shrimp are swept into the bag at the end of the net and cannot swim out.
Biloxi, Mississippi 1996 March
662. fish0818
Turtle excluder device (TED) manufactured by Saunders Marine Machine Shop. The oval metal ring and bars deflect the turtles. The cut in the netting is where the trap door will be placed. The bars force a turtle to the trap door which will open allowing the turtle to go free.
Biloxi, Mississippi 1996 March
663. fish0819
TED's for sale. Although early in their development use of TED's were resisted, they are now a routine part of any shrimp trawl vessel. TEDS are shown for sale in the window of this Biloxi marine outfitter.
Biloxi, Mississippi 1996 March
664. fish0820
Nets, purse seine boat, and wake are seen as looking aft from the stern of a tuna boat in the tropical Pacific
Tropical Pacific Ocean 1959 June
665. fish0821
A tuna seiner circling a school of tuna as seen from a spotter aircraft
Tropical Pacific Ocean 1962 September
666. fish0822
Beginning to flake down the net after completing a set and beginning to retrieve the net prior to harvesting the fish.
Tropical Atlantic Ocean 1962 September
667. fish0823
Nets, purse seine boat, and wake are seen as looking aft from the stern of a tuna boat in the tropical Pacific. The purse seine boat will be released upon approaching a school of tuna.
Tropical Pacific Ocean 1959 June
668. fish0824
Skipjack tuna caught with a one-pole rig with a barbless hook.
Tropical Atlantic Ocean 1966 April
669. fish0825
Purse seine being closed prior to harvesting the tuna. The small boat is used to make noise and keep the tuna within the net prior to closing.
Tropical Pacific Ocean 1966 August
670. fish0826
Yellowfin tuna coming aboard during pole and line fishing operation.
Tropical Ocean
671. fish0827
Yellowfin tuna taking a barbless hook on a 3-pole 1-line rig on the R/V UNDAUNTED
Tropical Atlantic Ocean 1966 April
672. fish0828
Baitfish in a small net being transferred to the live well of R/V UNDAUNTED
Tropical Atlantic Ocean 1966 April
673. fish0829
Mass of small baitfish (mainly Sardinella) milling around in baitwell of the R/V UNDAUNTED
Tropical Atlantic Ocean 1966 April
674. fish0830
Diagram of tuna fishing operations illustrating possible loss of fish prior to closing net completely.
675. fish0831
Preparing longlines for tuna fishing
Tropical Ocean
676. fish0832
A tuna longlining operation
Tropical Ocean
677. fish0833
Japanese tuna longliner at Pago Pago
Pago Pago, American Samoa 1962 April
678. fish0834
Flaking down the net after completing a set and retrieving the net prior to harvesting the fish.
Tropical Pacific Ocean 1962 February
679. fish0835
Closing the purse seine. This picture of early tuna purse seining operations illustrates that often dolphins and other marine mammals were caught as a byproduct of tuna fishing. Today, efforts are made to minimize the harm to marine mammal species during tuna purse seining operations.
Tropical Pacific Ocean 1966 August
680. fish0836
Three-pole one-line rig catching Bigeye tuna in the Galapagos Islands area
Tropical Pacific Ocean 1967 June
681. fish0837
Bigeye tuna caught with three-pole one-line rig
Tropical Pacific Ocean 1967 June
682. fish0838
Experimental longline operations in the Atlantic
Tropical Atlantic Ocean 1966 June
683. fish0839
Commercial fishing vessels at Cordova.
Prince William Sound, Alaska
684. fish0840
Salmon purse seiner in Prince William Sound
Prince William Sound, Alaska
685. fish0841
Nature's bounty - a catch of salmon by a purse seiner
Prince William Sound, Alaska
686. fish0842
Nature's bounty - a catch of salmon by a purse seiner
Prince William Sound, Alaska
687. fish0843
Filleting salmon in anticipation of a community fish fry in support of the United Seiners Association
St. Paul Harbor, Kodiak, Alaska 1997 June
688. fish0844
Filleting salmon in anticipation of a community fish fry in support of the United Seiners Association
St. Paul Harbor, Kodiak, Alaska 1997 June
689. fish0845
Heading and gutting salmon in anticipation of a community fish fry in support of the United Seiners Association
St. Paul Harbor, Kodiak, Alaska 1997 June
690. fish0846
Heading and gutting salmon in anticipation of a community fish fry in support of the United Seiners Association
St. Paul Harbor, Kodiak, Alaska 1997 June
691. fish0847
Preparing salmon in anticipation of a community fish fry in support of the United Seiners Association
St. Paul Harbor, Kodiak, Alaska 1997 June
692. fish0848
Salmon ready for the grill at a community fish fry in support of the United Seiners Association
Kodiak, Alaska 1997 June
693. fish0849
Grilling salmon at a community fish fry in support of the United Seiners Association
Kodiak, Alaska 1997 June
694. fish0850
Time to eat the salmon at a community fish fry in support of the United Seiners Association
Kodiak, Alaska 1997 June
695. fish0851
Time to eat the salmon at a community fish fry in support of the United Seiners Association
Kodiak, Alaska 1997 June
696. fish0852
Fishing as a family business - family members help make up longlines for the upcoming season
Kodiak, Alaska 1997 June
697. fish0853
The intricacies of making up a longline - family members help make up longlines for the upcoming season
Kodiak, Alaska 1997 June
698. fish0854
The intricacies of making up a longline - family members help make up longlines for the upcoming season
Kodiak, Alaska 1997 June
699. fish0855
The intricacies of making up a longline - family members help make up longlines for the upcoming season
Kodiak, Alaska 1997 June

PAGES - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 |

Publication of the NOAA Central Library
and the Office of High Performance Computing and Communications.
Last Updated: 09-01-2004