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Fisheries Catalog of Images

1650. fish1813
Actinia (Metridium senile). Kislaia Bay, Lat. 69 18.0, Long. 33 40.5 E. Water temp 6C; air temp 3 C; depth 8 meters.
Barents Sea, Russia 2003 May 15
1651. fish1814
Actinia (Metridium senile). Kislaia Bay, Lat. 69 18.0, Long. 33 40.5 E. Water temp 6C; air temp 3 C; depth 8 meters.
Barents Sea, Russia 2003 May 15
1652. fish1815
Actinia (Actiniaria Tealia ?). Kislaia Bay, Lat. 69 18.0, Long. 33 40.5 E. Water temp 6C; air temp 3 C; depth 8 meters.
Barents Sea, Russia 2003 May 15
1653. fish1816
Sea-urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) , sea-star (Asterias rubens) and sea-star (Solaster endeca). Kislaia Bay, Lat. 69 18.0, Long. 33 40.5 E. Water temp 6C; air temp 3 C; depth 8 meters.
Barents Sea, Russia 2003 May 15
1654. fish1817
Sea-urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) , sea-star (Asterias rubens) and sea-star (Solaster endeca). Kislaia Bay, Lat. 69 18.0, Long. 33 40.5 E. Water temp 6C; air temp 3 C; depth 8 meters.
Barents Sea, Russia 2003 May 15
1655. fish1818
Sea-urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis), sea-star (Asterias rubens) and sea-star (Solaster endeca) showing concentration at depth caused by desalination of the top layer of water. Kislaia Bay, Lat. 69 18.0, Long. 33 40.5 E. Water temp 6C; air temp 3 C; depth 8 meters.
Barents Sea, Russia 2003 May 15
1656. fish1819
Actinia (Metridium senile). Kislaia Bay, Lat. 69 18.0, Long. 33 40.5 E. Water temp 6C; air temp 3 C; depth 8 meters.
Barents Sea, Russia 2003 May 15
1657. fish1820
Actinia (Metridium senile) and sea-urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis). Kislaia Bay, Lat. 69 18.0, Long. 33 40.5 E. Water temp 6C; air temp 3 C; depth 8 meters.
Barents Sea, Russia 2003 May 15
1658. fish1821
Actinia (Metridium senile). Kislaia Bay, Lat. 69 18.0, Long. 33 40.5 E. Water temp 6C; air temp 3 C; depth 8 meters.
Barents Sea, Russia 2003 May 15
1659. fish1822
Actinia (Metridium senile). Kislaia Bay, Lat. 69 18.0, Long. 33 40.5 E. Water temp 6C; air temp 3 C; depth 8 meters.
Barents Sea, Russia 2003 May 15
1660. fish1823
Actinia (Metridium senile). Kislaia Bay, Lat. 69 18.0, Long. 33 40.5 E. Water temp 6C; air temp 3 C; depth 8 meters.
Barents Sea, Russia 2003 May 15
1661. fish1824
Ascidia (Ascidia Halocintia) and unknown eggs. Kislaia Bay, Lat. 69 18.0, Long. 33 40.5 E. Water temp 13C; air temp 7 C; depth 6 meters.
Barents Sea, Russia 2003 May 16
1662. fish1825
Ascidia (Ascidia Halocintia) and unknown eggs. Kislaia Bay, Lat. 69 18.0, Long. 33 40.5 E. Water temp 13C; air temp 7 C; depth 6 meters.
Barents Sea, Russia 2003 May 16
1663. fish1826
Ascidia (Ascidia Halocintia) and unknown eggs. Kislaia Bay, Lat. 69 18.0, Long. 33 40.5 E. Water temp 13C; air temp 7 C; depth 6 meters.
Barents Sea, Russia 2003 May 16
1664. fish1828
Sea-star Crossaster papposus. Kislaia Bay, Lat. 69 18.0, Long. 33 40.5 E. Water temp 13C; air temp 7 C; depth 6 meters.
Barents Sea, Russia 2003 May 16
1665. fish1829
Actinia (Actiniaria Tealia?). Kislaia Bay, Lat. 69 18.0, Long. 33 40.5 E. Water temp 13C; air temp 7 C; depth 6 meters.
Barents Sea, Russia 2003 May 16
1666. fish1830
Actinia (Actiniaria Tealia?). Kislaia Bay, Lat. 69 18.0, Long. 33 40.5 E. Water temp 13C; air temp 7 C; depth 6 meters.
Barents Sea, Russia 2003 May 16
1667. fish1831
Actinia (Metridium senile). Kislaia Bay, Lat. 69 18.0, Long. 33 40.5 E. Water temp 6C; air temp 3 C; depth 8 meters.
Barents Sea, Russia 2003 May 16
1668. fish1832
Actinia (Metridium senile). Kislaia Bay, Lat. 69 18.0, Long. 33 40.5 E. Water temp 6C; air temp 3 C; depth 8 meters.
Barents Sea, Russia 2003 May 16
1669. fish1833
Actinia (Actiniaria Tealia?). Kislaia Bay, Lat. 69 18.0, Long. 33 40.5 E. Water temp 6C; air temp 3 C; depth 8 meters.
Barents Sea, Russia 2003 May 16
1670. fish1834
Actinia (Actiniaria Tealia?). Kislaia Bay, Lat. 69 18.0, Long. 33 40.5 E. Water temp 6C; air temp 3 C; depth 8 meters.
Barents Sea, Russia 2003 May 16
1671. fish1835
Red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus). Kola Bay at Retinskoe, Lat. 69 7.2 N, Long. 33 24.2 E. Water temp 4C; air temp 9 C; depth 8 meters.
Barents Sea, Russia 2003 May 20
1672. fish1836
Actinia (Actiniaria Tealia ?) and shrimp. Kola Bay at Retinskoe, Lat. 69 7.2 N, Long. 33 24.2 E. Water temp 2C; air temp 9 C; depth 18 meters.
Barents Sea, Russia 2003 May 20
1673. fish1837
Actinia (Actiniaria Tealia ?) and shrimps. Kola Bay at Retinskoe, Lat. 69 7.2 N, Long. 33 24.2 E. Water temp 2C; air temp 9 C; depth 18 meters.
Barents Sea, Russia 2003 May 20
1674. fish1838
Actinia (Actiniaria Tealia ?) and shrimps. Kola Bay at Retinskoe, Lat. 69 7.2 N, Long. 33 24.2 E. Water temp 2C; air temp 9 C; depth 18 meters.
Barents Sea, Russia 2003 May 20
1675. fish1839
Running red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus). Kola Bay at Retinskoe, Lat. 69 7.2 N, Long. 33 24.2 E. Water temp 3C; air temp 9 C; depth 12 meters.
Barents Sea, Russia 2003 May 20
1676. fish1840
Returning with catch. Red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus). Kola Bay at Retinskoe, Lat. 69 7.2 N, Long. 33 24.2 E. Water temp 4C; air temp 9 C.
Barents Sea, Russia 2003 June 1
1677. fish1841
Typical view of the coast of Kola bay in the spring. Kola Bay at Retinskoe, Lat. 69 7.2 N, Long. 33 24.2 E. Water temp 4C; air temp 9 C.
Barents Sea, Russia 2003 June 6
1678. fish1842
Novice diver Vladislav A. Kartashov of theMMBI . Returning with catch. Red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus). Kola Bay at Retinskoe, Lat. 69 7.2 N, Long. 33 24.2 E. Water temp 6C; air temp 10 C.
Barents Sea, Russia 2003 June 20
1679. fish1843
The domestic crab (Lithodes maja) is becoming very rare. This specim is being displayed by MMBI post-graduate student Lyudmila Pavlova, a benthologist. Kola Bay at Retinskoe, Lat. 69 7.2 N, Long. 33 24.2 E. Water temp 6C; air temp 10 C.
Barents Sea, Russia 2003 June 20
1680. fish1844
The domestic crabs (Lithodes maja) and (Hyas araneus) are becoming rare. Kola Bay at Retinskoe, Lat. 69 7.2 N, Long. 33 24.2 E. Water temp 6C; air temp 10 C; depth 12-18 meters.
Barents Sea, Russia 2003 June 20
1681. fish1845
Healing trace of an injury on a living female red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus). Kola Bay at Retinskoe, Lat. 69 7.2 N, Long. 33 24.2 E. Water temp 4C; air temp 10 C; depth 18 meters.
Barents Sea, Russia 2003 June 20
1682. fish1846
Healing trace of an injury on a living female red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus). Kola Bay at Retinskoe, Lat. 69 7.2 N, Long. 33 24.2 E. Water temp 4C; air temp 10 C; depth 18 meters.
Barents Sea, Russia 2003 June 20
1683. fish1847
Healing trace of an injury on a living female red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus). Kola Bay at Retinskoe, Lat. 69 7.2 N, Long. 33 24.2 E. Water temp 4C; air temp 10 C; depth 18 meters.
Barents Sea, Russia 2003 June 20
1684. fish1848
Description not available.
1685. fish1849
Description not available.
1686. fish1850
Description not available.
1687. fish1851
Description not available.
1688. fish1852
Description not available.
1689. fish1853
Description not available.
1690. fish1854
Description not available.
1691. fish1855
Description not available.
1692. fish1856
Description not available.
1693. fish1857
Description not available.
1694. fish1858
Description not available.
1695. fish1859
Testing the ocean's crop. Experimental haul on the Bureau's vessel, the FISH HAWK, to determine the character of the population of shore waters. IN: "The Boy with the U.S. Fisheries," by Francis Rolt-Wheeler, 1912. Boston, Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co. P. 378.
1696. fish1860
Stripping cod at sea on a winter morning. Fisheries Bureau spawn-taker aboard a trawler. Note the snow on the rail, the frozen spray on the mast, and the ice on the rigging. Frontispiece.
1697. fish1861
Whale harpoon gun loaded and being turned so as to point at the whale. In: "The Boy with the U.S. Fisheries," by Francis Rolt-Wheeler, 1912. Boston, Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co. P. 14.
1698. fish1862
Spearing seals at sea. Pelagic sealing by Aleut natives now forbidden by the governments of the United States, Great Britain, Russia, and Japan. In: "The Boy with the U.S. Fisheries," by Francis Rolt-Wheeler, 1912. Boston, Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co. P. 46.
1699. fish1863
Holluschickie hauling up from the sea. In: "The Boy with the U.S. Fisheries," by Francis Rolt-Wheeler, 1912. Boston, Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co. P. 64.

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and the Office of High Performance Computing and Communications.
Last Updated: 09-01-2004