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Fisheries Catalog of Images

1800. fish2088
Photo #3 of sequence. Pole and line fishing with six poles working in unison. The fish has been pulled on deck through the combined effort of all six fishermen.
1801. fish2089
Photo #2 of sequence. Pole and line fishing with six poles working in unison.
1802. fish2090
Photo #1 of sequence. Pole and line fishing with six poles working in unison.
1803. fish2091
Fishermen catching yellowfin tuna by pole and line fishing. They are standing in the racks on the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Vessel HUGH M. SMITH.
1804. fish2092
Fishermen catching yellowfin tuna by pole and line fishing. They are standing in the racks on the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Vessel HUGH M. SMITH.
1805. fish2093
Measuring the length of a bluefin tuna.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1990
1806. fish2094
Pole and line tuna fishing boat from Fuenterrabia, Northern Spain.
Gijon, Spain 1990
1807. fish2095
Pole and line tuna fishing boat from Fuenterrabia, Northern Spain.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1990
1808. fish2096
Scientists tagging bluefin tuna in the Bay of Biscay with traditional tagging method.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1990
1809. fish2097
After tagging, the bluefin tuna are returned to the sea. The tag is visible on the back of the tuna.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1988
1810. fish2098
Man on left is holding tuna while man on right prepares to insert tag.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1988
1811. fish2099
Fisherman bringing tuna to tagging table while pole and line fishing for additional tuna continues. Scientists were conducting the tagging operation on a chartered commercial fishing vessel. All tuna caught were tagged and returned to the sea.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1988
1812. fish2100
After tagging, the bluefin tuna are returned to the sea.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1987
1813. fish2101
Pole and line fishing on a chartered vessel to catch tuna for tagging. Scientists tagged each fish caught and returned it to the sea.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1990
1814. fish2102
After tagging, the bluefin tuna are returned to the sea.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1990
1815. fish2103
Scientist preparing to tag albacore tuna - Thunnus alalunga.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1990
1816. fish2104
Pole and line fishing on a chartered vessel to catch tuna for tagging. Scientists tagged each fish caught and returned it to the sea.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1990
1817. fish2105
Scientist displaying pop-off electronic tag. This tag is inserted into a fish's flesh and pops off when it has been programmed to do so. It transmits a signal to an ARGOS satellite for tracking large pelagic fish species.
Stintino Trap, Sardinia, Italy 1998
1818. fish2106
Scientists measuring a bluefin tuna - Thunnus thynnus.
Barbate Trap, Spain 1982
1819. fish2107
A bluefin tuna caught in the trap at Stintino.
Stintino Trap, Sardinia, Italy 1998
1820. fish2108
Bluefin tuna male sexual glands.
Stintino Trap, Sardinia, Italy 1998
1821. fish2109
Bluefin tuna female sexual glands. Also, note heart in upper right of container .
Stintino Trap, Sardinia, Italy 1998
1822. fish2110
A bluefin tuna attacked by a shark while being brought aboard during pole and line fishing operations. This tuna was attacked during a scientific tagging cruise on a chartered vessel.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1980
1823. fish2111
Photo #1.Cross-section of first spine of dorsal fin of young bluefin tuna showing annual growth rings. These rings are similar to tree growth rings. The wide (brown) areas represent summer growth during periods of high food intake. The narrow (white) bands represent periods of less fast growth during the winter when the fish's metabolism slows.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1985
1824. fish2112
Photo #2. Compare this cross-section to the previous image. Notice the greater width of the outer band. This is because the first cross-section was from a bluefin tuna caught in June while the second was from a tuna caught in November. The wider area represents a long period of high food intake during summer/ autumn months. These images are greatly magnified.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1985
1825. fish2113
Cross-section of first spine of dorsal fin of a one-year old bluefin tuna. This image is greatly magnified.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1985
1826. fish2115
A fin whale - Balaenoptera physalus -on the Bay of Biscay.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1980
1827. fish2116
A pod of killer whales on the Bay of Biscay.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1980
1828. fish2117
Artist's conception of school of tuna pursuing a school of bait fish while pole and line fishing is being conducted from fishing vessel.
1829. fish2118
Tuna hooked by pole and line fishing makes easy prey for an opportunistic shark.
1830. fish2119
Besides man, killer whales are major predators pursuing tuna.
1831. fish2120
Artist's conception of pole and line fishing. When one fish is hooked, the rest of the school tends to follow the hooked fish to the side of the fishing vessel .
1832. fish2121
Scientist tagging a juvenile tuna.
1833. fish2122
Preparing to tag a large yellowfin tuna caught on longline gear by the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Ship OREGON in the Caribbean Sea.
Caribbean Sea 1961 April
1834. fish2123
Diagram illustrating concept of selectivity of mesh size on size of fish captured during trawling operations.
1835. fish2124
Scientists measuring dimensions of tuna caught in Hawaii area of Pacific.
1836. fish2125
Modern tuna purse seiners in port.
Dakar, Senegal
1837. fish2126
French tuna purse seiner F/V KERGUELEN at Mahe, Seychelles. Note helicopter on flying bridge. It is used to visually search for schools of tuna.
Mahe, Seychelles Islands, Indian Ocean 1982
1838. fish2127
The Spanish tuna purse seiner F/V TXORI-EDER in the western Indian Ocean. Smaller vessel on the stern is secured to purse seine and when a school of tuna is encountered, the small boat is launched and it helps ship encircle it.
Western Indian Ocean 1986
1839. fish2128
Tuna purse seiner fishing in the eastern Atlantic Ocean.
Eastern Atlantic Ocean
1840. fish2129
Observation helicopter operating off tuna purse seiner.
1841. fish2130
Spotters looking for signs of tuna such as logs on surface or agitated water. Tuna tend to congregate around floating logs or other floating objects on the surface.
1842. fish2131
Spotter using large binoculars to look for signs of tuna.
1843. fish2132
School of tuna agitating the surface while pursuing smaller fish.
1844. fish2133
Tuna purse seiner is headed towards school of tuna to encircle with net. Workboat that helps hold net during deployment is still on starboard stern. Smaller vessel in water is used to make noise to scare tuna into staying within confines of net prior to ship and workboat deploying and closing the net.
Pacific Ocean
1845. fish2134
Tuna purse seiner is deploying net with assistance of workboat which is seen at far end of net. The workboat will pull the net in a circle to capture the tuna.
Eastern Atlantic Ocean
1846. fish2135
Tuna purse seiner is deploying net with assistance of workboat which is seen at far end of net near horizon on upper right of picture. The boat appears as a small rectangle behind a vertical rope.
Western Indian Ocean 1986
1847. fish2136
Workboat holding net prior to ship encircling school of tuna.
Eastern Atlantic Ocean
1848. fish2137
Helicopter eye view of ship pulling net in circle to capture tuna. Workboat is in lower center of photo and is holding the end of the net.
Pacific Ocean
1849. fish2138
Ship is finishing deployment of purse seine net. Almost all of the net is now in the water and the ship will continue to encircle the school of tuna while the workboat (not shown) holds the other end of the net.
Eastern Atlantic Ocean

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Publication of the NOAA Central Library
and the Office of High Performance Computing and Communications.
Last Updated: 09-01-2004