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Fisheries Catalog of Images

1200. fish1356
This barge-load of salmon attests to why the Alaska salmon fishery was the most valuable fishery prosecuted by U. S. fishermen at the time of this photo. F&WL; C-1193.
Southeast Alaska 1938 Ca.
1201. fish1357
Knee-deep in salmon. Salmon being transferred to a large boat on which they are iced and hauled to a cannery. F&W; 12,935.
Southeast Alaska 1938 Ca.
1202. fish1358
Brailing salmon from a floating trap. F&WL; C-1195.
Southeast Alaska 1938 Ca.
1203. fish1359
Salmon being counted when passing through weirs. By law, a certain percentage of salmon runs had to be allowed to escape commercial fisheries in order to spawn. To check the percentage, counting weirs were maintained on many streams. F&W; - 10,111.
Lake Karluk, Alaska 1938 Ca.
1204. fish1360
Beginning of the Alaska King Crab fishery. Meat from one crab is sufficient to fill several cans. Scientists of the Fish and Wildlife Service, a forerunner of today's NMFS, showed where to catch crabs and helped develop satisfactory canning methods. King crab being shown by Captain Trafton on the ship DOROTHY. F&W; - 12,476.
1205. fish1361
Salmon fishing with large loop nets by Native Americans. Tribal tradition determines the spot each tribal member fishes from. F&W; 12,934.
Celilo Falls, Oregon 1938 Ca.
1206. fish1362
Salmon fishing with large loop nets by Native Americans. Tribal tradition determines the spot each tribal member fishes from. F&W; 12,934.
Celilo Falls, Oregon 1938 Ca.
1207. fish1363
Eskimo woman and child ice fishing in the Bering Sea
Northern Alaska
1208. fish1364
Mrs. Boyno, a Lapp woman, married to the late Peter Bals, an Alaskan immigrant
Northern Alaska
1209. fish1365
The SANTA FLAVIA - a floating cannery owned by the Alaska Fisheries Co-operative Packing Company.
Bristol Bay, Alaska
1210. fish1366
Mutton snapper hatchery - hatchery production building
Marathon, Florida 1939 Summer
1211. fish1367
Mutton snapper hatchery - juvenile nursery tanks - 25,000 liter tanks.
1212. fish1368
Mutton snapper hatchery - two broodstock conditioning tanks in the foreground - nursery tanks in the background. 25,000 liter tanks.
1213. fish1369
Aerial view of mutton snapper nursery/hatchery complex
1214. fish1370
Aerial view of mutton snapper nursery/hatchery complex
1215. fish1371
Floating grow-out cage in lagoon - fish grow to market size in this cage.
1216. fish1372
Floating grow-out cage in lagoon - fish grow to market size in this cage. Divers checking cage integrity.
1217. fish1373
Stocking juvenile fish into grow-out cage.
1218. fish1374
The sponge auction wharf at Key West. In: "The Sponge Fishery of Florida in 1900" by John N. Cobb. Report of the Commissioner for the Year Ending June 30, 1902. P. 175, Plate 9.
1219. fish1375
The strike. A turn of the century recreational fisherman begins the battle. In: "Sport Fishing in California and Florida," by Charles F. Holder. Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXVIII 1908, Part I, p. 207, Plate I.
1220. fish1376
Angling for black sea bass at Santa Catalina Island. Gaffing a 240-pound capture. In: "Sport Fishing in California and Florida," by Charles F. Holder. Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXVIII 1908, Part I, p. 207, Plate I.
1221. fish1377
Weighing a big sea bass. In: "Sport Fishing in California and Florida," by Charles F. Holder. Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXVIII 1908, Part I, p. 207, Plate II.
1222. fish1378
Angling for tuna at Santa Catalina Island. Typical launch and equipment. In: "Sport Fishing in California and Florida," by Charles F. Holder. Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXVIII 1908, Part I, p. 207, Plate II. Plate III.
1223. fish1379
The yellowtail (tuna) anglers of Avalon Bay, California; 200 to 300 boats often seen, all fishing with rod and reel. In: "Sport Fishing in California and Florida," by Charles F. Holder. Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXVIII 1908, Part I, p. 207, Plate IV.
1224. fish1380
A salmon (rod and reel) catch, Del Monte, California. In: "Sport Fishing in California and Florida," by Charles F. Holder. Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXVIII 1908, Part I, p. 207, Plate V.
1225. fish1381
Swordfish (Tetrapturus), yellowfin tuna, and yellowtail, caught with rod and reel at Santa Catalina Island. In: "Sport Fishing in California and Florida," by Charles F. Holder. Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXVIII 1908, Part I, p. 207, Plate VI.
1226. fish1382
Amberjack caught at Palm Beach, Florida. In: "Sport Fishing in California and Florida," by Charles F. Holder. Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXVIII 1908, Part I, p. 207, Plate VI.
1227. fish1383
The record sunfish, Santa Catalina Island, too heavy to weigh; estimated at 2,500 pounds. In: "Sport Fishing in California and Florida," by Charles F. Holder. Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXVIII 1908, Part I, p. 207, Plate V.
1228. fish1384
A day's sport at Santa Catalina Island with white sea bass. In: "Sport Fishing in California and Florida," by Charles F. Holder. Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXVIII 1908, Part I, p. 207, Plate IV.
1229. fish1385
Leaping tuna caught with rod and reel at Santa Catalina. In: "Sport Fishing in California and Florida," by Charles F. Holder. Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXVIII 1908, Part I, p. 207, Plate III.
1230. fish1386
The record bonito, Tuna Club 1908, caught with rod and reel. This fish, which weighed 22 pounds, fought for more than an hour. Note angler's belt with socket for rod butt. In: "Sport Fishing in California and Florida," by Charles F. Holder. Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXVIII 1908, Part I, p. 207 Plate II.
1231. fish1387
Pivers Island and Beaufort, North Carolina, fisheries laboratory. In: "Report of the United States Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1902" . Report of the Commissioner for the Year Ending June 30, 1902. P. 1, Plate 1.
1232. fish1388
Beaufort Laboratory - exterior view. In: "Report of the United States Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1902" . Report of the Commissioner for the Year Ending June 30, 1902. P. 1, Plate 1.
1233. fish1389
Laboratory interior, Beaufort. In: "Report of the United States Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1902" . Report of the Commissioner for the Year Ending June 30, 1902. P. 14, Plate 2.
1234. fish1390
Observation tank, Beaufort Laboratory. In: "Report of the United States Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1902" . Report of the Commissioner for the Year Ending June 30, 1902. P. 14, Plate 2.
1235. fish1391
Bringing sponges from the vessels to sponge wharf at Key West. In: "The Sponge Fishery of Florida in 1900" by John N. Cobb. Report of the Commissioner for the Year Ending June 30, 1902. P. 163, Plate 6.
1236. fish1392
A sponge auction at Anclote. In: "The Sponge Fishery of Florida in 1900" by John N. Cobb. Report of the Commissioner for the Year Ending June 30, 1902. P. 163, Plate 6.
1237. fish1393
Spongers at work. In: "The Sponge Fishery of Florida in 1900" by John N. Cobb. Report of the Commissioner for the Year Ending June 30, 1902. P. 166, Plate 7.
1238. fish1394
Sponge yard at Key West, showing the sponges drying. In: "The Sponge Fishery of Florida in 1900" by John N. Cobb. Report of the Commissioner for the Year Ending June 30, 1902. P. 166, Plate 7.
1239. fish1395
Vessels and kraals at Baileys Bluff. In: "The Sponge Fishery of Florida in 1900" by John N. Cobb. Report of the Commissioner for the Year Ending June 30, 1902. P. 172, Plate 8.
1240. fish1396
The sponge auction wharf at Key West. In: "The Sponge Fishery of Florida in 1900" by John N. Cobb. Report of the Commissioner for the Year Ending June 30, 1902. P. 175, Plate 9.
1241. fish1397
Whaling vessels at New Bedford, Massachusetts, in October 1901. In: "Aquatic Products in Arts and Industries" by Charles H. Stevenson. Report of the Commissioner for the Year Ending June 30, 1902. P. 186, Plate 11.
1242. fish1398
Deck of modern whaler, showing try-works, scraphopper, and utensils employed in trying-out oil. In: "Aquatic Products in Arts and Industries" by Charles H. Stevenson. Report of the Commissioner for the Year Ending June 30, 1902. P. 196, Plate 13.
1243. fish1399
Grinding and pressing crude spermaceti for removal of taut-pressed oil. Interior view of oil refinery. Filling bottles with sperm oil. In: "Aquatic Products in Arts and Industries" by Charles H. Stevenson. Report of the Commissioner for the Year Ending June 30, 1902. P. 200, Plate 14.
1244. fish1400
School of black-fish stranded on the shore of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. In: "Aquatic Products in Arts and Industries" by Charles H. Stevenson. Report of the Commissioner for the Year Ending June 30, 1902. P. 208, Plate 15.
1245. fish1401
View of Menhaden Fleet at Provincetown, Massachusetts. In: "Aquatic Products in Arts and Industries" by Charles H. Stevenson. Report of the Commissioner for the Year Ending June 30, 1902. P. 232, Plate 16.
1246. fish1402
Description not available.
1247. fish1403
Description not available.
1248. fish1404
Description not available.
1249. fish1405
Description not available.

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Last Updated: 09-01-2004