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Fisheries Catalog of Images

1900. fish2190
Anchovy fishmeal. Los Ferroles fishmeal plant.
Peru, Callao 1999
1901. fish2191
Sacks of anchovy fishmeal at Los Ferroles fishmeal plant.
Peru, Callao 1999
1902. fish2192
Processing Pacific menhaden (Ethmidium maculatum) at Hayduk cannery. These fish are being processed for human consumption.
Ilo, Peru 1997
1903. fish2193
Sorting pilchard (Sardinops Sagax) and chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) in the Paita refrigeration plant. These fish are being processed for human consumption .
Peru, Paita 1997
1904. fish2194
An educational poster produced by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) for the Southeast Pacific Ocean area.
1905. fish2195
The Southeast portion of the Pacific Ocean corresponds to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Area 87.
1906. fish2196
Image #1 of sequence. Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer SST and SeaWiFS chlorophyll comparisons for January 1998 and July 1998.
1907. fish2197
Image #2 of sequence. SST anomalies in January were close to the highest observ ed during the most recent El Nino. There is little or no evidence of the equato rial cold tongue or of enhanced chlorophyll along the equator.
1908. fish2198
Image #3 of sequence. In sharp contrast, by July 1998, a dramatic recovery had taken place. There is a well-developed cold tongue and a dramatic bloom of phytoplankton along the equator. High chlorophyll concentrations had not previously been observed over such a large area.
1909. fish2199
On average, FAO statistical area 87 provides around 45 per cent of the World's catch of small pelagic species.
1910. fish2200
Fishing gear in the Southeast Pacific Ocean from left to right: a Chilean purse seiner; a tuna purse seiner in tropical waters of the northern part of Area 87; a Peruvian purse seiner; a trawler; and a small purse seiner.
1911. fish2201
Normally an oceanographic phenomenon known as upwelling keeps the surface waters of the southeast Pacific Ocean cold and teeming with small pelagics that are fished by purse seiners. Upwelling occurs in this zone when southeasterly trade winds , produced by the South Pacific anti-cyclone, along with other facto rs drive coastal waters out to sea, forcing deep nutrient-rich waters to rise.
1912. fish2202
The result of changes of water temperature on fisheries is significant. As water temperatures rise and nutrient levels decline, shoals of cold-water-loving small pelagics scatter and descend to depths of 150 to 200 meters, where they are not accessible to traditional surface purse seiners, or they migrate south.
1913. fish2203
For reasons not completely understood, in some years the anti-cyclone is less powerful than normal. The weaker winds it produces fail to draw cold waters up to the ocean's surface, thus opening the way for warm, nutrient-poor tropical waters. These changes in water temperature and climatic conditions are known as "El Nino".
1914. fish2204
The Mediterranean is a semi-enclosed sea relatively low in nutrients and fishery productivity. It has become increasingly polluted owing to runoff by nutrients from waste disposal and agriculture. Catch of key species such as Black Sea anchovy has fallen, relecting environmental degradation. High exploitation levels have also depleted important stocks such as blue fin tuna and swordfish.
Mediterranean Sea
1915. fish2205
The Mediterranean and Black Seas fall within the same FAO statistical area (Area 37) but, apart from some migratory species, their fisheries and resources are mostly separate. The total catch from Area 37 showed a generally positive trend until the mid-1980's, reaching about 2 million tons.
Mediterranean Sea
1916. fish2206
Currents and Temperature - Atlantic waters enter the Mediterranean through the Straits of Gibraltar and flow east along the North African coast, becoming more saline as evaporation exceeds freshwater inflows. Thus, the Mediterranean is mor e saline than the Atlantic. Strong temperature, salinity, and available nutrien t gradients lead to high biodiversity reflected by regional faunal differences.
Mediterranean Sea
1917. fish2207
A wide variety of fish and shellfish species support a mostly small-scale fisher y, operating near to the coast. Over 40 types of gear are used in the Mediterran ean. Most common type is trawlgear for benthic species; coastal purse seiners for small pelagics; trammel and gillnets for inshore species; and purse seines, long surface gill nets, and longlines are used for large pelagic fish.
Mediterranean Sea
1918. fish2208
High seas fisheries: Ocean pelagic resources living near the surface are exploit ed by purse seiners and surface long-liners . Top: Italian purse seiner fishing in the central Adriatic. Middle: Bluefin tuna caught in the South Tyrrh enian by a purse seiner. Bottom:Distant-water surface longliner operating in the Mediterranean.
Mediterranean Sea
1919. fish2209
Coastal Pelagic Fisheries: Small coastal pelagic species are exploited by coast al purse seiners. Top: Coastal purse seiners in the harbor of Fuengirola, Spain . Bottom: Anchovies caught in the Alboran Sea by coastal purse seiners and landed in Fuengirola, Spain.
Spain, Fuengirola
1920. fish2210
Demersal Fisheries: Species living near the bottom are exploited by trawlers. Top: Landings from trawlers in the market of Mazara del Vallo (Sicily), Italy. Bottom: Spanish trawler in the northwestern Mediterranean.
Mediterranean Sea
1921. fish2211
Littoral Fisheries: Coastal species are exploited by small-scale gear (gill nets , trammel nets, bottom longlines and traps). Top: Small scale gear boat. Acitr ezza (Sicily), Italy. Lower left: Landings of small-scale vessel. Gallipoli ( Gulf of Taranto), Italy. Lower right: Trammelnetters. Porto Cesareo (Gulf of Taranto), Italy.
Mediterranean Sea
1922. fish2212
"Caballitos de totora", small one-man fishing boats.
Peru, Guanchacho 1997
1923. fish2213
Peruvian purse seiners.
Peru 1999
1924. fish3001
Humpback salmon, adult male. In: "The Fishes of Alaska." Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXVI, 1906. P. 360, Plate XXIII.
1925. fish3002
Humpback salmon, breeding male. In: "The Fishes of Alaska." Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXVI, 1906. P. 360, Plate XXIV.
1926. fish3003
Humpback salmon, adult female. In: "The Fishes of Alaska." Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXVI, 1906. P. 360, Plate XXV.
1927. fish3004
Humpback salmon, breeding female. In: "The Fishes of Alaska." Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXVI, 1906. P. 360, Plate XXVI.
1928. fish3005
Dog salmon, breeding male. In: "The Fishes of Alaska." Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXVI, 1906. P. 360, Plate XXVII.
1929. fish3006
Dog salmon, breeding female. In: "The Fishes of Alaska." Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXVI, 1906. P. 360, Plate XXVIII.
1930. fish3007
Chinook salmon, adult male. In: "The Fishes of Alaska." Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXVI, 1906. P. 360, Plate XXIX.
1931. fish3008
Chinook salmon, adult female. In: "The Fishes of Alaska." Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXVI, 1906. P. 360, Plate XXX.
1932. fish3009
Silver or Coho salmon, adult male. In: "The Fishes of Alaska." Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXVI, 1906. P. 360, Plate XXXI.
1933. fish3010
Silver or Coho salmon, breeding male. In: "The Fishes of Alaska." Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXVI, 1906. P. 360, Plate XXXII.
1934. fish3011
Red salmon, adult male. In: "The Fishes of Alaska." Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXVI, 1906. P. 360, Plate XXXIII.
1935. fish3012
Red salmon, breeding male. In: "The Fishes of Alaska." Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXVI, 1906. P. 360, Plate XXXIV.
1936. fish3013
Red salmon, adult female. In: "The Fishes of Alaska." Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXVI, 1906. P. 360, Plate XXXV.
1937. fish3014
Red salmon, breeding female. In: "The Fishes of Alaska." Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXVI, 1906. P. 360, Plate XXXVI.
1938. fish3015
Alaska cutthroat trout. Adult female. In: "The Fishes of Alaska." Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXVI, 1906. P. 360, Plate XXXVII.
1939. fish3016
Steelhead trout. In: "The Fishes of Alaska." Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXVI, 1906. P. 360, Plate XXXVIII.
1940. fish3017
Alaska rainbow trout. Adult female. In: "The Fishes of Alaska." Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXVI, 1906. P. 360, Plate XXXIX.
1941. fish3018
Dolly Varden trout. Adult female. In: "The Fishes of Alaska." Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXVI, 1906. P. 360, Plate XL.
1942. fish3019
Alaska grayling. In: "The Fishes of Alaska." Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXVI, 1906. P. 360, Plate XLI.
1943. fish3020
Red rockfish. In: "The Fishes of Alaska." Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. XXVI, 1906. P. 360, Plate XLII.
1944. fish3021
Echidna nebulosa (Ahl). Puhi kapa. In: "The Shore Fishes of the Hawaiian Islands, with a General Account of the Fish Fauna", by David Starr Jordan and Barton Warren Evermann. Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission, Vol. XXIII, for 1903. Part I. P. 574, Plate I.
1945. fish3022
Synodus varius (Lacepede). Ulae. In: "The Shore Fishes of the Hawaiian Islands, with a General Account of the Fish Fauna", by David Starr Jordan and Barton Warren Evermann. Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission, Vol. XXIII, for 1903. Part I. P. 574, Plate II.
1946. fish3023
Parexocoetus brachypterus (Solander). Malolo. In: "The Shore Fishes of the Hawaiian Islands, with a General Account of the Fish Fauna", by David Starr Jordan and Barton Warren Evermann. Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission, Vol. XXIII, for 1903. Part I. P. 574, Plate III.
1947. fish3024
Holotrachys lima (Cuvier and Valenciennes). In: "The Shore Fishes of the Hawaiian Islands, with a General Account of the Fish Fauna", by David Starr Jordan and Barton Warren Evermann. Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission, Vol. XXIII, for 1903. Part I. P. 574, Plate IV.
1948. fish3025
Myripristus murdjan (Forskal). U'u. In: "The Shore Fishes of the Hawaiian Islands, with a General Account of the Fish Fauna", by David Starr Jordan and Barton Warren Evermann. Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission, Vol. XXIII, for 1903. Part I. P. 574, Plate V.
1949. fish3026
Myripristis chryseres Jordan & Evermann. Pau'u. In: "The Shore Fishes of the Hawaiian Islands, with a General Account of the Fish Fauna", by David Starr Jordan and Barton Warren Evermann. Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission, Vol. XXIII, for 1903. Part I. P. 574, Plate VI.

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and the Office of High Performance Computing and Communications.
Last Updated: 09-01-2004