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Fisheries Catalog of Images

1750. fish2038
The live bait is thrown into the sprayed area to draw the tuna towards the boat.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1990
1751. fish2039
The live bait is thrown into the sprayed area to draw the tuna towards the boat.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1996
1752. fish2040
Fishing for tuna using pole and line while using live bait.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1996
1753. fish2041
Fishing for tuna using pole and line while using live bait.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1996
1754. fish2042
One fisherman holds the pole from the deck while another, higher up, pulls the attached cord when the tuna takes the bait.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1996
1755. fish2043
One fisherman holds the pole from the deck while another, higher up, pulls the attached cord when the tuna takes the bait.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1996
1756. fish2044
The tuna are hauled aboard with gaff hooks.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1996
1757. fish2045
The tuna are hauled aboard with gaff hooks.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1996
1758. fish2046
The tuna are hauled aboard with gaff hooks.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1996
1759. fish2047
Placing tuna in crates before lowering to the cold store (refrigerated space.)
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1996
1760. fish2048
After fishing, any light damage to the poles is repaired.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1996
1761. fish2049
After fishing, any light damage to the poles is repaired.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1996
1762. fish2050
Tuna ready for lowering into the vessel cold store (refrigerated space).
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1996
1763. fish2051
Lowering tuna to the cold store.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1996
1764. fish2052
Young Basque fisherman after a day's tuna fishing.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1996
1765. fish2053
Nightfall over the Bay of Biscay.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1980
1766. fish2054
Nightfall over the Bay of Biscay.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1996
1767. fish2055
Large bluefin tuna caught in the trap off Stintino.
Stintino, Sardinia, Italy 1998
1768. fish2056
Bluefin tuna - Thunnus thynnus.
1769. fish2057
Artist's conception of purse seining operations.
1770. fish2058
Artist's conception of purse seining operations.
1771. fish2059
Trap fishing as practiced in some Mediterranean tuna fisheries and the state of Gibraltar.
1772. fish2060
Artist's conception of tuna trolling operation.
1773. fish2061
Fishing vessel trolling for tuna in the Pacific.
1774. fish2062
Fishing vessel trolling for tuna in the Atlantic.
1775. fish2063
Pole and line fishing boat above a school of tuna. The jets of water facilitate fishing as they prevent the tuna from noticing activity on the deck. This technique uses live bait.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1972
1776. fish2064
Tuna caught in the Sancti Petri tap brought to the processing plant.
Strait of Gibraltar, Spain 1910 Ca.
1777. fish2065
Tuna caught by pole and line method on the Bay of Biscay.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1958
1778. fish2066
Tuna caught by pole and line method on the Bay of Biscay. Getting ready to gaff the fish aboard.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1958
1779. fish2067
Tuna processing plant at Sancti Petri. The site where the decapitated tuna were hung was referred to as "EL BOSQUE", (The Forest.)
Strait of Gibraltar, Spain 1910 Ca.
1780. fish2068
Pole and line fishing vessel with live bait container on the foredeck.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1958
1781. fish2069
Tuna caught by pole and line method on the Bay of Biscay.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1958
1782. fish2070
Tuna caught with rod and reel and live bait. Rod and reel as opposed to pole and line method is used when fish are far from boat instead of directly under or near the boat. The rod and reel allows casting live bait to the fish.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1973
1783. fish2071
Tuna caught with rod and reel and live bait. Man with rod and reel is out of picture to right; man on left is helping pull in the fish; man on right is waiting to gaff the fish.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1973
1784. fish2072
Using live bait to bait the hook for tuna fishing with pole and line fishing.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1958
1785. fish2073
Tuna trap fishing at Sancti Petri.
Strait of Gibraltar, Spain 1949
1786. fish2074
Tuna trap fishing at Sancti Petri.
Strait of Gibraltar, Spain 1949
1787. fish2075
Tuna trap fishing at Sancti Petri. Note the large tuna landed in the boat CARME CARMEN.
Strait of Gibraltar, Spain 1949
1788. fish2076
Tuna caught with rod and reel and live bait. Man with rod and reel is out of picture to left; men in foreground are helping pull the fish in.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1973
1789. fish2077
Tuna caught with rod and reel and live bait.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1973
1790. fish2078
Tuna caught with rod and reel and live bait.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1973
1791. fish2079
Fisherman preparing rod and reel for tuna fishing.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1973
1792. fish2080
Pole and line fishing. Man in foreground is throwing live bait in water to keep school of tuna around the boat. Man with hose is spraying water to keep tuna from noticing boat. Lines in upper left lead to pulley system. When large fish is hooked, a man pulls on rope to pull fishing pole vertical which brings fish to side of boat for gaffing.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1958
1793. fish2081
Boat rigged for pole and line fishing. Note live bait tanks on deck fore and aft of pilot house. Poles of varying size are secured in vertical position ready for fishing. The largest poles are rigged to the pulley system that can be seen approximately 5 meters above the deck.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1958
1794. fish2082
Seining for bait fish for pole and line tuna fishing. Boat in right center is rigged for pole and line fishing, but searching for schools of bait fish.
Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean 1958
1795. fish2083
Tuna coming to side of boat during pole and line fishing operation.
1796. fish2084
Large tuna brought to side of boat for gaffing during pole and line fishing operation. Man in left foreground is throwing bait into waters around the fishing vessel.
1797. fish2085
Relatively small tuna being caught during pole and line fishing operations.
Hawaii, Pacific Ocean 1960 Ca.
1798. fish2086
The CAPE BEVERLY, one of the first commercial tuna vessels outfitted for purse seining operations. This photo was taken on its maiden voyage. Published in: "Purse Seine Revolution in Tuna Fishing", by Richard McNeely, Pacific Fisherman, June 1961.
Pacific Ocean 1961
1799. fish2087
Pole and line fishing with two poles working in unison. Big tunas like this are often landed on two poles in the Hawaiian fishery.

PAGES - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 |

Publication of the NOAA Central Library
and the Office of High Performance Computing and Communications.
Last Updated: 09-01-2004