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Departmental (DI) Forms

This library of Departmental (DI) Forms provides you with the most current "OFFICIAL" version of those DI forms available. As more forms are developed electronically they will be added to this database and available for your use. Please feel free to download or printout any of the forms you may need. The forms below are available in .PDF formats.* Many offices within the Department are currently using Novell's InForms electronic forms software product. If you are interested in or have questions concerning the InForms product simply contact the Departmental Forms Manager, or your Bureau Forms Manager whose telephone numbers and e-mail addresses are available under Forms Management Contacts .

Official Departmental Forms
DI-1 Requisition for Supplies
DI-625 Position Classifications Amendment
DI-535 DOI Route Slip
DI-521 Revision of Activity of Project Allotments
DI-520 Activity Allotment Program
DI-551 Audiovisual Authorization Request
DI-552 Exhibit Production Authorization Request
DI-52 Requisition Form
DI-470 Apportionment and Allotment Schedule Transmittal
DI-451 Award Certification
DI-370 Approval of Expert or Consultant Employment Request
DI-278 Confidential Statement of Employment And Financial Interest (suppl.SF-278)
DI-228 Clearance Record
DI-227 Requisition for Press Release
DI-2011 SES Performance Agreement
DI-2010 Certification Regarding Debarment. Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters, Drug-Free Workplace Requirements and Lobbying
DI-2002 (1) DI-2002 (2) Employee Performance Plan and Results Report
DI-2000 Report of Payment Accepted from a Non-Federal Source
DI-1993 Supplement to SF-450 (Financial Disclosure Report)
DI-1961 Federal Assistance Award Data System Reporting
DI-1959 Position Designation Record
DI-1934 Property Pass
DI-1914 Foreign Residence Form
DI-1913 Personnel Security Action Request
DI-1892 Complaint of Discrimination
DI-1886 Acquisition Screening and Review Form ($25,000 and Over)
DI-1881 Quarters Assignment Agreement
DI-14 Printing, Binding and Distribution Request
DI-137 Release of Claim
DI-134 Report of Accident RPT
DI-1215 Report of Invention
DI-1175 Foreign Travel Certification
DI-105 Receipt of Property
DI-1040 Bill for Collection
DI-104 Transfer of Property
DI-103A Certificate of Unserviceable Property
DI-103 Report of Survey
DI-1020 Travel Autorization
DI-102 Receiving Report

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