LLNL National Resource for Biomedical Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
Resource Description
Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
Biological AMS
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Application for Access to the Resource

A copy of the completed "Application for Access to the Resource" signed by the principle investigator should be submitted to Karolyn Burkhart-Schultz, Resource Administrator, at the following address:

Karolyn Burkhart-Schultz, Resource Administrator
NIH Resource for Biomedical AMS
Lawrence Livermore National Lab
University of California
7000 East Avenue, L-441
Livermore, CA 94550-9234

At the same time, an electronic copy of the application must also be sent via email to: burkhartschultz1@llnl.gov.

Upon receipt of the Application, the Resource Administrator will send out an acknowledgment to the principal investigator. For our review process, all submissions will initially be examined by the Resource Administrator to determine if the Applications are complete. Questions about completing the application should be referred to the Resource Administrator. For proposed studies involving vertebrate animals, LLNL Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee requires the inclusion of the "Vertebrate Animal Use Notification and Approval" form which is available on this website. For proposed studies involving Human Subjects, documentation needs must be discussed with the Resource Administrator. Still pending approvals should be noted in the application. If an application is not complete, it will be returned for revision.

Completed applications are reviewed by the Resource Proposal Review Panel to determine if the research problem is tenable by AMS or if other techniques are better suited to study of the problem. The Proposal Review Panel also makes a determination as to whether the proposed project is a Service or Collaborative endeavor. The panel may make suggestions for improvements to the proposal that maximize the scientific value of the AMS measurements. If the proposal is significantly flawed it will be returned to the proposal principal investigator with comments detailing the apparent shortcomings.

If the reviewed application is approved for inclusion in the Resource, the principle investigator will receive notification of its assigned project number and it should be used in all future communication pertaining to the project with Resource staff. A member of the Resource staff will be appointed as the scientific contact for the project for consultation of experiment design, sample preparation and data analysis. The Resource Administrator will continue to be the primary contact with the Resource for co-ordination of the project, sample submission and administrative purposes.

A single experiment project is valid for up to two years, subject to annual review, from the date of its incorporation into the Resource. A program project can be renewed for a second 2-year period subject to review. A program project can be renewed by resubmission of an updated application. The review will take into consideration progress to date and continuing scientific priority. For NIH/NCRR annual reporting requirements, project information will be reviewed and updated annually.

Questions regarding the submission and review of applications should be directed to Karolyn Burkhart-Schultz, the Resource Administrator, via phone: (925) 422-6796 or E-mail: burkhartschultz1@llnl.gov .

For information about this page contact:
Karolyn Burkhart-Schultz, burkhartschultz1@llnl.gov