LLNL National Resource for Biomedical Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
Resource Description
Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
Biological AMS
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Resource Access
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Business and Contractual Arrangements

Upon approval of the "Application for Access to the Resource", the Resource Director or Resource Administrator will discuss and determine with the principal investigator any sample analysis costs associated with the study.

For projects with sample preparation and analysis costs, a User Account must be set up through a Work for Others Agreement between LLNL and the principle investigator’s institution. In order to provide a non-federal institution with sample analysis, LLNL requires a fully executed Work For Others Agreement and payment in advance of sample measurements. Non-federal institutions include universities, research institutes, small and large businesses, state and local governments and foreign universities, institutes or other entities. For federal entities, User Accounts are established through other mechanisms.

To initiate the contracting process, complete the form "Resource AMS Analysis Contract Application" (Resource Contract Appl.xls). This form provides contact and sample information for preparation of the LLNL Work for Others Agreement. The contractual dollar amounts are established to provide an "up to" threshold for LLNL to accept funding from a non-federal entity. Therefore, investigators are encouraged to use a dollar amount that will encompass all requirements of sample analysis where possible. However, amendments of the contract to increase the dollar amount can be made as needed.

Submission of the "Resource AMS Analysis Contract Application" (XLS, Microsoft Excel Document) can be made to the Resource Administrator.

Karolyn Burkhart-Schultz, Resource Administrator
NIH Resource for Biomedical AMS
Lawrence Livermore National Lab
University of California
7000 East Avenue, L-441
Livermore, CA 94551-0808

Phone: (925) 422-6796, Fax: (925) 422-8657
E-mail: burkhartschultz1@llnl.gov

For information about this page contact:
Karolyn Burkhart-Schultz, burkhartschultz1@llnl.gov