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Northeastern Area

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Urban & Community Forestry


"Planting and Caring for the Trees and Forests Where People Live, Work, and Play"


The steady expansion of urban areas and associated decline of inner-city environments is a national problem that continues to impact basic ecological functions essential to a healthy and productive society. Healthy trees and forests in urban areas contribute to improved air and water quality, watershed function, energy conservation and social well-being. The Urban and Community Forestry Program provides technical, financial, educational, and research services to states, cities, and nonprofit groups so they can plant, protect, maintain, and utilize wood from community trees and forests to maximize environmental, social and economic benefits.

We invite you to explore the links to federally supported State programs contained in the map below. As you will see, the partnerships created through state and local projects are contributing to an engaged public committed to building healthy and viable communities for themselves and future generations. The Northeastern Area field offices and Center links at right offer information specific to their geographic area, and a wealth of scientific tools and publications. Please contact us if you have specific questions or needs,


State Urban and Community Forestry Programs

NA U&CF Office web sites
  NA UCF map Minnesota Wisconsin Michigan Iowa Missouri Illinois Indiana Ohio West Virginia Maryland Delaware New Jersey Pennsylvania New York Connecticut Rhode Island Massachuesettes Vermont New Hamshire Maine Durham Field Office
Mid-Atlantic Center
Midwest Center
Morgantown Field Office
NE Centers
St. Paul Field Office



This page last updated on:
October 4, 2004