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Working hard with external businesses to provide the best goods and services to the entire laboratory community...



Doing Business with... Montauk Lighthouse - 1796
Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)

Procurement and Property Management provides customers with timely, cost-effective procurement and property management services integrated with and supporting the Laboratory's science, technology and cleanup missions in accordance with the prime contract and customer expectations.

These services include;

  • Procurement of high quality supplies and services that meet customer requirements,
  • Identification and control of government property
  • Maintaining an efficient stores operation
  • Expeditious shipping, receiving and delivery services.


   Property    Management

Delivering to BNL

All materials purchased for BNL must be processed through  Central Receiving to maintain adequate control and separation of responsibilities.

The only exceptions to this policy are premium shipments and purchased materials for approved satellite receiving locations: buildings 452, 510, 725,
and 918.

Credit Card Program

Brookhaven National Laboratory uses the J.P. Morgan Chase VISA credit card as its site-wide purchasing card.

All questions and comments concerning these web pages, should be submitted to the Procurement and Property Management Helpdesk at

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Last update on: October 29, 2004