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My office stands ready to assist you in any way we can. I also want to hear from you on important issues.
Flag Requests
Request a flag flown over the Capitol.
Agency Help
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Small Businesses
In this environment, if your small business is in need of help, my office is here for you.
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Latest News

September 19, 2022
Victory for Grand Junction, conversations with constituents, meeting in Pueblo, Biden's student loan bribe, American energy first, ROTC and Service Academies information session, and more!
September 15, 2022
Helping the people of the Third District is one of the most important things my office does. My team and I have been working diligently to ensure we provide the very best constituent services, including by helping constituents get rushed or emergency passports. We’ve worked over 1,600 cases for constituents and returned $1,420,760.81 in owed benefits to constituents. My team has also held over 130 mobile office hours covering each of the 29 counties in the Third District. If you or someone you know is having an issue with getting a passport or need help with a federal agency, please contact my office. We’re here to serve you.
September 15, 2022
Last year, I nominated 15 outstanding students from Colorado’s Third District to attend the U.S. Service Academies. I look forward to nominating another phenomenal group of students this year as well, and I hope that interested high school students and their families will tune into this virtual information session to learn more about serving our country and these higher education opportunities.
Federal Agency Help

Find out how I can assist with issues you may be having with a federal agency.