The United States Embassy in The Bahamas
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Applying for a U.S. Passport

U.S. citizens resident in The Bahamas can submit their application for a new or renewed passport to the American Citizen Services unit in Nassau. All routine applications will be sent to the National Passport Processing Center in New Hampshire for processing, so that a passport incorporating a digitized image and other enhanced security features can be issued. This process can take several weeks, but it will ensure that U.S. citizens have the securest travel document possible. Please apply early for renewal of expiring passports.

U.S. embassies and consulates can issue passports that are needed for urgent, emergency travel. However, such passports will be limited in validity, and cannot be extended. Bearers will be required to exchange, at no additional cost, their limited-validity passports for a full-validity digitized passports upon completion of their urgent travel.

Please click the links at the right for more information on applying for a U.S. passport, passport application forms and requirements, and other travel-related information.

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Related Links:
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 Passport FAQ
 Passport Applications
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