The United States Embassy in The Bahamas
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Bahamas Travel Info

The Bahamas is an English-speaking Caribbean nation composed of hundreds of islands covering a territory approximately the size of California. Tourism and financial services comprise the two largest sectors of the economy. The capital, Nassau, is located on New Providence Island.

To enter The Bahamas, U.S. citizens must present original proof of U.S. citizenship and a return ticket. A passport is recommended as it eases processing upon return to the U.S. Voter registration cards, Social Security cards, driver's licenses, affidavits, and other similar documents are not acceptable as proof of U.S. citizenship. U.S. citizens do not need to obtain visas for stays of up to one month. Please see the downloads to the right for the latest entry requirements.

The hurricane season in The Bahamas runs from June 1 to November 30, with August, September, and early October the times of highest risk. Major hurricanes can strike unpredictably, causing extensive property damage and loss of life. Visitors should monitor weather forecasts closely. Be prepared to seek the nearest hurricane shelter or evacuate to the United States.

For further information on traveling to The Bahamas, please click on the links and downloads listed to the right.

Latest News:
 Seized Cocaine Turned Over To Federal Law Enforcement Officials
 Travel Advisory Following Hurricanes Frances and Jeanne
 Federal Voting Assistance Program Improves Access To Website
 Ambassador Rood Makes Ticket Presentation To Bahamian Officials
 Courier Information for Absentee Voters

Latest Downloads:
 Click to download Spring Break Info
 Click to download Entry Requirements

Related Links:
 Travel Warnings
 Travel Tips
 State Dept Travel Site
 Registration with Embassies
 Consular Information
 Center for Disease Control
 Background Note
Web Site Design & Hosting by Thyme Online Ltd. Maintained by the US Embassy in Nassau, The Bahamas
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