The United States Embassy in The Bahamas
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Management Section

The Management Section provides the administrative support platform for the entire U.S. Mission to the Bahamas and is part of the Department of State. It is comprised of both direct hire American Officers and Specialists as well as locally engaged Bahamian and American staff. There are approximately 50 people detailed to the Management section. The head of section is a Foreign Service Management Officer, who oversees the following sub-sections: Budget and Fiscal, Facilities Maintenance, General Services Operations, Human Resources, Information Technology, and Medical/Health Unit Services.

The Budget and Fiscal Section (B&F;) is headed by a senior Bahamian employee, under the direct supervision of the Management Officer. B&F; handles not only cashiering operations but also time and attendance, utility and housing payments, as well as payments to all mission vendors. The General Services Officer oversees the GSO section and it's large staff, which assists the mission and official personnel in the areas of housing, customs and shipping, motor pool, procurement and supply. In addition, the GSO also oversees the Facilities Maintenance Section, which maintains four large U.S. government-owned properties including the chancery and the Chief of Mission Residence (CMR).

The Human Resources Section, headed by a senior Bahamian employee under the direction of the Management Officer, is responsible for all personnel matters including adherence to local labor laws and practices, the Local Compensation Plan for locally engaged staff, as well as maintaining post personnel records for both American and LES staff. The Information Technology (IT) office, under the direction of the Information Management Officer (IMO) oversees all communications and IT assets including Wide Area Networks (WANS), software applications, computer hardware, IT procurement, satellites, cryptographic equipment, phone systems, UHF and HF radios and diplomatic pouch services. In addition to the IMO, the IT section also has an Information Systems Officer and Information Management Specialist who assist with various security and technology related issues. A locally engaged American nurse heads the Medical Office/Health Unit with technical support from the Ft. Lauderdale Regional Center.

The Health Unit is co-located at the Walk-In Clinic in Sandyport (on the west side of New Providence) and handles medical evacuations, vaccinations, medical consultation and referrals.

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