The United States Embassy in The Bahamas
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The Bahamas

Hurricane/Tropical Storm Information

The Bahamas, like all countries in and near the Caribbean Sea, is potentially at risk from hurricanes. The official hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30, although hurricanes have been known to form in other months. August, September, and early October are traditionally the months of highest risk.

Major hurricanes can cause extensive property damage and loss of life. Do not be caught unprepared! Develop a personal hurricane plan for yourself and your family!


Hurricane Kit: Click here to see the list of recommended hurricane preparations. Please assemble these items now, before a storm is imminent. Test your battery-powered flashlights and radios ahead of time, to be certain they work.

Evacuation Options: If your residence is on the ocean or not strongly-built, consider your evacuation options now. The attached list of shelters has been prepared by the Government of the Bahamas. Take the time to locate one or two near your home in case of emergency. Be prepared to bring all of your own supplies and bedding to the shelters, as they have very limited facilities. Another option is to stay with a friend or relative with a more-secure dwelling. A third option is to leave the island by air for a safe-haven in the United States. Please be aware that a major hurricane which threatens Nassau will also pose a serious threat to South Florida. Do no evacuate to Miami Beach, the Florida Keys, or other areas in Florida that are themselves a serious risk from hurricanes.

Watchful Waiting: During the hurricane season, pay close attention to weather forecasts. The Bahamas Government will issue regular bulletins on local radio stations. Miami television stations and the Weather Channel (carried by Cable Bahamas) are also good sources of news. Internet sites such as and also provide timely weather information.

When a Hurricane Threatens: Review your own personal preparations. If you intend to evacuate. get your airline ticket and travel as soon as possible. Aircrafts will not operate in hurricane conditions. If you plan to stay, re-check your supplies and secure your home. Pay close attention to Bahamian Government bulletins on the local radio.

If you are a guest in a hotel: The major hotels have hurricane plans. Return to your hotel and follow the instructions given by the management. If a decision is made to cut short your stay and evacuate you early, please comply. In many cases the hotel or resort will provide some form of compensation for missed vacation days.


If you are a passenger on a cruise ship: Please return to your ship and follow the instructions given by a captain and ship's officers.

If you are aboard a private boat: Contact the Coast Guard or the Bahamas Air-Sea Rescue Association (BASRA) for advice. Do not attempt to ride out a major hurricane in a small boat.

After the Storm: Be vary careful when emerging from your home or shelter after the hurricane passes. Live electric wires may be down, and some buildings may be structurally unsafe. Rely on your hurricane kit for food and drinking water until you are informed that local supplies are safe to consume. Since roads may be flooded or blocked by fallen debris, avoid automobile travel unless absolutely necessary. the U.S. Embassy will attempt to assist injured or stranded American citizens, but telephones and other means of communication may be unavailable in the days immediately after a storm. Routine Embassy services will be restored as soon as possible, given the local circumstances.


  • Maintain an adequate amount of gas in your personal vehicle (1/2 tank or more) in the event you must move to a safer location.
  • Stay away from areas in your home which contain large picture windows or large amounts of glass.
  • Maintain a flashlight with extra batteries, candles and matches (in a waterproof container). The candles will allow you to conserve the flashlight batteries in an extended power outage.
  • Maintain a portable battery operated radio to stay abreast of the latest tracking of tropical storms and hurricanes.
  • Secure important documents (passports, medical records, credit cards, and money) in an area which is dry and safe that allows easy access.
  • Review food supplies for easy prepared foods, that require little or no heat and preparation.
  • Maintain a well-stocked supply of potable water, 3 gallons of water per person, per day, (1 gallon for sanitation and 2 gallons for consumption and cooking).
  • Keep a small medical kit easily accessible for emergency use.

Post the following list of useful emergency numbers near your home telephone.

  • Hospital - 322-2861
  • Ambulance - 322-2861
  • Air Ambulance - 327-7077
  • Fire - 919
  • BASRA - 646-6395 OR 359-4888
  • Police - 911, 919 OR 322-4444
  • Electrical Power Outage - 323-5561/4
  • Water & Sewerage 24 hrs - 325-0505 OR 325-4505
  • Hospital - 352-6735
  • Ambulance - 352-2689
  • Fire - 919
  • Fire (Freeport) - 352-8888
  • Fire (Eight Mile Rock & West End) - 348-34444
  • BASRA - 322-3877 OR 325-8864
  • Police (Freeprot) - 919
  • Police (Eight Mile Rock) 348-6444
  • Police (West End) 346-6444
  • Electrical Power Outage - 352-8411
  • Electrical Power Outage (Eight Mile Rock & West End) 348-2345
  • Water (Freeport) - 352-8411
  • Telephone Repairs - 914

Emergency Hurricane Shelters - Nassau

Know the location of the nearest emergency shelter which include:

Aquinas College - Madeira Street
Bahamas Academy - Madeira Street
Baptist Bible Church - Soldier Road
Bethel Baptist Church - Meeting Street
C.H. Reeves - Robinson Road
C.R. Walker - Blue Hill Road
Calvary Bible Church - Collins Avenue
Church of Christ - Kemp Road
Church of God Auditorium - Joe Farrington Rd
Claridge Primary School - Claridge Road
College of The Bahamas - Oakes Field
E.P. Roberts Primary School - Lincoln Blvd.
Evangelistic Temple - Collins Ave.
East St. Gospel Chapel - East Street
Epworth Hall - Shirley Street
Gambier Village School- Gambier Village
Golden Gates Assemble - Golden Gates
Hillview Seventh Day - Harrold Road
Holy Epiphany Church - Prince Charles
Holy Family Church - Robinson Road
Jehovah's Witness Headquarters - Dolphin Drive
Kemp Road Baptist Church - Kemp Road
Mission Baptist Church - Hay Street
Mt. Tabor Union Baptist Church - Pinewood Gardens
Nassau Christian Academy - Soldier Road
New Bethlehem Baptist Church - Independence Drive
New Covenant Baptist Church - Independence Drive
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church - Joan's Height
Our Lady's Church Hall - Deveaux Street
Queen's College - Village Road
Salem Union Baptist Church - Taylor Street
Salvation Army - Meadow Street
Salvation Army - Mackey Street
Sandilands Primary School - Fox Hill
Sir Gerald Cash Primary School - Flamingo Gardens
St. Augustine's Monastery - Bernard Road
St. Barnabas Church Hall - Wulff Road
St. Bede's Church Hall - Sutton Street
St. Gregory Church Hall - Carmichael Road
St. James Parish Church - St. James Road
St. Michael's Youth Centre - Church Hill Ave.
St. Thomas Moore School - Palmdale Ave.
Wesley Methodist Church - Baillou Hill Road
Woodcock Primary School - Hospital Lane
Worker's House - Harrold Road
Zion Baptist Church - South Beach

If You plan to go to a hurricane shelter you should bring:

  • Water (1 - 2 quarts per person per day)
  • Canned foods, Milk & Beverages
  • Baby Food, Diapers, etc.
  • Medicine
  • Toilet Paper, Towelettes
  • Battery operated Radio
  • Flashlight
  • Portable Ice Chest
  • Eating Utensils
  • Blankets or Sleeping Bag
  • Identification and Valuable Papers
  • Cards, Games, Books

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Latest Downloads:
 Click to download International Religious Freedom Report 2004
 Click to download 2003 Human Rights Report

Related Links:
 Yahoo Travel - Bahamas
 What's On Bahamas
 Lonely Planet - Bahamas
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