The United States Embassy in The Bahamas
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Contacting the Embassy

Business Hours for the U.S. Embassy are as follows:

Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

The Embassy is closed on American and Bahamian Holidays

General Contact Details

Telephone: (242) 322-1181

Mailing Address: The U.S. Embassay,
P.O. Box N-8197
Nassau, Bahamas


American Citizen Services

Telephone: (242) 322-1181


Mailing Address: American Citizens Services
Consular Section
U.S. Embassy
P.O. Box N-8197
Nassau, The Bahamas

Mailing address (From US): American Citizens Services
Consular Section
3370 Nassau Place
Washington, DC 20521-3370

Visa Services


Latest Downloads:
 Click here to Download Change in Consular Section Hours
 Click here to Download International Religious Freedom Report 2004
 Click here to Download U.S./Haiti Relations
 Click here to Download Remarks upon Presentation of Credentials
 Click here to Download Official remarks at Swearing in Ceremony, Washington D.C.

Related Links:
 US Dept of State
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