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The United States Embassy in The Bahamas
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</td> <td valign=top width=496> <div class=content><a name="content"></a> <h1 class=baseline>Departments</h1> <h2>US Customs & Border Protection (CBP)</h2> <h3>Preclearance Operations</h3> <p>Department of Homeland Security<br> The Bahamas</p> <p> Most inspection services are conducted within the borders of one s Country. In Pre-clearance, inspections are performed completely within another sovereign nation. Preclearance for US Customs and Border Protection is established through Bilateral Agreements signed between the United States Government and the host nation. Preclearance has been operating in Nassau and Freeport for almost 30 years. </p> <p> Safeguard America s homeland at and beyond our borders. </p> <h3>One Unified Goal</h3> <p>CBP is now integrated. CBP became an official agency of the Department of Homeland Security on March 1, 2003, combining employees from the Department of Agriculture, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the Border Patrol and the U.S. Customs Service. For the first time in our nation's history, people and goods arriving at American ports of entry are greeted by one single agency with one unified goal: to facilitate legitimate trade and travel while utilizing all of the resources at our disposal to protect and defend the United States from those who would do us harm. We are combining our skills and resources, to make sure that we will be far more effective and efficient than we were when border responsibilities were fragmented into four agencies, in three different departments of government.</p> <h3>Priority Mission and Responsibility for Customs and Border Protection </h3> <ol compact type="1"> <li> Prevent terrorists and terrorist weapons/instruments from entering the United States. </li> <li>Responsible for apprehending individuals attempting to enter the United States illegally, stemming the flow of illegal drugs and other contraband; protecting our agricultural and economic interests from harmful pests and diseases; and regulating and facilitating international trade, collecting import duties, and enforcing U.S. trade laws.</li> <li>We are Guardian s of Our Nation s Borders & America s Frontline.</li> <li>We Serve American public with vigilance, integrity, and professionalism.</li> </ol> <h3>One Agency, One Goal</h3> <p> Cooperation is the cornerstone of CBP's success. It starts with four agencies coming together to work as one and it continues with CBP working hand-in-glove with other agencies to coordinate information sharing and operations. It is the basis of our partnership with the trade community to develop, enhance and maintain security processes throughout the global supply chain and to stem the illegal export of equipment, technology and munitions to unauthorized destinations. The men and women of Customs and Border Protection are committed to our critical mission, dedicated to keeping America safe, and proud to serve our country with integrity and honor. </p> <h3>Statistics for Preclearance in The Bahamas:</h3> <p> 1.474 million passengers  Nassau 1.123 million and Freeport .351 million </p> <p> Denied Entry to 1,200 applicants </p> <p> Intercepted approx. 100 criminal aliens </p> <p> Customs Seized more than: </p> <ul compact type="disc"> <li>50 pounds cocaine; </li> <li> 68 pounds MJ; </li> <li> $200K currency; </li> <li> $73K Merchandise.</li> </ul> <p> AG: </p> <ul compact type="disc"> <li>Inspected 55K; </li> <li> Seized 10,500 prohibited items; </li> <li> 134 Actionable Pests Found. </li> </ul> <p> Staffing and Hours Of Operation: </p> <ul> <li> Nassau  55 Employees 5:15 AM  8:30 PM</li> <li> Freeport  20 Employees 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM</li> </ul> <p> Total CBP Employees in Bahamas - 75 </p> <p> Additional Benefits for Preclearance vs. Postclearance at POE s located inside United States : </p> <ul type="disc"> <li>Inadmissible aliens are refused on a foreign country s soil. Cases of serious law violations are turned over to the Royal Bahamian Police Force for prosecution in Bahamian courts. Illegal contraband, drugs, WMD intercepted prior to passenger boarding the plane.</li> <li>Terrorists or those connected to terrorism intercepted prior to entry into the United States. </li> <li>Passengers can travel to any airport in United States, even those without already established Federal Inspection Services.</li> <li>Passengers avoid long lines that occur in the major metropolitan airports when thousands are seeking Immigration clearance during peak arrival times.</li> <li>Passengers can easily schedule connecting flights, as they know there will not be Immigration or Customs delays upon arrival. </li> <li>Absolves Carriers of all responsibility for transporting any illegal or undocumented aliens. Airlines are not subject to heavy fines and are spared lengthy or costly fine mitigation proceedings. </li> <li>Aliens and Citizens are inspected and examined for admission prior to boarding the plane. </li> <li>Alleviates overcrowding in certain airports such as Miami, NYC, Atlanta, etc. </li> <li>Helps in keeping inadmissible aliens from US shores where they often have to be detained pending court hearings; appeals; claims of asylum, etc.</li> <li>Saves expenditures of significant resources such as detention costs when inadmissible aliens are inspected upon arrival in the United States.</li> <li>Beneficial to Host Country for ease of reentry for US by tourists who visit the Bahamas. </li> <li>Pre-clearance allows admissible Bahamian citizens to visit the US without the required State Department visitor s visa, when traveling from Nassau or Freeport Airports.</li> <li>For the Bahamian Government and for tourists, it is Better in the Bahamas,  including the ease of returning home after vacations and visits. </li> </ul> <br><br></div> </td> <td width=140 valign=top style="background:#b5d6ff"><?php $page="INS"; include('includes/rhs.php'); ?></td> </tr> </table> <?php include('includes/footer.php'); ?> </body> </html>