The United States Embassy in The Bahamas
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Naval Liaison Office

The United States Naval Liaison Officer (NLO) is assigned to the American Embassy Nassau. The NLO supports and assists the Government of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas (GCOB) Ministries of National Security, Foreign Affairs, Public Works and Transport, Health and Education, the Department of Civil Aviation, the Freeport and Nassau Port Authorities and the Royal Bahamas Defense and Police Forces, regarding military and security matters and programs, and civil/disaster relief assistance.

The mission of the NLO is to execute the U. S. Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM) theater engagement plan by providing the friendly democratic government of the Bahamas with positive U. S. training and assistance programs.

The NLO is the Senior U. S. Department of Defense Representative (USDR) to the Bahamas. The NLO mediates official matters between the GCOB and the U.S. government concerning the civilian contractor operated U.S. Navy Atlantic Undersea Test & Evaluation Center (AUTEC) located on Andros Island. The NLO is the military advisor to the Ambassador regarding military and force protection matters, and represents USSOUTHCOM in military matters within the Mission.

The NLO workload is divided up with 80% of the time directed towards Security Assistance Office (SAO) projects which include: International Military Education and Training (IMET) funded by the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA); Joint Combined Exercises and Training (JCET) by U.S. Special Forces, Joint Chief of Staff (JCS) Exercises; USSOUTHCOM-sponsored training activities and conferences (theater engagement); New Horizons Exercises and construction projects and Foreign Military Sales (FMS) and Foreign Military Financing (FMF) programs administered by the Navy International Programs Office (NIPO). The remaining 20% of the workload is divided up between military ship, aircraft and personnel diplomatic clearances, USN/USCG ship port visit coordination, Embassy Official/Protocol Functions, AUTEC issues, Disaster Relief preparations and Law Enforcement, including counter drug and illegal migrant interdiction, and Search and Rescue (SAR) operations when required.

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