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Federal Voting Assistance Program Improves Access To Website

Published: 30/09/2004

In response to concerns from citizens residing overseas, access to the
Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) website at has been modified to further increase the number of Internet service providers able to access the site.

The following website addresses will also allow access to the FVAP website:

While the changes will make the FVAP website accessible to most users, it does not automatically guarantee 100% access to the site. There are many networks that make up the Internet, and some of these networks may employ independent protection mechanisms that prevent communication with the system.

Questions regarding the above may also be referred to the Director, Federal Voting Assistance Program, Department of Defense, 1155 Defense Pentagon, Washington DC 20301-1155. Additionally, the FVAP can be reached via e-mail at


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